The Super Farm System/C15 A Calamity Turned into a Blessing
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The Super Farm System/C15 A Calamity Turned into a Blessing
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C15 A Calamity Turned into a Blessing

Upon receiving the news, Chung Yuan was immediately thrilled!

He had been somewhat unsure of himself, but never imagined the other party would actually make a move against him!

Yet, they did.

Without overthinking it, Chung Yuan simply aimed to give them a lesson, and to his surprise, he unlocked an achievement in the process!

What was there left to fear?

The fight had barely started when onlookers began to gather around.

"Hey, isn't this Reunion Restaurant? What's going on? Are they reopening?"

"Wow, look at that, the whole place is on a one-time sale!"

"Pfft! I wouldn't eat there if they paid me—it's awful! The owner has no class, no sense of customer service. I'm never going back!"

"Be grateful! You've clearly never been truly hungry. When you're starving, you'll eat anything. Ever tried tree bark? I chewed on it when I was a kid! Having anything to eat is a blessing!"

"Isn't that Manager Wang from Happiness Restaurant? Chung Yuan's got some nerve to hit him!"

"Didn't Manager Wang hit Chung Yuan before? They must have a vendetta!"

"How can you compare the two? Manager Wang runs Happiness Restaurant and has extensive connections. What's Chung Yuan got to compete with that?"


Those in the know began to speak up, convinced that Chung Yuan was digging his own grave!

Manager Wang, seeing the crowd swell, knew he was at fault, but more critically, he realized he was no match for Chung Yuan!

He had underestimated the seemingly timid and weak man who had hidden depths of strength.

"Fine! Chung Yuan, you're tough, I'll give you that! But you just wait!"

A true expert reveals his skill with a single move!

Manager Wang had been in his fair share of fights, but Chung Yuan's moves were too quick, too fierce; he couldn't keep up!

So, he concluded that he was outmatched by Chung Yuan!

If the fight continued, he'd be the only one to lose out!

With that, Manager Wang dropped a threatening line and plotted to return after the restaurant closed, bringing reinforcements to settle the score!

"One percent off? Oh my god, I'm famished... Maybe I should give it a shot here?"

"I'd rather starve than eat here!"

"Come on! Having something to eat is a blessing. At one percent off... I bet a few bucks will get me full! Let's give it a go..."

"Is this place under new management? Maybe there's a new chef? Could the food taste better? Let's find out!"


Chung Yuan was taken aback to see that, even after Manager Wang had departed, the crowd lingered instead of dispersing!

Many were mesmerized by the discount sign at the entrance, debating whether to venture in for a taste.

Some were utterly disillusioned with Reunion Restaurant, vowing not to step foot inside even if it were free!

Yet others, bold and hopeful, decided to take a chance on Reunion Restaurant once more, mainly enticed by the low prices. With a 'nothing to lose' attitude, they made their way inside.

Unexpectedly, this stroke of misfortune turned into a boon, attracting a significant number of new patrons!

A hundred onlookers!

Merely forty stepped inside!

Barely forty percent!

And upon seeing the menu, which boasted only two dishes, another wave of customers was deterred.

Forty entered, twenty left immediately!

Just two dishes – what's the point?

What could possibly be appetizing?

Of the twenty remaining, only half placed an order. The rest were torn, contemplating whether to dine here or not. With such limited options, some preferred to pay a bit more for a greater variety.

After much deliberation, only thirteen decided to order.

That was quite an achievement!

"Wow! Dad, you're incredible!"

Upon entering, Chung Yuanyuan spread her arms wide and joyfully lunged toward Chung Yuan!

But then, out of nowhere, Chung Tuantuan appeared!

He bolted down from the second floor, his face beaming with admiration, exclaiming with excitement,

"Dad! Dad! You're beyond amazing, even cooler than our coach!"

Chung Tuantuan's passion for combat sports and martial arts wasn't just for fun or because it was cool; it was also driven by the Cheng family's years of hardship, which had instilled in him a determination to strive and succeed.

Chung Tuantuan's heart ached for his parents, who were often the targets of bullying. He made a silent vow to himself that he would one day shield them from such humiliation, ensuring they would never again suffer such indignities.

The incident with Manager Wang storming into the restaurant was a prime example of the bullying they faced. It was utterly despicable!

Yet, Chung Tuantuan hadn't anticipated the ferocity of Chung Yuan. The way he had just dodged and thrown punches was so impressive that Tuantuan believed even their coach couldn't match it!

"There you go, be good, you two. I'm off to cook for the guests!"

Chung Yuan settled the two little ones at the front desk before heading into the kitchen to get busy.

Once seated, the guests began to scan the room curiously. Their gazes eventually landed on a couple cozily tucked in the corner, and a uniquely tantalizing aroma of rice wafted over to them.

"Hey, girl, is it good?"

The couple was unflappable, continuing to savor their meal even as the restaurant owner had just been brawling at the entrance. The reason was nothing short of the pumpkin fried rice's irresistible allure—it was simply unparalleled!

They were convinced that leaving any uneaten would be a travesty. They would finish their meal, even if it meant doing so over the prone body of Chung Yuan!

The young man's face lit up with excitement as he raved, "Delicious! Absolutely delicious! The pumpkin fried rice is a must-try. The Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice is tasty, sure, but it pales in comparison to the pumpkin fried rice! Still, it's slightly better than what you'd get at other places!"

The woman nodded vigorously, affirming the young man's claims, "It's true! The pumpkin fried rice is incredibly good! I usually eat so little, but I could go for two helpings of this!"

The restaurant erupted with calls of approval.

"Boss, change my Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice to pumpkin fried rice, please!"

"Boss, I want to switch to pumpkin fried rice too!"

"And for me, make all four of my servings pumpkin fried rice!"


No sooner had the words left his mouth than the restaurant's glass door was flung open with a resounding crash!

Liu Lang and Zhang Zhuo, faces flushed from the heat of the spice, rushed back in a frenzy.

Chung Yuanyuan quickly set down her yogurt on the counter, "Uncle, what's with the heat? Quick, have some milk to cool down!"

Zhang Zhuo flashed Chung Yuanyuan a grin, then stuck out his tongue, panting like a pug, while his fingers eagerly mimed his order.

"Let me have... eight servings of that Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice, to go... I want my crew and the boss to give it a try! Whew... it's so spicy. I'll start with a bottle of milk! Put it on my tab! Whew... eight servings, and make it snappy!"

Chung Yuanyuan's face lit up with a smile as she spun around and called out to the kitchen, "Dad! Cancel nine servings of the Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice and whip up eight servings of the Late Spicy Muscle Braised Rice instead!"

Liu Lang propped himself against the counter, facing the patrons of the restaurant, fanning his mouth non-stop.

Feeling a bit sheepish under their gazes, he struck up a conversation.

"Anyone here tried the Late Spicy Muscle Braised Rice? It's outrageously good! Puts the pumpkin fried rice to shame, I tell you! You've got to give it a go... Whew... it's killer spicy! But fair warning to the spice-averse, it's not for the faint of heart – you might not handle the heat!"

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