The God-Cook/C18 Opening the Banquet
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The God-Cook/C18 Opening the Banquet
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C18 Opening the Banquet

The trio made their way to Small Zhuang Village amid laughter and cheerful conversation.

It was already two in the afternoon.

Guests from farther away had arrived and were comfortably seated, engaging in idle chatter.

Faang Hua had been on his feet all day and was feeling a bit worn out. He couldn't help but be grateful for the chef's uniform provided by the system, with its breathable fabric and temperature regulation. Without it, the sweltering heat of the kitchen alone would have been unbearable.

"Hua, we've got plenty of rice ready. How are the dishes coming along? We're set to start the feast at three," Xu Jialong inquired, finding a moment to check in.

"Just two more vegetarian dishes to whip up, and we'll be all set. No delays," Faang Hua assured him.

Concerned there might not be enough food, Xu Jialong had prepared eight large iron pots, keeping the finished dishes warm and ready to be plated as soon as it was time.

"Is the quantity sufficient?" Xu Jialong asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"It should be enough..." Faang Hua responded, though he wasn't entirely certain. He had made extra, after all.

But whether it was yesterday or this morning, every extra dish Faang Hua had prepared had been devoured, leaving him slightly less confident.

"Hey, your cooking is just too delicious; you can't be blamed for that. But if we do run short, we'll need you to come up with a solution," Xu Jialong said.

"Will do," Faang Hua replied briskly, nodding. The kitchen was stocked with additional ingredients, ready for any shortfall in the food supply.

Reassured by Faang Hua's response, Xu Jialong went back to attending to the guests.

Faang Hua finished cooking the last two vegetarian dishes.

At the stroke of three, firecrackers erupted, causing many children to cover their ears, though none of them ran off.

The firecrackers served a dual purpose: to ward off bad luck and to signal the beginning of the feast.

Drinks and sunflower seeds were already on the tables, but the plates and bowls were yet to be set out. There was a concern that the food might be gobbled up before it was all served, so they decided to wait until all the dishes were ready before distributing the bowls and chopsticks.

"It's odd, the dishes aren't even out yet, and I'm already drooling," someone remarked.

"Hua's culinary skills are simply incredible."

"Lin Feng, take a look, I told you so. The 200 RMB gift we gave was well worth it."

"Grandpa, you're a sage. You stay here; I'm going to join the kids' table where I can eat my fill."

Lin Feng had a splendid idea. Kids tend to fill up on drinks and barely touch their main meals, getting full quickly, but he could feast without worrying about anyone else competing for the food.

After receiving an approving nod from Xu Yucvai, Lin Feng secured a prime spot at the table.

His tablemates were all either elementary students or first-year middle schoolers.

"Perfect, these kids won't eat much."

Lin Feng thought to himself with glee.

Before long, the meals for the twenty tables were served, each with disposable bowls and chopsticks.

In the past, due to limited resources, they would have to borrow bowls and chopsticks from other households or use communal supplies from the village. But times had changed, and everything was now disposable.

The guests unwrapped their bowls and chopsticks, and the auntie in charge of serving dished out the rice to each person.

No sooner had the food been served than people eagerly reached for their favorite dishes. Upon tasting, they were pleasantly surprised.

"I've been filleting fish at Great Wheat Food Company for a decade and had lost all excitement for it, but I didn't expect this braised fish to be so tasty!"

"I've been smelling that softshell turtle soup since noon, and it really is as delicious as it smells!"

"The pork belly with preserved mustard greens is so appetizing, it's been ages since I've had a dish this flavorful."

Praise filled the air around the dining table, though most guests were too busy eating to chat.

Not far off in the courtyard, Faang Hua's parents had just finished giving their wedding gift money. Overhearing the diners, they were left wondering.

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