The God-Cook/C13 Second Pregnancy
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The God-Cook/C13 Second Pregnancy
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C13 Second Pregnancy

Erdan's grandma grabbed the phone, peppering him with a barrage of warnings and advice.

"Mom, we're really swamped and can't step away," they protested.

"No excuses," she countered. "Business is business, but you've got to prioritize. Remember when you were little and had that high fever? It was Xu Jialong's dad who had the only tricycle in the village."

"In the dead of winter, he braved the cold, his feet nearly frostbitten, and still, he got you to town for treatment!"

"If you don't make it back this time, you'll be the talk of the town, and not in a good way. People will be whispering about you for the rest of your life!"

Erdan's grandma might have been indulgent with the kids, but she knew how to put her foot down when it mattered.

Erdan's dad fell silent for a beat before sighing, "Okay, we'll be there."

"That's my boy," she said, satisfied.

"And another thing, you should really consider having a second child. At today's feast, everyone had siblings except for Erdan, all alone. It's just sad."

"I've got it all planned out. Once your second child arrives, we'll throw a grand full moon celebration and have the Loong family, the Chef, cook up a storm. Everyone will be singing your praises!"

Erdan's grandma was practically dancing with excitement.

"Mom, are you more excited about the second child or the chef's cooking?"

"Oh, hush. We can have both, can't we?"

"Fine, we'll do as you say. We'll head back first thing tomorrow. If his culinary skills are as good as you say, we'll definitely have him cater the grand feast once the baby's born."

A son knows his mother best, and Erdan's dad was well aware of his own mother's love for good food.

But at the mention of a second child, Erdan's grandma was taken aback. "What's that? You're really expecting again?"

"Yep, just got the news yesterday."

"Well, isn't that wonderful! There'll be another feast, and I'll get to pick the dishes myself!"

Erdan's grandma cheered, unable to contain her delight, her true intentions shining through.

But it wasn't just Erdan's grandma; all over Small Zhuang Village, folks were on the phone, urging their busy relatives to come home for the feast.

The next day, Faang Hua was up early, airing out the bedding so it would be ready for his parents and sister when they returned that night. Then, gathering his belongings, he set off for Xu Jialong's house.

Today was a major undertaking, with around fifty tables awaiting Faang Hua's touch!

By seven o'clock, a few uncles and aunts were already lending a hand, while the night watch folks yawned and stepped away from their posts.

"Faang Hua, you're here bright and early. Want a smoke?"

A young man slung his arm around Faang Hua's shoulder, offering a cigarette.

He was Wang Yingjun, a childhood friend who once played hooky with Faang Hua in elementary school. They hadn't crossed paths much since then, but Yingjun was known for his quick wit and easygoing nature.

"No thanks, I don't smoke."

Faang Hua declined with a shake of his head.

Wang Yingjun took it in stride, pocketing the cigarette without lighting up. "We've got some time before the rush. How about a chat?"

"Yingjun, what's on your mind?"

Faang Hua walked with Wang Yingjun to the roadside for a casual conversation.

"I was wondering, after Mr. Jialong's feast is over, what are your plans?"

"Plans? Despite being called a college grad by the villagers, I only have a second-tier degree. I don't have any grand plans for the future. I'll probably just look for a low-key job and patiently prepare for the teaching qualification exam," Faang Hua shared nonchalantly, echoing a common sentiment.

"The Village Feast you cooked this time was fantastic. Haven't you ever considered specializing in cooking feasts for the village?"

Wang Yingjun asked directly, without mincing words.

"Could you elaborate?"

Faang Hua's interest was piqued.

After finishing high school, Wang Yingjun didn't pursue further education. He had dabbled in various trades and managed to save some money to open a restaurant, but lacking the necessary skills, he couldn't keep it going for more than a few months.

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