The God-Cook/C20 Getting a Wife
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The God-Cook/C20 Getting a Wife
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C20 Getting a Wife

"If you're at a loss, why not consider my advice? You see, your Hua is quite the catch these days—everyone's got their eye on him."

"Take the Li widow from East Street, or Mrs. Taohua who helps out in the kitchen—they're both eagerly awaiting Hua's approval."

Huang Mei's eyes bulged as she frantically gestured with her hands.

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"The Li widow's daughter is even older than my Lan Lan. Aren't Mrs. Taohua and her husband the picture of marital bliss? Weren't they just recently in the throes of divorce talks?"

"Regardless, they're far too old for my Hua. It's just not suitable."

Mrs. Cuihua chuckled and slapped her thigh, "Oh dear, you've got it all wrong. My apologies for not being clear. They're actually looking to set up their daughters with him."

"Oh, it's for their daughters. You had me worried there for a moment."

"As for Hua's marriage, his father and I don't have any particular wishes. We just want him to be happy with his choice."

Huang Mei's stance was crystal clear, and Mrs. Cuihua continued to engage her in more family chatter.

Meanwhile, Lin Li and his companions had arrived at Small Zhuang Village. As they parked the car, Nie Huan's nerves kicked in.

"Lin Li, which way now? Should we call Faang Hua first?"

"No need. I've been to Small Zhuang Village before; I know my way around. Let's go pay the two hundred RMB first."

With a nonchalant wave of his hand, Lin Li said, "After we've paid, we'll look up Faang Hua. That guy claims he's the Chef, so we'll grab a bite first. If the food's not up to snuff, we'll give him a piece of our mind."

"Ha! Classic Lin Li, always the joker."

Zhao Gaang flashed Lin Li a big thumbs up.

Lin Li led them to make the payment. The collector assumed they were just youngsters back from the city and didn't pay them much mind. After jotting down their names, he handed Lin Li a pack of cigarettes.

"At a funeral, you get a pack of cigarettes," Lin Li explained to Nie Huan. "For a wedding, they'd throw in a pack of wedding candies too."

When they arrived, the first round of dishes was still being savored. The aroma wafted through the air, and everyone was enjoying their meal with gusto.

Zhao Gaang couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"Man, that scent is heavenly. Is this really Faang Hua's cooking? How come I never knew the kid had it in him?"

From a distance, a rich scent of sauce beckoned, and the trio instinctively followed their noses toward the stove.

A familiar figure was vigorously tossing a large wok, the sizzling sound mingling with the crackling flames, adding to the festive atmosphere.

"Look, isn't that Faang Hua over there?"

Lin Li spotted Faang Hua in an instant and swiftly led Zhao Gaang and Nie Huan through the crowd to say hello.

Upon reaching him, Zhao Gaang playfully slapped Faang Hua on the shoulder and joked with feigned annoyance.

"We were just talking about you on the way over, wondering where you'd wandered off to care for us. So you're the head chef here, huh?"

Nie Huan was too fixated on the Jing Beef Slices simmering in the pot to pay any attention to their banter, her mouth watering with anticipation.

"It smells too good! I can't wait any longer. Let's eat now and chat later!"

Seeing his buddies, Faang Hua, with a ladle in hand, gestured toward the open seats with a joyful response.

"Don't give me that look. It's packed today, so I won't be able to host you guys. Just grab a spot for yourselves!"

As more guests filled the seats, Faang Hua had to concentrate on his cooking and couldn't attend to everyone.

Lin Li, Zhao Gaang, and Nie Huan exchanged smiles and casually found themselves a place to join the feast.

No sooner had Lin Li sat down than he eagerly sampled the braised fish with his disposable chopsticks. It was fragrant with a hint of sweetness amidst the savory.

"Not bad at all! The kid's really got some chops!"

Next, he tried the turtle soup, nodding in approval with each spoonful. It was a taste of heaven on earth!

The villagers were eating, drinking, and laughing heartily, all thoroughly impressed by Faang Hua's culinary prowess.

The villagers, initially indifferent to the commotion, caught a whiff of the tantalizing aroma and buzzed with curiosity.

"What's that delicious smell?"

"Ah, it's the Xu family hosting an event! They've got a chef who can really cook up a storm!"

"Is that so? Let's go check it out!"

Unable to resist the enticing scent, they all hurried over to join the festivities, and even folks from the neighboring village followed their noses to contribute their share.

