The God-Cook/C1 Super Chef System Activated
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The God-Cook/C1 Super Chef System Activated
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C1 Super Chef System Activated

In Small Zhuang Village, the Xu family patriarch, father to Jialong and his two brothers, had recently passed away, leaving the siblings deeply despondent.

"Ah, it's hard to believe Dad's gone just like that. I miss him so much," lamented one brother.

"True, but at least he passed peacefully," another consoled.

"We've got to make sure we handle Dad's final affairs properly. I've already asked the village secretary to oversee the funeral, but we're facing a big issue now. Old Liu, the one who usually prepares the Great Feast, is away visiting relatives. Who can we turn to?"

"That is a real headache. I've looked around, but there's no one nearby who's up to the task."

Sitting in the mourning hall, worry etched on their faces, the Xu brothers feared they wouldn't do justice to their father's memory if the funeral went poorly.

Finding someone to prepare a Village Feast used to be straightforward in the old days, but times have changed, and the younger generation just isn't interested in the trade anymore.

"We can't let anyone look down on our father's funeral. We need to figure out who can take on the Great Feast."

"I'll give it some thought. Wait, doesn't Uncle Fang Hong's grandson, who just finished college, happen to be job hunting at home?"

"You're considering asking Faang Hua to prepare the Great Feast? Big brother, are you sure about this? He's helped with various feasts before, but it's uncertain if he's inherited his grandfather's culinary talent."

"Cut the crap, I've tasted Faang Hua's cooking myself when I was working on Uncle Fang's house. The meals he made were unforgettable, every bit as good as his grandfather's. Plus, I've heard his pig butchering skills are second to none. I see no issue with it!"

"Well then, it looks like we're putting our hopes on young Faang Hua."

"Okay, I'll go have a word with him."

With the discussion settled, Xu Jialong, the eldest of the Xu brothers, hurried off towards the Fang residence.

Given the suddenness of their father's departure, they never imagined they'd be relying on twenty-year-old Faang Hua.

Butchering a pig isn't for the faint of heart—it's a skilled job.

"Hua, it's Uncle Xu. Are you at home?"

At the crack of dawn, Xu Jialong couldn't wait any longer and was already calling out at the Fang family's doorstep.

"Yes, I'm here. Please, come in for some tea."

An hour earlier, Faang Hua had heard firecrackers, a sign that someone in the village had passed away. Could Uncle Xu be seeking his help with the funeral arrangements?

"No need for tea—I'm in mourning attire. I came to ask if you could slaughter a pig, but more importantly, I need you to take charge as the head chef for the funeral banquet. Hua, do you think you can handle it?"

Xu Jialong got straight to the point, laying out the situation and explaining why he had come.

"I really am in a bind here. If you're not up for it, no worries. I won't push you."

Faang Hua was taken aback. He hadn't expected to be asked to oversee such an important event.

He was confident in his cooking skills, but he had never managed a banquet for a funeral before. Any mistakes could lead to big problems.

Yet, it seemed no one else was available to prepare the Great Feast for the Xu family's funeral, which gave him pause.

[Ding! The Super Chef System is now online. Agree to host the Great Feast and you'll be registered, complete with a beginner's gift pack and rewards for mission completion. Will you host the Xu family's White Feast?]

Caught off guard again, Faang Hua's eyes lit up with both surprise and excitement as he firmly responded to Xu Jialong.

"If Mr. Jialong trusts me with this honor, I won't let you down. I'll take on the Great Feast and ensure that everyone who attends will be more than satisfied."

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