The Super Farm System/C4 Delicacy's Desire
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The Super Farm System/C4 Delicacy's Desire
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C4 Delicacy's Desire

"Boss, could there be a mistake on your menu?"

Liu Lang set the menu down, eyeing Chung Yuan with a skeptical gaze.

"There's no mistake on the menu. Since the restaurant has just reopened, our selection is currently limited. We'll gradually roll out more new items," Chung Yuan clarified.

"I'm not questioning the dishes, but the prices," Liu Lang pointed out.

He had never encountered such low prices before—a dollar for a serving of pumpkin fried rice? Selling at this rate, wasn't he worried about taking a loss so severe that even his own parents wouldn't recognize him?

"Here's the thing, sir." Chung Yuan maintained his easygoing, friendly smile. "The restaurant has just reopened, so we're offering everything at a steep discount."

Liu Lang's expression grew even more doubtful.

But now, his skepticism wasn't about the accuracy of the prices; it was about whether the pumpkin fried rice would actually taste good. With such a low price, it seemed almost too good to be true.

Liu Lang was a man who took great pride in his image. While a dollar was a trivial amount to him, the thought of ordering food he couldn't enjoy because it tasted bad was deeply unsettling.

He would be embarrassing the owner and tarnishing the restaurant's reputation, but who could predict how others might perceive him?

Liu Lang hoped to avoid such a situation.


Suddenly, a playful voice called out from the staircase.

Chung Yuanyuan, rubbing her sleepy eyes and dressed in adorable bunny pajamas, descended the stairs and approached the kitchen doorway.

"Did you sleep well?"

Chung Yuan glanced back at her.

The little girl could really sleep in; she had only just woken up.

Her older brother, Chung Tuantuan, had been up since seven in the morning, finishing breakfast and catching the bus to his summer training class.

Chung Tuantuan had always looked up to martial arts masters, aspiring to become a War God someday. That's why he had enrolled in a martial arts training course for the summer vacation, which he had been attending for a week now.

Chung Yuanyuan, in contrast, had no interest in summer classes and preferred to stay home and play.

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

Chung Yuanyuan pouted adorably, tilting her head back to look at Chung Yuan with a playful whine.

Then, turning her attention to Liu Lang, their eyes met, and he was taken aback.

Damn it...

Here he was, a grown man, being scorned by a little girl.

She was scoffing at his indecision over whether to eat a simple dish of pumpkin fried rice that cost only a dollar and a half.

Chung Yuan had discussed the restaurant's reopening with the kids just last night.

This morning, after waking up and noticing customers in the restaurant, Yuanyuan chose not to come down and interrupt. Instead, she stood upstairs, quietly observing.

She had witnessed nearly everything that had happened.

"Okay, I'll make the pumpkin fried rice for Yuanyuan," Chung Yuan said, gently patting her head.

Looking up, he noticed Liu Lang still hadn't left, clearly wanting to eat but seemingly held back by some hesitation.

So he offered, "Take your time deciding. When you're ready, just let me know. There are cold drinks in the fridge; feel free to have one to cool off in the meantime."

With that, he turned and headed into the kitchen to start cooking.

"Uncle, are you sure you don't want a serving? My dad's pumpkin fried rice is really tasty," Chung Yuanyuan said from her perch on the high stool at the counter, chin in hands, gazing at Liu Lang with wide, innocent eyes.

"What an adorable girl!" Liu Lang marveled silently, his heart melting instantly, nearly blurting out his desire for a serving.

But to order just because of this sweet little girl would be a hit to his pride.

So he casually grabbed a cold drink from the nearby fridge. "It's sweltering today. I'm nearly overheated. I'll cool down a bit first, then decide."

"Okay," Yuanyuan responded, simply shrugging as if she had already seen through his facade. She turned away from Liu Lang, her gaze full of anticipation as she watched her father bustling in the kitchen.

What the heck... What's that supposed to mean?

In that moment, Liu Lang felt an inexplicable twinge of frustration.

Why did it seem like the little girl had anticipated that she'd be ordering food later on?

One dollar per serving.

He couldn't fathom a restaurant anywhere that would offer food at such a steep discount and still manage to make it delicious.

"Maybe we should just enjoy the air conditioning, have some cold drinks, and then head out."

Liu Lang was far from impressed with the Pumpkin Fried Rice. At that moment, his resolve to pass on eating it solidified.

Soon enough, a serving of Pumpkin Fried Rice was ready.

Chung Yuan had barely set it down when the aroma hit Chung Yuanyuan, who couldn't help but clap her hands joyfully. "It smells amazing! Daddy's cooking is the best."

"Is this it? Really?"

Liu Lang, sneakily eyeing the Pumpkin Fried Rice at the counter, was brimming with scorn.

It was just Pumpkin Fried Rice.

Aside from a few extra eggs and green onions, it was utterly plain.

So stingy!

Incredibly stingy!

How could this possibly be satisfying?

Sure enough, there were no truly generous merchants out there.

Meanwhile, Chung Yuan noticed Liu Lang, who was sipping a cold drink. He had assumed the skeptical customer had left, and the sight before him was quite unexpected.

"Go wash up first, then come eat," Chung Yuan instructed, placing a serving of Pumpkin Fried Rice in front of Chung Yuanyuan with a stern expression.


Chung Yuanyuan scampered into the kitchen, quickly washed her hands and face, and then dashed back to the counter. She climbed onto the high stool, leaned in to sniff the plate, and her dark eyes sparkled even more.

Just then, the scent of the Pumpkin Fried Rice finally reached Liu Lang. He inhaled deeply, his eyes popping wide open in astonishment, his face etched with incredulity.

"How can this be? Such a simple-looking Pumpkin Fried Rice... How can it smell so enticing?"

"It's the pumpkin's aroma... What kind of culinary magic is this... How can there be such a fragrant pumpkin in the world... Good heavens... This scent... Just one whiff and I feel like I've ascended to paradise..."

He turned his head instinctively towards the Pumpkin Fried Rice on the counter, and his gaze inadvertently met Chung Yuanyuan's.

Chung Yuanyuan flashed a sweet smile before eagerly grabbing a spoonful and popping it into her mouth. She chewed with delight, her soft little cheeks aglow with the pleasure of savoring the tasty meal. She couldn't help but continue, spoonful after spoonful, her body swaying gently with each bite—she was utterly unstoppable.


Liu Lang caught the sound of his own swallowing. Almost instinctively, he turned his gaze to Chung Yuan, who stood at the kitchen doorway. "Boss, I'll have a plate of that pumpkin fried rice!"

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