The Grandmaster's Gambit/C1 Leave the Martial Club
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C1 Leave the Martial Club
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C1 Leave the Martial Club

Premium Fitness.

"I didn't steal anything! Why won't any of you believe me?!"

In the crowd, Ning Xiaoshu's anxiety was evident as his face flushed red. Yet, the students around him looked on with either indifference or scorn. Their eyes brimmed with disdain, rendering his defense utterly futile.

"Humph, you're still trying to argue your case? You were the last one to leave last night. If it wasn't you, then who else could it be?"

At the center of the crowd, Wu Fei feigned righteous anger as he accused Ning Xiaoshu. The sight of Ning Xiaoshu's distress brought a mysterious satisfaction to Wu Fei's heart. "The surveillance footage is right here. Denying it won't do you any good!"

He pulled out his phone and played a video. Someone was rummaging through the room. The face wasn't clear, but the figure was unmistakably Ning Xiaoshu.

"Wu Fei, you jerk! You're the one who told me to get the equipment last night, claiming the coach needed it. And now you're framing me!" Ning Xiaoshu's fists were clenched as he shouted.

By now, he fully understood the situation. Last night's incident was a setup, a scheme designed to entrap him!

The mastermind behind his downfall was none other than Wu Fei.

"Ning Xiaoshu, you can't just say anything you want. Where's your proof?"

Wu Fei smirked, dismissing the accusation.


Ning Xiaoshu pointed at Wu Fei but held back his words. He realized that continuing to argue would be pointless; no one would believe him now. The only person he could blame was himself for not being more cautious.

He had always clashed with Wu Fei; he should have seen this coming.

"It's hard to believe that Ning Xiaoshu, who seems so honest, could be this kind of person..." Some students shook their heads in disappointment, as if they had misjudged him.

"What's so surprising about that? Ning Xiaoshu must be bitter about losing his spot, that's why he did it!"

Chen Qian stood silently next to Wu Fei, casting a brief glance at Ning Xiaoshu without uttering a word.

Ning Xiaoshu was once the most gifted student at the gym. Had it not been for an accident a month ago that injured him and left him disabled, he would never have ended up in such a dire situation.

"It's such a shame..."

Chen Qian sighed inwardly, "Don't blame me. You just don't fit into my life anymore, Ning Xiaoshu," she reflected.

She had been Ning Xiaoshu's girlfriend for three years, a time marked by tranquility, until a month ago when Ning Xiaoshu was assaulted and left with damaged meridians, rendering him unable to practice martial arts.

It was then that she realized their relationship had to end.

At the same time, Wu Fei's influence was on the rise, and he began to court her.

Chen Qian was a clever woman and made her choice to be with Wu Fei.

"Ah, the human heart is truly unpredictable," some lamented with regret.

"Fine, fine, you all don't believe me, do you?" Ning Xiaoshu, driven to a bitter laugh by his frustration, gazed at the crowd with eyes brimming with disappointment.

"Enough talk!"

Of the thirty-plus students at the martial club, only Liu Xiaoyun stepped forward to defend Ning Xiaoshu. Scanning the room with an authoritative air, she declared, "I believe Ning Xiaoshu is innocent. I'll stand as his guarantor!"

As the daughter of the headmaster, she commanded respect within the club. Her words silenced any objections, and the room fell quiet.

Liu Xiaoyun was strikingly attractive, and if not for a scar from an injury in her youth marring her beautiful face, she would have easily outshone Chen Qian.

"What misunderstanding could there possibly be? Xiaoyun, you're too innocent. Don't let Ning Xiaoshu's looks deceive you!"

Wu Fei spoke to Liu Xiaoyun with patience, "A person with unclean hands and a scheming heart is bound to cause trouble down the line!"

"He's right," another chimed in. "We should kick this disgrace out of the martial club and not let him tarnish the name of Premium Fitness!"

"I agree!"

"Yes, I agree too. We can't let this disgrace damage our reputation!"

A student's suggestion was met with unanimous agreement from the others.

Wu Fei's smirk betrayed his satisfaction; the student who had made the suggestion was, of course, someone he had planted to ensure Ning Xiaoshu's expulsion.

"Chen Qian, aren't you going to say anything? You're Xiaoshu's girlfriend; surely you understand what kind of person he is," Liu Xiaoyun said, defending Ning Xiaoshu with visible frustration.

Chen Qian's face shifted slightly as she cast a glance at Wu Fei beside her and responded, "I never expected him to do something like that..."

After speaking, she silently hoped to herself, "Ning Xiaoshu, I hope you can forgive me."


"Chen Qian, how could you be so cold-hearted!"

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