The Grandmaster's Gambit/C11 Needles of Time
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C11 Needles of Time
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C11 Needles of Time

"Hold on!" Lin Shan interjected abruptly. He ceased his actions and wiped off his sweat, turning his gaze to Ning Xiaoshu. "You mentioned earlier that you have a solution. Can you prove it?"

"I..." Ning Xiaoshu's mind raced as he quickly came up with an idea. Hastily, he pulled out his phone and displayed a photo of Liu Xiaoyun. "Take a look at this photo!"

"A photo?" Lin Shan was perplexed by the young man's request, yet he sensed the urgency in Ning Xiaoshu's voice. Upon looking down, he saw Liu Xiaoyun's image, her face marred by a deep scar that nearly spanned its entirety.

But now, her face appeared flawless and smooth, making it hard to believe it was the same person. It seemed improbable that even the most advanced cosmetic surgery could achieve such results without leaving a single trace.

"Let him stay," Lin Shan finally said after a long silence.

"Teacher?! You..." Chu Mingfeng was visibly shocked, staring at his mentor in disbelief, struggling to grasp the situation.

"Let this young man have a try," Lin Shan stated, his solemn demeanor suggesting he was far from joking.

Chu Mingfeng grew even more bewildered. How could his esteemed teacher consent to this reckless idea?

"Teacher, I can't agree with this. What if something goes wrong? Who will be held accountable?" Chu Mingfeng voiced his key concern, echoing the doubts in his mind.

Typically, emergency surgeries require a waiver to be signed, but if a non-medical professional were to intervene, the waiver would be void. Should the patient's family seek legal action, who would be responsible?

"If anything goes wrong, I'll bear the consequences!" Lin Shan declared decisively, adding, "I'll be supervising the entire procedure."

"But..." Chu Mingfeng was still reluctant and tried to protest, only to be cut off by Lin Shan.

"That's enough. We'll handle this exceptional case accordingly. Do as I say!" Lin Shan's tone was firm and unyielding.

"Thank you!" Ning Xiaoshu breathed a sigh of relief, having gambled correctly. He nodded at Lin Shan and made a request, "I need a set of silver needles!"

"Silver needles? You've got to be joking. Can acupuncture really save lives?" Chu Mingfeng scoffed, his eyes wide with skepticism.

"Just do as he says. Go to my office and bring back my set of silver needles!"

Despite his reluctance, Chu Mingfeng complied with Lin Shan's command. He dutifully retrieved a long wooden box from the office.

Upon opening the box, Ning Xiaoshu was visibly impressed. It was clear that Lin Shan, though primarily a surgeon, had a considerable understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, as evidenced by his collection of silver needles.

The box, exquisitely carved from agarwood and lined with ice silkworm silk, cradled twelve silver needles of varying lengths. Each needle was crafted with the precision of fine art, undoubtedly custom-made with great care.

"Hmph, performing surgery with silver needles? What an international joke. They're just using tricks to fool people!" Chu Mingfeng sneered, his years of studying abroad having left him dismissive of domestic traditional Chinese medicine practices.

To him, such techniques, lacking a basis in modern science, were as primitive as sorcery.

Ning Xiaoshu paid him no mind, carefully laying out the silver needles, his expression growing more solemn. Although he had mastered the medical arts of Hu Qingniu, the renowned Fairy Doctor of Butterfly Valley, this was his first time applying them in practice, and Liu Xiaoyun's life was at stake. The pressure was undeniable.

Lin Shan noticed Ning Xiaoshu's anxiety and offered reassurance, "Young man, there's no need to be nervous. I'll be right here to assist you."

Grateful for the support, Ning Xiaoshu wiped the sweat from his brow, took a deep breath, and began the acupuncture treatment as described in the medical texts.

His expertise was evident from the start. With complete focus, Ning Xiaoshu was in his element, his surroundings fading away. His hands moved with practiced ease, each needle placed with precision and certainty.

To any observer, Ning Xiaoshu's performance was not that of a mere twenty-year-old, but rather that of a masterful and enigmatic expert, whose elegant technique was a visual delight, reminiscent of pear blossoms in a gentle rain.

"Heaven, Earth, the Twelve Directions. Is this the Needles of Time?!" Lin Shan, deeply versed in ancient Chinese medicine, instantly recognized Ning Xiaoshu's technique and was utterly astonished.

"It's breathtaking. I never imagined that in my lifetime, I would witness the heir to the Needles of Time!" Lin Shan was overwhelmed with excitement. He had encountered descriptions of the Needles of Time in ancient texts—a mysterious and extraordinary acupuncture method that had been lost for centuries.

To think he would witness it firsthand!

As Ning Xiaoshu's performance peaked, his skills grew sharper. The needles danced with seamless precision.

He was so engrossed that he was oblivious to the world around him.

"Teacher, what are the Needles of Time you speak of? What's so remarkable about them?" Chu Mingfeng asked, puzzled. He had never seen his teacher so taken aback and was genuinely intrigued.

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