The Super Farm System/C2 Super Farm
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The Super Farm System/C2 Super Farm
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C2 Super Farm

So, it turns out that a single day in the Real World is the equivalent of a hundred days on the Super Farm.


Typically, vegetables and crops take about a hundred days to mature, but for Chung Yuan, that's just one day in the Real World.

That's like gaining a hundredfold in efficiency!

Filled with excitement, Chung Yuan opened the system menu to reveal a shopping mall interface.

Below the shop, numerous functions were locked, their labels dimmed and indecipherable.

Curious, Chung Yuan clicked around.


To unlock this function, upgrade the Super Farm to Level 2.


To unlock this function, upgrade the Super Farm to Level 3.


System prompts like these echoed in his mind.

Chung Yuan checked the Super Farm's stats: Level 1, zero experience points, with 300 more needed to level up.

"System, how does the Super Farm level up?"

He inquired.

The system promptly responded.


Every interaction with the Super Farm accumulates experience points."

Chung Yuan's eyes sparkled at the news.

Just interactions?

Piece of cake!

He went straight to the System Merchant Shop, the only option currently illuminated.

In the currency display's top right corner, Chung Yuan had a thousand Farm Coins at his disposal.

Everything in the System Merchant Shop was purchasable with Farm Coins.

He quickly surveyed the available items—quite limited and mundane: hoes, fertilizer, water, and common summer vegetables.

He could also convert them into RMB at a 1:1 ratio.

And with higher Super Farm levels, he could access even better items.

Chung Yuan bought a hoe and set to work on the land.

Tilling a mere hundred square meters was a breeze, and he finished without breaking a sweat.

Then, in the system's earnings tab, a new message appeared:

Experience Points +50.

A slight smile played on Chung Yuan's lips as he then purchased fertilizer, water, and pumpkin seeds from the System Merchant Shop and meticulously planted the pumpkins.

He chose pumpkins because those in his real-world garden were just ripe.

Everything within the Super Farm could be transported back to the real world.

The pumpkins grown from this soil were, of course, edible.

Chung Yuan seized the opportunity to sample the flavor of these pumpkins.

Experience Points +50.

A new entry popped up in the system's income ledger.


As this is your first planting on the Super Farm, congratulations on achieving a milestone. You've been awarded a One-click Harvest Power. Would you like to use it immediately?"

"One-click Harvest?" Chung Yuan murmured, slightly confused, "What's that?"


One-click Harvest bypasses the crop's growth period.

For instance, with the pumpkins you've just sown, using One-click Harvest will allow you to instantly gather all the mature pumpkins.

Additionally, using One-click Harvest Power increases the likelihood of crop mutations by an extra 50%."

"Mutation?" Chung Yuan was taken aback, "Can crops actually mutate?"


Any crop cultivated on the Super Farm has the potential to mutate, creating entirely new species.

Since this is your first time using One-click Harvest Power, you're guaranteed a 100% chance of mutation.

Would you like to use this power now?"

"Now," Chung Yuan commanded internally.

He was curious to see what sort of mutation might occur with these pumpkins.


One-click Harvest Power activated successfully.

Congratulations, you've harvested 16 standard pumpkins and 1 mutated pumpkin."

As the system's voice faded, Chung Yuan's vision blurred momentarily before a heap of freshly picked pumpkins materialized before him.

A short distance away lay a large pile of withered pumpkin vines.

Witnessing this, Chung Yuan was astounded.

He approached and crouched down to inspect the pumpkins more closely.

Their fresh scent was even more invigorating than those in the real world, instantly lifting his spirits and whetting his appetite.

They were bound to taste excellent.

Chung Yuan quietly surmised.


You may decide what to do with these pumpkins and vines. Of course, you can also return them to the system."

Recycling them was obviously the best option.

Without hesitation, Chung Yuan recycled the pumpkin vines back to the system. Their value was minimal, and he ended up earning a mere 10 Farm Coins.

Chung Yuan returned to the pumpkin patch and began to dig through the pile until he unearthed a Mutated Golden Pumpkin hidden at the very bottom.

This pumpkin was quite small, just a tad larger than a fist, yet it shone with an eye-catching golden sheen.

"This..." A look of astonishment spread across Chung Yuan's face. "Could this actually be gold?"

He ran his hand over it and confirmed it felt like metal. Lifting it confirmed its considerable weight.

Still, this wasn't conclusive proof it was gold.

Chung Yuan accessed the System Merchant Shop and located an item called the "Treasure Appraisal Magnifying Glass."

Priced at 100 Farm Coins each, it was pricey, but its capabilities were impressive—it could reveal the intricate details of any mutated species.

However, it was a one-time-use item.


With a determined bite of his lip, Chung Yuan made the purchase.

After appraising the Mutated Golden Pumpkin, the verdict was in: a Huaxia Bank Commemorative Golden Pumpkin, AU999.9, weighing 5000g!

Holy cow!

Chung Yuan was utterly astounded.

It was genuine gold!

He had assumed that a mutation might at best make it taste better or imbue it with special properties.

But for it to transform into pure gold was beyond his wildest dreams.

Chung Yuan involuntarily swallowed hard.

What was the going rate for 9999 gold?

Over 400 yuan per gram.

At ten pounds, that would be over two million yuan.

And that was just the raw value of the gold.

Considering its unique status as a "Huaxia Bank Commemorative Golden Pumpkin," its worth was incalculable.

While he could bring it into the real world, frankly, it seemed pointless. It could draw too much attention and potentially lead to severe repercussions.

Chung Yuan opted to recycle it back into the system, and just like that, he pocketed ten million Farm Coins.

Since Farm Coins could be exchanged for RMB on a 1:1 basis, in a sense, Chung Yuan had just raked in an income of ten million.

Experience Points +50.

Experience Points +50.

Two fresh entries of income popped up in his ledger.

Chung Yuan recognized the first as the earnings from all the mature pumpkins he had harvested.

The second was the bonus awarded for reaping a Mutated Golden Pumpkin.

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