The God-Cook/C5 Sixteen Dishes
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The God-Cook/C5 Sixteen Dishes
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C5 Sixteen Dishes

"Absolutely, Hua's Pig Killing Dish is even better than Old Master Fang's. Jialong, you should definitely hire Hua as the chef for the funeral!"

"Indeed, if Hua's in charge of the cooking, I'll bring all my aunts and uncles along!"

Before Xu Jialong could even bring up the chef, everyone was already singing Faang Hua's praises, urging him to take on the role for the funeral.

"I won't lie to you all, I asked Hua to be the chef this morning, but he insisted on preparing a Pig Killing Dish as a trial run. He wanted to make sure everyone was happy with his work before he'd agree to cook for the funeral."

"Well, since everyone is so impressed with Hua's culinary skills, it's only right that he steps up as the funeral's chef."

"Alright, thanks for the trust, everyone. I'll be sure to showcase all my abilities and ensure you all have a fantastic meal!"

In the village, hosting a Great Feast is taken very seriously. If the host hires a chef who botches the meal, they'll be secretly scorned.

"Okay, it's decided then. Let's finalize the menu after we eat and quickly purchase the necessary food ingredients."

"Sounds good. I've actually been brainstorming some dishes already, just waiting for Uncle's approval."

Selecting the dishes for the Great Feast requires careful deliberation between the chef and the host family before making a final decision.

"That's wonderful. Hua, your exceptional cooking skills have truly made me proud. Now, let's all eat. Oh, why are all the plates empty? You all have been... too quick!"

In the brief moment Xu Jialong had spoken, the dishes had been devoured, leaving the tables barren and forcing him to settle for plain rice.

After preparing the Pig Killing Dish, Faang Hua drafted a list of forty dishes on his phone and sent it to Xu Jialong via WeChat.

Xu Jialong scrutinized his phone, poring over the list for a good ten minutes.

"I've tried these Four Happiness Meatballs before, and they're delicious. The Cola Chicken Wings are superb, and the Dry Pot Lamb is simply mouthwatering..."

"Yes, we must include poultry and fish, and let's not forget the Corn Rib Soup..."

After a thorough discussion, they settled on sixteen dishes.

The final menu boasted a variety of meats, including the Four Happiness Meatballs, Cola Chicken Wings, Dry Pot Lamb, Steamed Pork Ribs, Red Braised Pig's Feet, and more. The selection promised to be a lavish spread worthy of any banquet table.

"Uncle Jialong, we've settled on the sixteen dishes. Have you figured out how many tables we'll need for the guests on the day of the funeral?"

Each table can accommodate ten guests, and in Small Zhuang Village, it's customary for those who bring gifts to also bring their families to partake in the funeral feast.

"I'm estimating we'll need at least forty tables for the funeral. But we should plan for an extra three or four tables' worth of food, just to be safe—we don't want to run short."

Afterwards, they spent another hour ironing out the finer details.

"Looks like we've got everything nearly buttoned up. Uncle Hua, I'll be sure to share a few drinks with you on the day as a token of my gratitude."

"Uncle, rest assured."

While Xu Jialong and Faang Hua were finalizing the menu, word quickly spread that Faang Hua would be the head chef for the Xu family's funeral.

"Hey, have you heard? Faang Hua, the Faang family's grandson, is going to be the chef for the Xu family's funeral. His pork dish this afternoon was snatched up in minutes—you won't want to miss his cooking."

"Shoot, I better make sure to bring a gift then."

"I'm wondering if you're pulling my leg. Count me in for bringing a gift, too."

The buzz about Faang Hua taking on the role of chef for the Xu family's funeral spread rapidly, with everyone eagerly anticipating the dishes he would prepare for the occasion.

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