The God-Cook/C7 Even If She Died She Would Love It
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The God-Cook/C7 Even If She Died She Would Love It
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C7 Even If She Died She Would Love It

"Just spit it out if you've got something to say. I'm tied up with the Village Feast for the next few days and can't step away."

"Pfft! My sister's college entrance exam scores are in, and she's a shoo-in for university. We're throwing a celebration banquet. You should come."

That's what this was about.

Faang Hua didn't hesitate: "Count me in, I'll be there for sure!"

Lin Li's family had a lot in common with Faang Hua's; they had moved from the countryside to the city as well. But Lin Li's grandfather was still around, so they stayed in the village.

The celebration banquet was likely to be in the village, he figured.

"You sound so rushed—are you really busy with the Village Feast? Can I swing by for a meal tomorrow?"

Lin Li tutted, his resolve wavering slightly.

"Sure, you can join for a meal, but I'm dealing with a funeral here. Bring a hundred or so as a token of respect."

"Alright, I'm looking forward to Chef Faang's culinary magic then. And it better be delicious, or else!"

Faang Hua ended the call with a resigned smile.

When Faang Hua's grandfather had passed, Lin Li had taken leave to be there with him. They were as close as brothers.

"Hua, who were you talking to? A guy or a girl?"

Mrs. Cuihua, assisting Faang Hua with the cooking, inquired with a chuckle.

"Auntie, it's a college buddy of mine. He couldn't believe I was back in the countryside preparing a Village Feast—thought I was kidding."

"Haha, Hua, you're a fresh university grad. Who would believe you'd be back here cooking up a Village Feast? But after tasting your food, I'm a believer—more so than Ah Xin, who'd sing about love even in death!"

Mrs. Cuihua was surprisingly hip, referencing a popular song.

"You crack me up, Auntie. I'm not as over-the-top as you make it sound."

Faang Hua said modestly, gesturing with his hand.

"Over-the-top? It's simply the truth!"

"If only I had a daughter, but alas, I'm getting on in years..."

Mrs. Cuihua gazed at Faang Hua with a tender look, her eyes tinged with a shade of regret.

No way, Auntie, we're not a good match!

"Auntie, finding a girlfriend is all about fate, you know?"

Faang Hua chuckled, trying to steer the conversation away from this topic.

Parents are always the same—during school, they forbid dating to avoid distractions from studies, but the minute you graduate, they expect to see a girlfriend and start talking marriage.

It's not like you can just force these things.

"Fate might need a little nudge from us too."

"But Hua, with your cooking skills, you won't have any trouble finding someone to set you up."

"Let me let you in on a little secret. Mrs. Taohua has her eye on you. Her daughter just finished college and she's coming over for dinner this afternoon. Mrs. Taohua is already thinking of introducing you two!"

Mrs. Cuihua's words made Faang Hua break out in a sweat. Goodness, the match was being made before he'd even agreed to it?

"Auntie, let's put that conversation on hold for now. We need to get cooking or we'll be pressed for time."

"Oh, right, I nearly let the time slip by. Today, I want to learn from you, see how you make these tasty dishes. I'll whip some up for my old man at home—he'll love having them with his drink."

Mrs. Cuihua got busy with the preparations.

Faang Hua started getting the seasonings ready.

For a Village Feast, there's no blanching of vegetables since everything is homegrown and the poultry and fish are farm-raised, offering flavors and textures no feedlot animal could match.

It wasn't the main course, but Faang Hua intended to make about ten dishes in total.

Four vegetarian and eight meat dishes, plus a roasted carp for each table.

"Let's tackle the meat dishes first."

With the plan in motion, Faang Hua heated oil in the wok and sautéed the onions and garlic until aromatic.

As the delicious scent began to waft through the air, neighbors passing by found themselves rooted to the spot, unable to move on.

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