The God-Cook/C17 Armored Fish Soup
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The God-Cook/C17 Armored Fish Soup
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C17 Armored Fish Soup

"Absolutely, if folks from our village want to host a Village Feast in the future, they should pay the standard rate. That's the only way to sustain the business long-term."

"I was disappointed to hear that Hua might stop hosting the Village Feasts. It's such a shame to see that kind of skill go unpassed. But now, Hua has to grow and strengthen the business, so everyone outside our village can taste how delicious our Great Feast is!"

As they ate, the group began chatting with Faang Hua.

Overwhelmed by their warmth, Faang Hua felt a cozy glow inside, yet he couldn't commit to anything just yet and deftly steered the conversation elsewhere.

"I'll give it some serious thought. For now, please go ahead and enjoy your meal."

Faang Hua's nudge brought everyone back to reality. A few who hadn't joined the conversation earlier had nearly cleared the meat and vegetables from their plates, hungrily devouring their food.

"Haven't you eaten already? The dishes are nearly empty, and we've only chatted for a moment."

"Where did my sweet potato and yam go? I only had one spoonful, and now there's nothing but an empty plate?"

Many dove back into their meals, leaving the plates spotlessly clean.

Such enthusiasm was the highest compliment for Faang Hua.

Once everyone was done, Faang Hua enlisted Mrs. Cuihua and the others to help clear the dishes and tidy the table.

While others took care of the dishwashing, Faang Hua focused on preparing the afternoon's meal.

He had prepared extra food in the morning, yet it was all devoured. Expecting an even greater appetite in the afternoon, he started early on time-consuming dishes, like the turtle soup.

Making turtle soup is a true test of a chef's skills; a poorly prepared soup can taste unbearably fishy.

After slaughtering the turtle, Faang Hua promptly removed its innards, keeping the gallbladder intact. He cleaned the turtle thoroughly, then mixed its bile with water and applied it to the turtle meat to soak for a few minutes, eliminating any fishiness.

With the turtle prepped, Faang Hua had Mrs. Cuihua heat up the pot and seared the meat. Opting out of medicinal herbs, he added ginger slices and green onions, slow-simmering it for half an hour before tossing in some mushrooms.

The tantalizing aroma of the turtle fish exploded, leaving everyone green with envy and drooling with anticipation.

Moments ago, they had been stuffed, but the scent wafting through the air made them believe they could make room for a little more.

"Uncle Jialong, the cooking at your family's Village Feast is top-notch. Whatever the original flavor of the ingredients, you manage to enhance it and make it even more delectable. Impressive!"

"I need to hurry back and fetch the old man. He mentioned he wants to join the feast this afternoon."

"I'm staying put right here, not budging an inch."

Meanwhile, Faang Hua's family was on their way to Small Zhuang Village.

They weren't the only ones; Lin Li, who had phoned Faang Hua, was also en route, driving with two classmates straight to the village.

"Lin Li, do you really think Faang Hua is the head chef at the Village Feast? Can that be true?"

Nie Huan, the girl speaking, was in the same class as Faang Hua. The boy, Zhao Gaang, was Lin Li's childhood buddy. He had accompanied Lin Li on previous visits to Small Zhuang Village, so they all knew each other.

"We're not there yet, so I can't say for sure if it's true or not. But that's what he told me on the phone yesterday."

Lin Li gave an incredulous eye roll, clearly skeptical.

After all, the person in charge of the Great Feast in a village is no ordinary individual. If Faang Hua was really up to the task, why hadn't Lin Li heard him boast about it before?

"We'll find out soon enough. If it's not his cooking, we'll have a good laugh at his expense. But if it is, and it's not up to snuff, we'll give him a hard time. Hahaha," Zhao Gaang quipped.

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