The Grandmaster's Gambit/C12 Friends of the Same Age
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C12 Friends of the Same Age
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C12 Friends of the Same Age

At that moment, he witnessed Ning Xiaoshu's masterful execution of acupuncture, seamlessly blending with the natural world. His technique was so impressive that it caught everyone's attention. It was clear that this young man had some serious talent.

Yet, what astonished him the most was the excitement of his teacher. After all, it was just acupuncture. What could possibly be so extraordinary about it? It's important to remember that his teacher was a towering figure in the medical community.

"It's far more than just extraordinary. Hmph, you're far too dismissive of the quintessence of our national heritage. Do you even realize what the Needles of Time signify?" Lin Shan scoffed and went on to explain, "Traditional medicine has been handed down for millennia. Its intricacies are not something that can be summed up in a few words."

"I've read about the Needles of Time in ancient texts. They are incredibly enigmatic, aligning with the celestial stems and earthly branches, capable of interpreting the will of the heavens. It is said they can revive the dead and mend flesh and bone. Sadly, they were lost centuries ago, and I never imagined I'd be fortunate enough to witness their use in my lifetime!"

Lin Shan spoke with palpable excitement. He was well aware of the immeasurable depth of traditional Chinese medicine, having devoted years to its study. The more he delved into it, the more he realized that the millennia-old medical wisdom could not be matched by a few modern surgical tools.

"Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?" Chu Mingfeng clicked his tongue, still finding the claims overly grandiose and somewhat far-fetched.

"Hmph, you know nothing!" Lin Shan retorted sharply, his gaze fixed on Ning Xiaoshu, who was performing acupuncture with the eagerness of a curious student, observing every detail.

This was Ning Xiaoshu's first time using acupuncture to save a life, and he was extraordinarily concentrated on the task at hand. He not only employed techniques from the Lost Scrolls of Healing but also daringly integrated methods from the Tendon Change Classic. Using silver needles, he channeled his vital spirit into Liu Xiaoyun's body.

Before long, his efforts bore fruit. Color returned to Liu Xiaoyun's pallid complexion, and she appeared significantly more vibrant.

The transformation left Lin Shan both stunned and full of admiration. However, as a respected authority in the medical field, he also recognized a concerning aspect of the situation. Despite Ning Xiaoshu's remarkable approach, the patient's wound continued to bleed.

While Lin Shan was both impressed and shocked by the situation, he couldn't help but feel concerned. Despite Ning Xiaoshu's valiant efforts to save the patient, he couldn't manage to stop the bleeding.

"Quick, notify the blood bank to increase the supply. We can't afford to stop the transfusion, not even for a second!" Lin Shan decisively instructed his assistant to keep the blood flowing to the patient.

It may have looked like Ning Xiaoshu was in control, skillfully performing acupuncture and leading the rescue, but no one could fathom the immense pressure that weighed on the elderly man with the white hair.

Without Lin Shan's word and assurance, who would have the courage to let Ning Xiaoshu take such risks in the operating room? Only someone of his stature and authority could quell the dissenting voices.

Yet, with that authority came tremendous pressure. Any mishap would tarnish more than just Lin Shan's reputation.

So there he stood, vigilant and focused, monitoring every shift in the operating room's dynamics.

When Lin Shan realized that, although Ning Xiaoshu's acupuncture was reviving the patient, the bleeding persisted, he made a crucial decision.

Still, the problem persisted. Even with a substantial supply from the blood bank, the surgery was lengthy, and the arterial bleeding was severe. Traditional transfusion methods were falling behind.

If things continued this way, it seemed Ning Xiaoshu might be powerless to change the outcome.

Lin Shan watched with growing anxiety, brainstorming for a solution but remaining silent, not wanting to distract Ning Xiaoshu and potentially exacerbate the situation.

The operating room's atmosphere grew tense, the only sound being the faint whisper of Ning Xiaoshu's needles at work.

Ning Xiaoshu was well aware of the issue Lin Shan had noticed. Watching Liu Xiaoyun's unceasing blood loss, he felt an urgency greater than anyone else's.

"It's time to give it everything I've got!"

With that thought, he bit down hard and abruptly ceased his movements.

"Little brother, what's happening?" Lin Shan, taken aback, inquired in a hushed tone.

Without a word, Ning Xiaoshu had no time to spare. Gritting his teeth, he executed the ultimate technique of the Needles of Time.

Using both hands, he swiftly performed the needle technique, piercing twelve specific acupoints on his body. These were vital blood points, akin to human arteries, and from each tiny puncture, a slender stream of blood spurted forth.

Simultaneously, his other hand worked on Liu Xiaoyun, piercing her twelve acupoints without removing the silver needles.

This unusual sight puzzled all the medical staff, including Lin Shan, who were at a loss as to Ning Xiaoshu's intentions.

Then, something extraordinary happened. Blood from the twelve acupoints on Ning Xiaoshu's body shot out, intertwining and forming a conduit in mid-air, channeling directly into Liu Xiaoyun.

"I understand now, I truly do. This is the profound secret of the Needles of Time!" Lin Shan exclaimed in awe, as if speaking to himself.

Ning Xiaoshu's technique had left everyone in the room astounded. It was an incredible display of medical prowess that no one could have anticipated.

In essence, he had turned his own body into a vessel for blood transfusion, with the efficiency of the twelve blood points far surpassing that of conventional transfusion methods.

As a result, Liu Xiaoyun's complexion visibly improved, her healthy glow signaling that she had passed the critical phase.

"Lin Shan, I think I need your assistance," Ning Xiaoshu said with a wry smile. He was immobilized by his own method and could not risk disrupting the transfusion.

Lin Shan nodded, immediately stepping up to the task without a second thought, and began suturing and treating Liu Xiaoyun's wounds.

Ten minutes later, the operating room lights went off. Shortly after, the door swung open, and out walked Lin Shan, looking somewhat weary, followed by Ning Xiaoshu, Chu Mingfeng, and the rest of the medical team.

"Doctor, how did it go?"

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