The Super Farm System/C6 He Accidentally Boasted a Little too Much
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The Super Farm System/C6 He Accidentally Boasted a Little too Much
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C6 He Accidentally Boasted a Little too Much

He cleared his throat with a dry cough and began, "In today's world, a dollar really isn't much. It certainly wouldn't cause uncle any harm.

Uncle only acted that way because he noticed the restaurant had reopened. He wanted to test your dad's resilience, knowing full well how tough it is to get a new place off the ground.

"But let me be clear, uncle never once said he wouldn't dine here."

"Is that actually the case?" Chung Yuanyuan eyed Liu Lang with a hint of skepticism.

"Absolutely. Uncle isn't one to judge rashly. Why would he dismiss the food without even trying it?" Liu Lang put on a grave face, his voice tinged with a touch of pride.


With a look of resignation, Chung Yuanyuan gave Liu Lang one last look before sliding off the high stool and heading into the kitchen with her plate.


Liu Lang was taken aback.

This... why the maybe?

He felt slighted by the young girl once more. True, he was lying, but he hadn't openly shared his earlier reservations or his decision against the pumpkin fried rice. Yet, her expression of resignation seemed to see right through him.

Chung Yuan, bustling about in the kitchen, couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange.

What was Chung Yuanyuan's greatest talent?

Clearly, her sharp tongue.

She had a natural gift for it, and Chung Yuan was confident that with just a bit of honing, paired with her adorable, innocent demeanor, she could leave someone questioning their existence without being able to muster any real anger.

The satisfaction was indescribable.

"Daddy, I want more," came the sweet, whining voice from behind him.

Chung Yuan turned and smiled, taking her empty plate and setting it aside. "Alright, I'll make you another small serving in a bit."


Chung Yuanyuan's face lit up with joy, a dimple playing hide and seek on her cheek.

The loss of their mother had been hard for everyone to accept, and her father had been so grief-stricken he'd contemplated suicide.

But since yesterday evening, he had transformed, becoming incredibly tender and loving.

This outcome was incredibly delightful for Chung Yuanyuan, filling her with immense happiness.

She was thoroughly enjoying the moment.

From his seat, Liu Lang had a clear view of the kitchen, where he watched a father and daughter. Lost in thought, he suddenly envisioned a boy standing afar, gazing with admiration at a man operating a crane to lift heavy loads.

Indeed, that boy was Liu Lang's son, and the crane operator was none other than himself.

Over the past few years, Liu Lang had worked on various construction sites to earn a living, and he couldn't help but wonder how his son was faring now. He felt he had neglected him far too much.

"Go wait outside nicely, Daddy needs to cook for the customers first," Chung Yuan instructed, not wanting his daughter to breathe in too much smoke while waiting in the kitchen.

"Okay," Yuanyuan agreed, returning to her high stool at the counter and resting her chin on her hands, lost in her thoughts.

Watching this, Liu Lang thought of his own son, who was nearing college graduation, and silently vowed to make it home for the New Year, no matter what.

"Here's your Pumpkin Fried Rice," Chung Yuan announced, setting down a fresh plate in front of Liu Lang.

Snapping out of his reverie, Liu Lang inhaled the familiar, intoxicating aroma, and any lingering discontent vanished, replaced by a hearty appetite.

He eagerly grabbed the plate with one hand and the spoon with the other, devouring the rice with gusto.

With each bite, the rich aroma and the satisfying taste of the Pumpkin Fried Rice brought a wave of comfort throughout his body. His worn muscles and bones, taxed from years of hard labor, seemed to relax, as if receiving a gentle massage.

Before he knew it, the second serving of Pumpkin Fried Rice was gone.

"Boss, I'll have another Pumpkin Fried Rice," he called out to Chung Yuan, this time with a newfound respect in his eyes.

"Sure thing, just give me a few more minutes," Chung Yuan replied, bustling back to work, while Yuanyuan contentedly finished her second helping of the pumpkin fried rice.

At that moment, she suddenly looked up at Liu Lang with eyes full of admiration. "Uncle, you're so impressive! You finished two servings in no time and you're ready for a third?"

Liu Lang swelled with pride, arms crossed over his chest, and replied with a hint of swagger, "The third? I can polish off a fourth serving just as easily."

"Wow! Uncle, you're incredible!"

Chung Yuanyuan's eyes sparkled as her admiration for him visibly grew, her little face beaming with awe.

Liu Lang basked in the glow of her adoration, the smug satisfaction on his face beyond words.

But then, he was abruptly brought back to earth.

He overheard Chung Yuanyuan tell her father, "Dad, Uncle here says he can eat four whole servings! Maybe you should make him two this time. One just won't be enough for him."

Oh no...

Liu Lang nearly lost it.

He was on the verge of tears!

How did he let a little girl's flattery go to his head, boasting so wildly?

The worst part was that she took his words to heart and went straight to her dad with them.

Liu Lang was filled with regret.

He was tempted to give himself a couple of good slaps.

From the kitchen, Chung Yuan's voice, tinged with surprise, floated out, "Really?"

"Yes, Daddy, Uncle said so himself," Chung Yuanyuan confirmed.

Chung Yuan chuckled to himself.

The pumpkin fried rice made from Super Farm's pumpkins was indeed tasty, and Chung Yuan had served Liu Lang a generous portion. Two servings would satisfy even a hearty eater, and three would be quite remarkable.

But four servings...

Chung Yuan had a hard time believing Liu Lang could actually manage that.

He also sensed that Liu Lang's claim was nothing more than a boast, so he didn't prepare two servings as his daughter suggested.

He stuck to just one.

Once ready, Chung Yuanyuan brought the dish to Liu Lang. Seeing that her father had only made one serving, she assumed he'd make them one by one and cheerfully told Liu Lang, "Uncle, start with this one. Be patient, okay? The fourth serving will be ready before you know it."

"Uh..." A hint of embarrassment crept onto Liu Lang's face.

With a nod to hospitality, Chung Yuan ultimately decided to inquire, "Excuse me, would you like a fourth serving?"

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