The God-Cook/C14 Establishing a Team Specialized in Village Feast
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The God-Cook/C14 Establishing a Team Specialized in Village Feast
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C14 Establishing a Team Specialized in Village Feast

Wang Yingjun had stumbled upon a lucrative opportunity.

"Faang Hua, focusing on Village Feasts is a gold mine right now. It's a two to three-day gig, but you can rake in twenty to thirty thousand!"

"After I got the hang of it, I thought about putting together a specialized Village Feast Team. We need a chef with exceptional skills, someone who could become an overnight sensation. You'd be perfect for the role."

"With the surge in short video content, you could be the chef, and I'll film the process to share online. We could even drum up business on the web. Land a big client, and we're looking at serving hundreds of tables a month. We could be pulling in hundreds of thousands!"

Wang Yingjun's eyes blazed with excitement as he looked at Faang Hua, seeing him as a veritable golden ticket.

Faang Hua's mouth went dry. By his calculations, he'd definitely outearn his current job, especially with the system on his side. Success seemed inevitable on this path.

"You're suggesting I take on the chef role? How would the finances work?"

"No, not just as the chef. I'm inviting you to join the team, or better yet, to be the boss of the whole operation! We'd split the earnings, sixty-forty. You'd take sixty percent, and the rest of us would share the forty."

Wang Yingjun was laying his cards on the table to win Faang Hua over.

Someone like Wang Yingjun, who was ready to invest heavily in talent, just needed a chance to soar to great heights.

Faang Hua was genuinely impressed with the proposal. Relying solely on word-of-mouth in the villages would limit their reach. It was a slow and minimal way to make money.

But with an online presence, their impact could be immense.

"Are you serious about all this?"

"If so, I think we need to revisit the profit-sharing arrangement," Faang Hua mused.

In their current plan, Faang Hua would pocket sixty percent of the profits, while Wang Yingjun and the rest would divide the remaining forty percent. This meant that after days of hard work, an individual would only earn a few hundred yuan.

While hosting a banquet typically includes meals at no extra cost, leading to considerable savings, to earn unwavering loyalty, it's necessary to offer some tangible benefits.

"Faang Hua, I'm truly sincere, and I can see you're moved as well. So, let me be upfront with you," Wang Yingjun said earnestly.

"In this world, it's all about strength. You might think it's about having a lot of money, but your strength is what really counts. The two meals you prepared yesterday say it all!"

"Take those few simple dishes you made, for instance. I watched and learned from you, then tried making them at home. Following the exact same steps, my versions were no better than slop compared to yours. You've earned this money, fair and square!" Wang Yingjun spoke with genuine respect and admiration.

It was then that Faang Hua recalled Wang Yingjun's assistance the day before, occasionally lending a hand—it appeared he had been covertly picking up techniques.

"You're laying it all out so clearly. Aren't you worried I'll just go it alone and leave you out?" Faang Hua inquired.

"To tell you the truth, I am worried. But if you decide not to include me, it just means I have to improve my skills. I can't blame anyone else," Wang Yingjun replied with a philosophical air.

"Alright, I'll give it some more thought. I'll get back to you after Mr. Jialong's family feast is over."

"No problem. Just give me a shout if you need anything."

After exchanging contact details, Wang Yingjun headed off to catch up on some sleep.

"Ding! Entrepreneurial character triggered, forming a specialized Village Feast Team. Job successfully secured."

[Mission reward: 50,000 yuan in cash, culinary secrets of the imperial dish Buddhist Jumping Wall, and Great Master Level Spicy Lobster skills!]

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