The Super Farm System/C5 Give Me Another One
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The Super Farm System/C5 Give Me Another One
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C5 Give Me Another One

After Liu Lang's outburst, his face flushed with a sudden rush of embarrassment.

Hadn't he planned to just enjoy the air conditioning and a cold drink before making a swift exit?

Wasn't he just scoffing at the pumpkin fried rice moments ago?

And now?

He was actually requesting a serving?

The blow to his pride was almost physically painful.

But he couldn't help it—the girl's meal smelled too enticing!

With hunger gnawing at his belly, the tantalizing aroma of the food, and the sight of others enjoying their meal...

Who could withstand that?

But for the sake of his pride...

Liu Lang did his utmost to conceal his discomfort. He consciously retracted his wandering gaze and adjusted his posture, adopting a nonchalant demeanor. He gave off the impression that he hadn't planned to eat, but was begrudgingly doing so just to save face for the restaurant.

"Alright, just a moment, please."

Chung Yuan nodded, not pressing the issue with Liu Lang's attitude. However, as he entered the kitchen and began cooking, a smile betrayed his amusement.

This customer was quite the character.

"Uncle, my dad's pumpkin fried rice is truly exceptional, especially the pumpkin itself."

Chung Yuanyuan offered up a spoonful of the pumpkin, eyeing Liu Lang as she said, "Look, isn't this pumpkin just irresistibly appetizing?"

Liu Lang had no intention of engaging with her, but inexplicably, he found himself looking at the spoonful of pumpkin and nodding almost reflexively.

"Watch me eat it," Yuanyuan said, popping the spoonful into her mouth. She chewed with glee, exclaiming, "Delicious, truly delicious."

A fleeting urge to scold the girl crossed Liu Lang's mind.

In his view, she might appear cute and pure, but she was actually cunning and potentially troublesome.

Like now, she was clearly tempting him.

Yet her sweet, innocent facade made it impossible for him to stay mad.

The impulse to scold her vanished as quickly as it had come.

He had only one son at home.

He had longed for a daughter for years, yet success had eluded him.

When it came to adorable little girls, he, a middle-aged man, was utterly defenseless.

Alright then.

With resolve, Liu Lang made a decision: since that was the case, he'd have his meal right here, today at noon!

Before long, Chung Yuan emerged from the kitchen.

He brought over a generous serving of pumpkin fried rice and set it down gently in front of Liu Lang, saying, "Here's your pumpkin fried rice, guest."

Liu Lang's attention was immediately captivated by the dish before him.

The first thing to hit his senses was the rich, sweet aroma of the pumpkin, intermingling with the scent of eggs and green onions. This combination elevated the overall allure of the dish to a whole new level.

And the rice itself seemed to taste even better as a result.

Liu Lang couldn't help but salivate.

In his nearly fifty years, he had never encountered such an enticing aroma from food.

It was a complete revelation in his culinary experience!

Chung Yuan stood by, outwardly composed but inwardly, he harbored a touch of nervousness.

The pumpkins grown on his Super Farm were a hit with him and his children, but tastes can vary greatly from person to person. Even the most delicious food might not appeal to everyone.

Plus, this was his first foray into selling food.

Liu Lang, in turn, was his very first customer, making his reaction and feedback particularly valuable.

It would be a good test to see if his pumpkin fried rice met the palate of the general populace.

"It appears quite plain."

That was Liu Lang's internal verdict at the moment.

"But why does it smell so irresistible? What kind of culinary skill has been used here?"

Filled with astonishment and curiosity, Liu Lang couldn't resist any longer. He scooped up a spoonful and brought it to his mouth.

As soon as the pumpkin hit his tongue, its fragrance burst forth, filling his mouth and lingering between his teeth.

The finely chopped green onions and eggs, mixed with the grains of rice, seemed to breathe life into the pumpkin's aroma. Chewing it was not just a treat for the taste buds but a comfort to his entire being.

Delicious! It was unbelievably delicious! How could something this tasty exist in the world?

For a moment, that was the only thought in Liu Lang's mind.

Without thinking, he shoveled another heaping spoonful into his mouth and chewed voraciously. Then, feeling that wasn't satisfying enough, he picked up the plate with one hand and with the other, he scooped the food into his mouth as if he hadn't eaten in days, looking utterly wild with enjoyment.

The pumpkin fried rice tasted as if it had been masterfully crafted by a top chef.

What astonished him even more was the feeling of comfort that spread throughout his body after eating it. It was as if something was rejuvenating him from the inside, slowly erasing the physical and mental exhaustion from months of hard work.

In short, the pumpkin fried rice truly deserved high praise.

And what's more, it was only one yuan!

To think that there were still such conscientious shop owners in the world!

Witnessing all this, Chung Yuan's lips slowly curved into a smile. Liu Lang's reaction was proof enough that no one could resist the allure of the dishes made with that pumpkin.

This boded well for the future of the business; it was an excellent beginning.

Suddenly, Liu Lang set down his empty plate and called out to Chung Yuan, "Boss, I'll have another serving of pumpkin fried rice, please."

"Sure thing, just a moment," Chung Yuan replied, clearing away Liu Lang's empty bowl before heading back to the kitchen to get busy once more.

"Uncle, isn't the pumpkin fried rice my dad makes really good?" Chung Yuanyuan chimed in, having finished her small portion. She licked her lips and beamed at Liu Lang.

Still savoring the taste, Liu Lang replied without thinking, "Yes."

"But Uncle, why did you hesitate before? It's only one yuan. Even if it turned out not to be to your taste, it wouldn't have been much of a loss, right?" Yuanyuan pressed on with innocent curiosity.

Caught off guard by her question, Liu Lang snapped back to reality, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

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