Once they'd paid their dues, it was only right to enjoy a meal before heading home. As a result, the number of tables set up was quickly found to be insufficient.

Some villagers, finding no place to sit, fetched stools from their homes and perched on the corners of the large tables, devouring the food with gusto.

Others, unable to find a spot at the table, scooped up food with their chopsticks and settled down to eat on the sidelines.

On this final day, everyone was eager to savor the mouthwatering dishes.

"Here we go, Jing Huan Meat Slices coming through—watch out, it's hot!"

"Meat braised with quail eggs!"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs!"

With the arrival of the second round, steamy plates were brought out, and the scramble for the delicious fare resumed.

Mrs. Cuihua, keen on learning more about Faang Hua from Huang Mei and possibly playing matchmaker, quickly wrapped up her conversation as the new dishes appeared, diving into the fray with chopsticks at the ready.

"Easy now, there's still a third round to come!"

Xu Jialong, witnessing the chaotic scene, was torn between laughter and tears as he called out.

Sadly, his words were lost in the commotion; the crowd had eyes only for the food on the tables.

Xu Jialong mused to himself, "Inviting Faang Hua was a stroke of genius! Our family's feast has been a roaring success!"

The feast did more than just feed the crowd; it also brought great honor to the Xu family.

After a day filled with activity, the Flowing Feast finally wound down, leaving the villagers thoroughly delighted.

"The Xu family really outdid themselves with this feast! I've never had such amazing food!"

"I agree! The flavors were incredible!"

"I heard he's a self-taught chef! The man's got talent!"

Amidst the chatter, Faang Hua's reputation began to spread far and wide.

Faang Hua didn't let the praise go to his head. He was acutely aware that his ambitions extended far beyond this.

With the rise in living standards, people's expectations for food had soared. He knew he had to keep honing his skills to elevate the Flowing Feast to new heights.

He pitched in with the helpers, gathering up the leftover dishes from the tables and soaking them in a large wooden tub.

That's when Lin Li came over, clapped Faang Hua on the shoulder, and flashed a thumbs-up.

"Kid, you've really got some chops!"

Nie Huan chimed in with enthusiasm.

"Absolutely, next time we don't even need to hit up a restaurant for our get-together. We'll have you whip up the meal!"

A bit sheepishly, Faang Hua scratched his head and then offered,

"Sure thing, it's no trouble at all for us brothers! Hey, why don't you all stay over at my place tonight?"

Back at home, Faang Hua announced cheerfully,

"There's a guest room, plus my room—that's two rooms for the four of us to split."

Zhao Gaang quickly took charge.

"Nie Huan gets a room to himself, and the rest of us can bunk in the other."

"Done!" They all agreed in unison.

Once in his room, Faang Hua collapsed onto the bed, too weary to move. After the day's exertions, he was finally able to relax.

Just then, Faang Jin entered, a dry pipe clenched in his teeth, and burst into laughter at the sight of his son sprawled out on the bed.

"My boy's come into his own, cooking up a storm for the village's Flowing Feast!"

"I had a taste of your dishes today, and they were top-notch! Tell you what, from now on, you're the head chef at home. It's your chance to shine!"

At these words, Faang Hua bolted upright. What a joke!

He was willing to cook for the Xu family to build his reputation.

But cooking at home? It was monotonous, unfulfilling, and pointless.

With that thought, Faang Hua balked at the idea.

"Dad, do I have to?"

Faang Jin, seeing his son's reluctance, raised his voice.

"What's the matter? You don't want to cook for your mom and me? We've slaved away raising you, and you can't even bear to make us a meal?"

Seeing the father and son at odds, Lin Li quickly stepped in to smooth things over.

"Uncle, I have to disagree with you there. Faang Hua is still young, and he's in a great position to earn money and support you both."

"He's making good money now, which he can set aside for your retirement. That's surely better than just cooking a few meals, right?"

Faang Hua nodded vigorously. He too wanted to prioritize his career, and Lin Li had just voiced a fair point!

"Exactly. I'm looking to grow my business. Keeping me cooped up at home isn't going to help. How can I advance my career or find a wife from there?"

Faang Hua had hit the nail on the head, tapping into his parents' deep desire to hold a grandchild.

Even Faang Jin found himself at a loss for words against such logic. After a moment's thought, he nodded in agreement.

"Sure, but you're still taking a break, aren't you? I just got back from outside and haven't even had a sip of water!"

Faang Jin's intentions were crystal clear—he simply wanted Faang Hua to prepare a meal.

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