The Super Farm System/C21 Gradually Perfected
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The Super Farm System/C21 Gradually Perfected
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C21 Gradually Perfected

A little bit of everything, please!

Pumpkin, potatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, carrots, tomatoes!

Let's spread the wealth evenly!

Meanwhile, Chung Yuan's menu featured a host of new dishes, each tantalizingly tagged with "coming soon"!

For the second day of business tomorrow, Chung Yuan is ramping up the discount to an incredible 80% off!

Fried Rice Series:

"Pumpkin Fried Rice, original price: 10 yuan, now only 2 yuan!"

"Carrot Fried Rice (coming soon, stay tuned)"

"Tomato Fried Rice (coming soon, stay tuned)"


Late Spicy Series

"Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice, original price: 50 yuan, now just 10 yuan!"

"Late Spicy Duck Braised Rice, original price: 50 yuan, now just 10 yuan!"

"Late Spicy Shredded Potatoes, original price: 10 yuan, now a mere 2 yuan!"


Here, the shredded potatoes Chung Yuan used were just regular potatoes with a kick of late spicy peppers!

The rest of the Late Spicy Series also featured plain old veggies!

Of course, there are bound to be dishes that pair these fiery chilies with the fresh produce from Cheng Yuan's Farm!

And Chung Yuan has dubbed the farm's other veggies as part of the "Golden Classic" line!

Take the Golden Classic Late Spicy Shredded Potatoes, for example, made with those same late spicy peppers and the farm's own potatoes!

Though the potatoes aren't harvested yet and Chung Yuan hasn't sampled the flavor, he's confident they'll taste leagues better than your average spud!

This is a surefire hit!

If the standard Late Spicy Shredded Potatoes are going for ten yuan, then surely the Golden Classic version is a steal at fifteen yuan?

Not excessive in the slightest!

Golden Classic Series!

"Golden Classic Shredded Potatoes, original price: 10 yuan, now just 2 yuan (coming soon, anticipation welcome)"

"Golden Classic Eggplant with Pork, original price: 18 yuan, now just 3.6 yuan (coming soon, stay tuned)"

"Golden Classic Carrot Strips, original price: 10 yuan, now only 2 yuan (coming soon, keep an eye out)"

After today, the vegetables at Cheng Yuan's Farm will be ripe for the picking, ready to hit the market!

In addition to the Golden Classic and Late Spicy series, we've got the Golden Classic Late Spicy Series on offer!

This includes dishes like Golden Classic Spicy Potato Strips, Golden Classic Spicy Eggplant with Roast Pork, and Golden Classic Spicy Carrot Shreds, just to name a few!

The Golden Classic Late Spicy Series commands a premium—over five yuan more than the Golden Classic and Late Spicy series!

But first things first, Chung Yuan has a more pressing task at hand: hiring staff!

The menu was crafted in advance to lure in customers.

If all goes well, we expect over eighty percent of yesterday's patrons to return today, making them repeat customers!

At least half are likely to visit us again today!

Once the word gets out and the place is hopping, it would be a real mess if we couldn't keep up!

Only those who've never slung hash would fail to understand how exhausting and hectic a chef's life can be!

Even the most skilled chef can only juggle four tables at a time!

That includes handling the cash register, prepping ingredients, cooking, serving, cleaning, and washing dishes!

Just four tables can have you spinning like a top!

More than that, and it's time to bring in extra hands!

With six tables, you'd need at least a cashier.

Eight tables, and you're talking about needing a prep cook just to keep the chef from collapsing in the kitchen!

And at Cheng Yuan's, we've got twelve tables on the main floor, plus three private rooms.

Not to mention two more private rooms upstairs!

If we're running at full tilt, we can't skimp on staff—we'll need cashiers, prep cooks, dishwashers, the works!

A minimum of four people, and even that might not cut it!

Once the orders start rolling in and the stoves are blazing, asking the chef to chop and prep would be ludicrous.

So bright and early the next day, Chung Yuan put up a help-wanted ad, bumping up the wages to attract applicants quickly!

Chung Yuan was up at the crack of dawn, 5:30 AM, to hit the produce market—where the early bird gets the best deals and selection, a common practice among restaurants.

Without a dedicated buyer on the team, Chung Yuan rolls up his sleeves and gets it done himself.

Upon returning, the two kids were already buzzing with conversation.

Luckily, it was Monday, and after dropping off Tuantuan and Yuanyuan at school, Chung Yuan hurried back to start prepping!

By ten in the morning, as he was in the thick of it, an auntie walked into the restaurant!

She appeared to be in her mid-forties, there to apply for the dishwashing position.

Finding dishwashers had become a challenge, with average wages ranging between 1,800 and 2,200 yuan, and only the higher end reaching 2,500 yuan.

Chung Yuan, however, offered 3,500 yuan right off the bat!

He wasn't concerned about attracting applicants.

"Excuse me, I noticed the hiring sign outside..."

"Yes, that's correct!"

"Do you think I'm suitable for the job?"

"Let's have you try out first!"

With a past life as a chef, Chung Yuan was well-versed in the kitchen's systematic workflow.

The best way to judge was to let her try!

He needed someone diligent, not someone looking to cut corners!

But Mrs. Xu seemed down-to-earth and trustworthy, and in a small shop with little staff, there was no room for underhanded tactics—she seemed like a safe bet!

Since the menu was light today, Chung Yuan took the opportunity to show Mrs. Xu the ropes of the restaurant.

After getting the rundown, Mrs. Xu immediately got to work, mopping the floor, wiping down tables, setting out stools, and more, following Chung Yuan's directions.

While Mrs. Xu was getting settled in, two young guys walked in—Qiangzi and another whose name was Gangzi.

Both in their late teens, one sported yellow hair, the other red.

These two were learning the trade and, seeing that Chung Yuan was offering 5,000 yuan for prep work, they were eager to try their hand.

Chung Yuan could tell they weren't the earnest type, with their flashy hair and likely penchant for drama, probably the kind to frequently call in sick.

Having dealt with their kind before, he didn't bother with a trial, simply telling them the position had been filled and turned them away.

It had just struck eleven when a boisterous crowd streamed through the door!

Leading the pack was Liu Lang, with Zhang Zhuo right behind him!

Following them were six or seven young men, all donned in matching uniforms!

"Hahaha! Boss Chung, got any food for us?"

Upon seeing the duo, Chung Yuan promptly emerged from the kitchen, hands freshly wiped. "Of course, of course! You all are here bright and early today, aren't you?"

"You bet! I've been craving your Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice all night long. Everyone got a taste yesterday, and today they've been hounding me to bring them here! I came specifically to support your business!"

"Much appreciated! Mrs. Xu, the utensils, please!"

Mrs. Xu, seemingly new to the restaurant scene, paused in confusion at the influx of customers. Chung Yuan quickly nudged her into action.

Like a bee without a hive, Mrs. Xu buzzed around before locating the utensil box. Despite the initial confusion, she was quick on her feet and had the utensils set up in no time.

"Hey, Boss Chung, hiring new help?"

"Ah, you caught me—Auntie's still getting the hang of things. Please, be patient with her!"

"Not at all! We're all in the same boat here, just trying to make a living. We get it! Now, Boss Chung, what are we waiting for? Sixteen servings of Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice, coming right up!"

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