The God-Cook/C16 Father and Son
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The God-Cook/C16 Father and Son
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C16 Father and Son

The aroma of Faang Hua's stir-fry was enough to make mouths water, with several onlookers visibly salivating.

"I haven't eaten anything all morning, just waiting for this meal."

"Ha, you'd better load up your plate. Come afternoon, if you're not hungry, all the tasty grub will be mine."

Across from the Xu family residence, a young man gazed out the window, filled with longing.

"Grandpa, the scent wafting over from Mr. Jialong's place is heavenly. Do you know him? If so, maybe we could chip in and join the Great Feast."

The young man, Lin Feng, was a middle school teacher in town, back in the village to spend a few days with his grandfather during the summer break.

Lin Feng's grandfather, Xu Yuvcai, shared a surname with Xu Jialong but they weren't related. The two families didn't mingle, and it felt awkward to attend Xu Jialong's event, which was a solemn occasion.

"Lin Feng, are you thinking about joining the feast?"

Xu Yuvcai cleared his throat.

"Grandpa, I was only kidding. We don't really have any connection to Mr. Jialong's family..."

"Who says we don't? The Jialong family walks past our door every day. We see them all the time; how can you say there's no connection?"

Xu Yuvcai spoke with a stern look.

Lin Feng was taken aback. Was Grandpa fabricating a connection just so he could indulge in the feast? His grandfather was as caring as ever, just like when he was a child.

"Alright, it's settled then. We'll head to the Great Feast this afternoon. Don't forget to bring two hundred yuan for the gift."

"I've been hearing non-stop about how delicious Faang Hua's dishes are. With everyone singing his praises, I've been eager to try them myself. If you hadn't brought it up, I'd feel too shy to go alone."

"You all say I'm getting old and slow, but look at me—sharp as ever!"

Xu Yuvcai's smug expression made Lin Feng's lips twitch.

But Lin Feng quickly let it go, "Okay, Grandpa, let's get there early this afternoon to snag a good spot and get a jump on the food."

When the rest of Small Zhuang Village caught a whiff of the aroma, it had nothing to do with the Xu or Loong families, but that didn't stop everyone from covertly planning to drop by with a small gift that afternoon, hoping to sample the feast.

Faang Hua had just finished the final dish, sealing it in a bucket with a lid.

"It's time to set the table and eat. We've got more work to do after the meal," he announced.

At the mention of food, everyone eagerly pitched in to set up the tables and took their seats in an orderly fashion.

"I'm so hungry, I could die if we wait any longer," someone joked.

"Hey, is this also yam? Why isn't it topped with blueberries? Looks more like purple sweet potato?"

"Grandma, this purple sweet potato yam is so tasty!"

"Hua, your culinary skills are amazing. Every meal is a revelation. Small Zhuang Village would be at a loss if you ever stopped cooking for the Village Feast!"

While nibbling on the crispy rice crust left from cooking, Faang Hua chuckled at the compliment. "Who knows? Maybe one day I'll specialize in cooking for the Village Feast."

"Really? Then when my dad passes away, I'll hire you as the Chef."

The speaker's father, sitting right beside him, was baffled by the comment.

"You're quite the dutiful son, planning your old man's funeral feast while I'm still here. Maybe I should knock you off first and have a feast in your honor!"

The exchange was a heartwarming display of father-son affection, though clearly in jest. The crowd shared a laugh before moving on.

"Hua, if you're going to cook for the Village Feast professionally, you'll need to start charging."

"I've heard that a Village Feast table can cost three to four hundred yuan. Given your talent, it would be a bargain even at a higher price!" Mrs. Cuihua said earnestly.

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