The Super Farm System/C23 Leaking
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The Super Farm System/C23 Leaking
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C23 Leaking

Chiang Liguo was truly let down by Manager Wang's inability to handle even a minor task properly!

But telling him to pack up and head back to his hometown was just talk. After all, Manager Wang had been with him for many years. It was unthinkable to fire him over something so trivial—it was nothing more than a heat-of-the-moment outburst!

The Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice at Reunion Restaurant had a unique taste—sweet and crispy upon the first bite, which could be slightly off-putting initially.

Yet, after finishing the dish, there was an unexpected longing for that distinctive texture!

Clearly, the chicken braised rice Chiang Liguo had just tried lacked that special quality!

As a chef in the hotel's food and beverage sector, how could he not discern the difference?

"Go buy it now!"

Once Manager Wang was sent on his way, Chiang Liguo descended to the restaurant to observe his own patrons.

The place was fairly busy, as usual, and it was only a little past eleven-thirty—not even peak time yet!

Typically, the restaurant would be packed by noon!

But the thought of Reunion Restaurant, already bustling at 11:30 AM, left a sour taste in his mouth.

He was aware that if he didn't secure the recipe for the Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice, Chung Yuan could turn his fortunes around with that single dish alone!

And that was no exaggeration—Chiang Liguo could vouch for the dish's excellence!

Suddenly, Chiang Liguo's attention was captured by a beautiful woman dining with grace in the main hall.

He paused, then quickly approached her.

If Chung Yuan were present, he'd instantly recognize her as the stunning Lee Rongrong, who had dined at his restaurant the previous evening.

"Miss Lee, what brings you here?"

Lee Rongrong was enjoying the Egg Fried Rice from Happiness Restaurant.

Hearing his voice, she looked up and greeted him with a sweet smile.

"Director Chiang, what a pleasant surprise to see you here! Please, join me!"

"Thank you."

Chiang Liguo took the seat beside Lee Rongrong with courtesy and inquired, "How's your grandfather doing?"

Lee Rongrong nodded, her smile brightening, "Thanks for asking, Director Chiang. My grandfather is quite robust. He was ill just a few days ago and hasn't fully recovered, yet he's already eager to get back to cooking. Can you believe it? Heh..."

Chiang Liguo expressed his concern, "Make sure Elder Lee takes care of his health! His body has just recovered, why is he handling knives again?"

"Grandpa fears he might lose his touch," was the reply.

"Who in Jinling doesn't recognize Elder Lee's culinary skills? He's a master among masters nationwide, the Chef God of Jinling!"

Lee Rongrong chuckled, setting her chopsticks down, having nearly finished her Egg Fried Rice.

Her gaze drifted to the gleaming "Best Restaurant on Jinling Street" plaque on the wall of Happiness Restaurant, her look carrying a hint of significance.

After a brief pause, she remarked, "Director Chiang, your restaurant's fried rice hasn't changed a bit. It's just as I remember it."

Chiang Liguo beamed, "Miss Lee, why only fried rice today? Didn't try any other dishes? We've just introduced a new signature dish, 'Dusk of the World Fish.' You haven't tried it yet, have you? I'll have the kitchen whip it up for you!"

"No, thank you," Lee Rongrong declined firmly, adding, "Director Chiang, you really should put more effort into perfecting the fried rice! I'm full now, and I've got things to attend to. Until next time."

With those words, she grabbed her purse, her smile radiant as she rose and headed for the exit, drawing the collective gaze of the other patrons.

"Miss Lee, let me walk you out..."

After Lee Rongrong left, Chiang Liguo lingered at the door, lost in thought.

He had a decent rapport with her grandfather, after all.

"What was her last comment about? A hint, perhaps? To focus more on the fried rice... could it be..."

"Could this year's culinary competition on Jinling Street feature... fried rice?"

"No way! Fried rice isn't showy enough for such an event. It can't be fried rice!"

The mere mention of "fried rice" brought Chiang Liguo's thoughts to Chung Yuan's pumpkin fried rice.

He hadn't tasted it the day before, but its aroma had lingered.

"Just as long as it's not the chicken steamed rice!"

If this year's Jinling Street Culinary Competition were to feature chicken steamed rice as the designated dish, then every other restaurant on the street might as well throw in the towel! Reunion Restaurant's Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice would undoubtedly be the reigning champion of Jinling City!

Yet, Lee Rongrong's final remark did sound suspiciously like a leak of the competition's secret ingredient. "Could it be that this year's cook-off is actually... Egg Fried Rice?" Given his connection with Elder Lee, it wasn't out of the question that he might get a heads-up on the competition dish!

With this in mind, Chiang Liguo rushed back to the kitchen. "Head Chef, and everyone, hold up a second! I've got a new task for you all. Starting today, we're going to perfect our Egg Fried Rice. Whoever can bring a creative twist to it will earn a hefty reward—up to 100,000 yuan!"

"It doesn't matter if it's pumpkin, corn, sausage, or just plain Egg Fried Rice. As long as it's delicious, creative, and meets my standards, I'm open to anything—even Watermelon Fried Rice! Head Chef, it's in your hands. Starting tomorrow, I want to try more than three different fried rice dishes each day!"

If Egg Fried Rice is indeed the competition's focus, then to maintain "Jinling Street's Best Restaurant" title, Chiang Liguo needs to start prepping early!

The contest operates on a point system, with a perfect score of 100. There are eleven dishes in total. The designated dish alone is worth 50 points, while the other ten dishes combined only make up the remaining 50 points. Knowing the key dish and excelling in it could easily net you half the points, making victory almost a certainty. That's why nailing the designated dish is crucial!

Meanwhile, Manager Wang had cleverly acquired ten orders of Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice from Chung Yuan's restaurant. This time, he enlisted a random passerby to make the purchase, successfully avoiding any suspicion and securing the ten servings with ease.

"Two for me, three to set aside, and send the remaining five to the kitchen," he instructed. "Have the team dissect this Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice recipe and attempt to recreate it!"

"Yes, boss!"

Clutching two servings of Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice, Chiang Liguo could barely contain his excitement. He dashed into the office and began devouring his meal with gusto.

With each bite, a wave of satisfaction washed over his face!

The flavor was just as he remembered—unchanged and utterly delicious!

"This is incredibly tasty!"


Reunion Restaurant was packed at lunchtime, drawing curious glances from many pedestrians.

"Hiss... How has this place opened up again?"

"Heh, they actually have the nerve to start up once more? They should just shut down for good! It's insane, the crowd here! And what's truly insane is that I feel this urge to go inside! I must be a real masochist!"

"It's not just you—I'm tempted to try it out too. I'm really curious, where does this damned owner find the audacity to reopen?"

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