The Super Farm System/C7 Chung Yuan's Decision
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The Super Farm System/C7 Chung Yuan's Decision
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C7 Chung Yuan's Decision

Liu Lang was momentarily taken aback, his face flushing with embarrassment. "Well, you see..."

Before he could get the words out, Chung Yuanyuan cut him off, having seemingly guessed what he was about to say. "You're the one who said you wanted to eat four servings of pumpkin fried rice. If you lie now, you're not being honest. My teacher always says that honesty is the most fundamental quality in a person. Liars never end well, and I don't like people who lie."

Liu Lang's face darkened. What kind of twisted logic was this girl spouting? So he'd exaggerated a bit—was it necessary to take it so seriously and equate it with honesty and lying?

But she had taken it to heart, and seeing her earnest, hopeful look, Liu Lang, who was always concerned about saving face, found he couldn't back down. With a grimace, he declared, "Yes, I still want the fourth serving."

Chung Yuan was utterly taken aback by this response, though he managed to keep his surprise hidden. After all, there were indeed people in the world with enormous appetites. Take, for example, the contestants on a show called "Great Eater," who were known for their extraordinary capacity for food.

"Alright, just a moment," Chung Yuan said, turning back to the kitchen to start on the fourth serving of pumpkin fried rice.

"Damn it, I'm going all in today," Liu Lang thought to himself. "It's not often I get to enjoy such delicious pumpkin fried rice, and at such a bargain too. Even if I overeat, it's a kind of bliss!"

Reassuring himself, Liu Lang didn't stop shoveling rice into his mouth, eating with gusto.

Working on construction sites year-round, dealing with heavy materials that sometimes couldn't be lifted by cranes, Liu Lang had developed an appetite far larger than the average person. Four servings would merely leave him stuffed, without any real harm. It wasn't a big deal.

Today, he decided, would be a day to indulge.

And so, all four servings of pumpkin fried rice made their way into Liu Lang's stomach.

Setting down his spoon and plate, Liu Lang couldn't stop burping. Resigned, he reached for a cold drink to sip and settle his overfilled belly.

After successfully stifling his burps, he was astonished to discover that he didn't feel overly stuffed. The sense of comfort radiating throughout his body had him squinting his eyes in contentment, feeling as though his life had reached its zenith in that moment.

Chung Yuan, standing at the kitchen doorway, couldn't help but swell with pride upon seeing the plate wiped clean of even the tiniest grain of rice.

Reunion Restaurant had just reopened and had already sold four servings of pumpkin fried rice to a single customer—a flawless start.

Undoubtedly, Chung Yuanyuan deserved much of the credit for this success.

"Boss, your pumpkin fried rice is truly exceptional," Liu Lang complimented, standing with his rotund belly, his eyes brimming with deep respect for Chung Yuan. "I'm convinced that your restaurant will one day outshine the Happiness Restaurant on West Street!"

"Thank you," Chung Yuan responded with heartfelt gratitude.

Chung Yuan was all too familiar with the Happiness Restaurant on West Street, a place renowned not just along Liyang Street but throughout Jinling City. It was the lack of signature dishes at Reunion Restaurant that had allowed Happiness Restaurant to overshadow them, leading to dismal earnings and even financial losses.

"I'll definitely be back, goodbye," Liu Lang said, paying before leaving the establishment.

"Take care," Chung Yuan replied, nodding with a warm smile.

As he watched the customer depart, a deep sense of satisfaction washed over Chung Yuan. He understood that the sparse patronage since the morning's reopening was largely due to the restaurant's previously tarnished reputation.

But now, having delighted the first customer of the day, Chung Yuan was confident that word of mouth would work in his favor. He believed wholeheartedly that his business was on the cusp of a positive upswing.

Ascending to the second-floor rooftop, Chung Yuan stepped into the Super Farm to tend to the pumpkins he had planted the previous evening. The vines had grown robust, with large, expansive leaves, and the young, tender green pumpkins shimmered with a dewy glow, exuding a fresh, verdant aroma.

In just another half-day, these pumpkins would reach full maturity.

A smile of ease spread across Chung Yuan's face, but it was quickly replaced by a pensive look as a thought struck him—an idea worth pondering.

This quaint two-story building housed not only his newly reopened restaurant but also served as the current home for him and his two children. It was also the location of his Super Farm. However, due to financial constraints, he had only been leasing the building. Leasing, after all, meant that it wasn't part of his personal assets.

Taking into account various factors and aiming for convenience in the future, Chung Yuan decided it was time to convert the lease into sole ownership. He was going to buy the building outright. With ten million Farm Coins at his disposal, Chung Yuan cashed out eight million and exchanged them for RMB.

*Ring ring*

His phone chimed with a notification almost immediately. Chung Yuan checked it and saw that eight million RMB had already been deposited into his bank account. That was incredibly fast. Trust the system to be so efficient. It was simply impressive!

Feeling elated, Chung Yuan left the Super Farm and headed downstairs. "Yuanyuan, get dressed. We're going on a long trip," he said, slipping off his apron.

"A long trip? To do what?" Chung Yuanyuan inquired with curiosity.

"I've got some business to attend to. You can stay home alone if you'd prefer," Chung Yuan replied, his smile hinting at the adventure ahead.

"I don't want to stay home alone!" exclaimed Chung Yuanyuan, who thrived on lively company, and she dashed off to her bedroom.

Once both were ready, Chung Yuan drove off with Chung Yuanyuan. His mission was to discuss purchasing the house with the landlord. He had already sent a message to the landlord via WeChat to give him a heads-up. Now it was time to meet in person.

The landlord's residence was a good distance away, requiring nearly an hour's drive. Upon arrival, Chung Yuan greeted the landlord with a warm smile. "Hello, Mr. Wang."

Wang Jinsheng, nearing his fifties, had accumulated a fortune in his younger days through business ventures. Now he was quite the wealthy man. He owned multiple properties and lived in a six-story villa, adorned with opulent decorations like crystal chandeliers and pearl curtains—a testament to his success.

Chung Yuanyuan stood next to Chung Yuan, her eyes wide with wonder. She had never before encountered a room so lavishly decorated, so utterly opulent. Curiosity sparkled in her dark eyes as she took in her surroundings, her gaze flitting from one extravagant detail to the next.

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