The God-Cook/C15 Eating at Home
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The God-Cook/C15 Eating at Home
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C15 Eating at Home

[Notice: Failure to accept the mission within five minutes will be deemed as forfeiture.]

The system's announcement sent a shiver through Faang Hua's body.

Thanks to the novice gift pack, Faang Hua had acquired Great Master Level skills for preparing a Village Feast, but that didn't guarantee his prowess with everyday meals.

Even chefs from upscale restaurants might struggle to replicate those dishes in their own kitchens.

The system's reward indicated that Faang Hua would now be able to whip up home-cooked meals even when not preparing a grand Village Feast.

"I accept the mission!"

Faang Hua responded promptly.

The system's mission reward would only be accessible once he had formed a team, and it was a mere 50,000 yuan. Faang Hua was hoping for a more substantial reward from the "Slightly Famous" mission.

Otherwise, he might need to seek financial support from his parents.

Armed with the previous day's experience, Faang Hua had prepped an ample supply of ingredients, anticipating a larger crowd today. This morning alone, he was set to cook for at least seven or eight tables.

"Hua, you're in for a busy day. Don't hesitate to ask for help; the other aunties and I are here to support you fully," Xu Jialong offered, referring to his wife and his brothers' wives who had assisted Faang Hua the day before. With a little guidance on the cooking process, they could handle the rest.

"No worries, I'm strong enough to get it done."

"It's not about whether you can finish the work; it's about managing it all. Just speak up if you need anything. I'll go welcome the guests now. It's fine if we have fewer dishes this morning, but we must ensure there's plenty to go around," Xu Jialong advised, and Faang Hua nodded in agreement.

The afternoon promised a flurry of activity with dozens of tables to prepare, leaving limited time for cooking lunch.

"If we can't manage the main dishes, we'll focus on some hearty home-cooked dishes instead."

Faang Hua resolved to prepare seven robust dishes for the morning, including Five Spiced Meat, stir-fried potato strips with meat, and garlic-fried bok choy—perfect for a satisfying meal.

Yesterday's Blueberry Chinese Yam was such a hit with the kids that Faang Hua decided to whip up a batch of Purple Sweet Potato Chinese Yam today. Mrs. Cuihua and Mrs. Taohua joined in to lend a hand in the kitchen, busily washing vegetables and portioning out meat. Their chatter and laughter lightened the mood, making the hustle and bustle feel less overwhelming.

By eight o'clock, the side dishes were ready, and the rice was simmering away. "Mrs. Cuihua, fire up the stove, I'm ready to start cooking," Faang Hua announced.

"Okay, what's on the menu today? I'll come take a look," Mrs. Cuihua replied as she heated the pot and arranged the side dishes within Faang Hua's reach.

Faang Hua began by blanching the pork belly. He then added cold oil to the warm pot, followed by the drained pork. The aroma intensified as the meat sizzled, turning golden brown at the edges. He then added star anise, bay leaves, and other spices, the high heat amplifying the rich scent. Next came the dark soy sauce for color and light soy sauce for flavor, with essential slices of ginger and scallions, before he let it all simmer together.

While the pork stewed, Faang Hua moved on to stir-frying the vegetables. With a large pot lid at the ready, he could cover the finished dish to keep it warm.

"Grandma, go see what Uncle Hua's cooking—it smells amazing! I can't wait. Wow, it's so delicious," Erdan exclaimed. At just five years old, calling Faang Hua, who was in his twenties, 'uncle' was perfectly fitting, both in age and relation.

"Hold on just a bit longer, we'll be eating soon. But remember, don't fill up too much this morning. Save room for the main feast this afternoon, okay?" his grandmother cautioned.

"Got it, got it," Erdan replied, quickly wiping the drool from his mouth with the back of his hand, all smiles.

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