The Super Farm System/C18 His Eyes Opened
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The Super Farm System/C18 His Eyes Opened
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C18 His Eyes Opened

"Just this?"

Chung Yuan flashed a grin. "And here I was, thinking it was some major issue!"

"It's far from just that!"

Manager Wang's gaze turned steely as he snapped, "You also assaulted me tonight! A punch and a kick—you're going to compensate for those! Twenty thousand for the punch, fifty thousand for the kick! If you don't cough up the cash, you can kiss your restaurant goodbye today!"

"Come on, Manager Wang, let's talk this out. Why the hostility? Let's keep things civil. Have your men lower their sticks first, will you?"

"Cut the chatter. Write down that recipe and then hustle back to the kitchen to cook!"

With that, Manager Wang slammed the shutter door down and arrogantly took a seat in the living room.

A rod was jabbing at Chung Yuan's nose, so close he couldn't even throw a punch!

Chung Yuan wasn't sure about the extent of his martial arts prowess; he feared that if he made a move, he'd get a rod to the nose first!

But he was also deeply puzzled.

The guy had never dined at his place, so how did he know about the delectable taste of his Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice?

And this wasn't the first time Manager Wang had shown up here.

Who could have spilled the beans?

But, in the grand scheme of things, it was irrelevant. Sooner or later, they would find out.

If he was to break out from Jinling Street and expand, taking down Happiness Restaurant was inevitable.

It was merely the first step.

In truth, both restaurants had their strengths; there was no need for such drastic measures.

Chung Yuan had no qualms about that. On such a long street, wasn't there room for more than one successful eatery?

Coexistence was entirely possible!

But with the other party wielding sticks and threats, it was clear they had no interest in cohabitation.

Well, they couldn't blame him for not playing nice then.

"Fine! I'll grab a pen."

Chung Yuan stepped back, and noticing the thug's stick didn't follow, he'd created some space.

In a swift motion, he grabbed the assailant's stick!

This move sent a shock through the aggressors, who instantly realized Chung Yuan's intent.

He was fighting back!

"You're courting death!" Manager Wang bellowed, signaling his goons. The six burly men lifted their sticks and swung them down on Chung Yuan in unison.

Chung Yuan moved with the agility of a monkey, swiftly sidestepping to avoid the sticks wielded by six attackers. In a flash, he grabbed a set of tableware from the table and hurled it at them!

The burly man nearest to Chung Yuan saw the flying cutlery and quickly shielded his head with his arm.

Seizing the moment, Chung Yuan launched into a running side kick, toppling the big man and, in the process, knocking down another hefty man behind him!

Their numbers were quickly reduced by two.

The remaining four assailants swung their sticks at him again, but Chung Yuan yanked a table in front of him for protection. With strength ten times that of an average person, he effortlessly swung the table as if it were light as a feather. After deflecting their blows, he tossed the table onto three of the men, pinning them to the ground!

The last man, his face twisted with ferocity, attempted to strike, but Chung Yuan was quicker. He stomped on one end of a fallen stick, catapulting it into the air, and with unerring precision, he caught it and slammed it down onto the shoulder of the man opposite him!

Meanwhile, that man's stick was descending towards Chung Yuan's head!

It was a contest of speed, and Chung Yuan was clearly the faster one!

His extraordinary speed was no mere boast; he struck first, his stick connecting with the man's shoulder!

A sickening crack sounded, and it seemed as if the man's bones had splintered. He collapsed to the ground, motionless.

"Damn it..."

The entire confrontation, from Chung Yuan's first move to the last man down, lasted less than two minutes!

Manager Wang had expected to comfortably enjoy the spectacle, but to his dismay, the toughs he'd hired were no match at all.

He spat a curse and leapt to his feet, intending to come to the aid of his fallen men. Just then, a glint of light caught his eye, and a knife landed with a thud on the table next to him.

His hand was resting on that very table!

The blade of the knife had lodged itself precisely between his fingers!

A fraction more, and he would have lost those fingers!

Chung Yuan had thrown the knife, and even he was taken aback by the close call!

He had aimed for the center of the table, but the knife had found its way into the gaps between the man's fingers instead!

Chung Yuan knew he wasn't skilled with throwing knives and vowed never to attempt it again. However, despite the errant throw, it had the desired effect. In that moment, he couldn't let on that it was a mistake; he had to act as if he'd meant to throw it that way all along.

"Next time, this knife's going to find your forehead!"

Manager Wang recoiled in terror, his face beading with cold sweat.

How had Chung Yuan, once considered worthless, suddenly become so formidable?

It was one thing for Manager Wang to be outmatched, but now, with six men, they still couldn't take him down?

Was this kid cheating?

"Chung Yuan, you..."

Manager Wang's heart was pounding, just as he was about to speak.

Then, a child's voice echoed from the stairway.


Tears streamed down Chung Yuanyuan's cheeks as she hurried down the stairs.

The burly man, still seething from Chung Yuan's kick, was taken aback when he saw Chung Yuanyuan emerge, calling out "Daddy" to Chung Yuan.

His rage surged, and he lunged at Chung Yuanyuan.

"You're asking for it!"

Chung Yuan's Achilles' heel was his children; threaten them, and he'd take your life.

At the stairway, Chung Yuan, and the burly man formed a tense triangle, equidistant from Chung Yuanyuan.

Seeing the man charge at his daughter, Chung Yuan sprang into action, intercepting him midway.

Meanwhile, Chung Yuanyuan, terrified by the man's approach, broke down in tears.

Chung Tuantuan, her brother, dashed forward, placing his slight frame protectively in front of her. His young face showed no hint of fear.

He had studied martial arts, and the first lesson was to conquer the fear of an oncoming opponent.

It was the starting point, and even without formal training, Chung Tuantuan wouldn't back down.

Suddenly, a dark figure shot out from halfway and landed a kick on the man's shoulder!

One kick sent him flying ten meters!


Chung Yuan's roar accompanied the man as he soared like a kicked ball over the dining tables and slammed into the restaurant wall.

From Chung Yuan to the wall, there was a mere ten meters!

Without that wall, the big man would have soared even farther!

"Holy shit..."


"What the..."

The five burly men, Manager Wang, Chung Tuantuan, and Chung Yuanyuan, who had just picked themselves up off the ground, were utterly astonished!

That kick was like something straight out of a martial arts novel—the legendary crippling kick!

It must have packed at least a thousand kilograms of force!

Even seasoned martial artists might struggle to send someone flying that far!

It was like a revelation, as if someone had been metaphorically stabbed in the butt—eye-opening, to say the least!

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