The Grandmaster's Gambit/C13 I will Forget about the Past!
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C13 I will Forget about the Past!
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C13 I will Forget about the Past!

Upon seeing Lin Shan emerge, Liu Cunzhi and his wife were instantly gripped by an intense nervousness, their gazes flickering between hope and worry.

"The surgery was a complete success. The young girl is out of danger!" Lin Shan announced with a smile, looking somewhat aged by the minor procedure, yet his energy was palpable.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Thank you so much, Dr. Lin," Liu Cunzhi said, his voice brimming with excitement as he shook Lin Shan's hand vigorously in gratitude.

Ning Huidie, upon hearing the news, was so overcome with emotion that tears streamed down her face. "Doctor, you truly are my daughter's lifesaver!"

Ru, too, breathed a sigh of relief upon learning the outcome.

"Oh, please, I don't deserve such praise," Lin Shan demurred with a smile. "The real thanks should go to this young man. Without his intervention, I'm afraid this old man would have been at a loss."

"Him? Ning Xiaoshu?"

Everyone was taken aback by Lin Shan's revelation, clearly baffled.

"Hehe, this young man is the true genius. His medical expertise and miraculous techniques make even me feel inferior," Lin Shan expressed, his face glowing with genuine admiration.

"Impossible, right? He knows medical practices?"

Ning Huidie was skeptical, shaking her head in disbelief.

Liu Cunzhi, standing next to her, also found it odd. He had watched Ning Xiaoshu grow up and had never seen him show the slightest interest in medicine.

Ru's gaze towards Ning Xiaoshu was filled with curiosity as well.

Lin Shan then recounted the events that had taken place in the operating room, sparing no praise. With his explanation, everyone began to come around to the idea.

"Look at you, when did you pick up medical skills? You've kept it quite the secret!" Ru said with a chuckle, seeing Ning Xiaoshu in a new light.

"Xiaoshu, we owe you a great debt for this," Liu Cunzhi admitted, his emotions a mix of guilt and gratitude. "I apologize for earlier..."

"Xiaoshu, I spoke in haste earlier. Please, don't take it to heart," Ning Huidie quickly added, echoing the sentiment of remorse.

Ning Xiaoshu simply smiled and casually replied, "Don't worry, headmaster, Auntie, I did what I had to do."

Regardless of the circumstances, Liu Cunzhi and his wife had always shown him parental kindness. He couldn't possibly harbor any other feelings.

"Teacher, there's one thing I've been puzzled about. How did you determine that Brother Ning was knowledgeable in medicine earlier?" Chu Mingfeng asked Lin Shan, taking advantage of the relaxed atmosphere.

"You'll have to ask Ning Xiaoshu about that," Lin Shan replied with a smile.

The group looked on, clearly confused.

Ning Xiaoshu, somewhat sheepishly, shared a photo with everyone. It revealed a startling scar on Liu Xiaoyun's face.

"The situation was critical at the time, and I was out of options," Lin Shan explained with a chuckle. "If you were able to heal such a severe scar, you must possess exceptional surgical skills."

Chu Mingfeng had an epiphany and finally understood. He couldn't help but feel immense admiration for his teacher. He doubted he would have had the same keen observational skills had he seen the photo himself.

He now realized that there was good reason his teacher was considered a towering figure in the medical community. Lin Shan's remarkable powers of observation, along with his ability to adapt and make decisions, were certainly worth emulating.

Following this revelation, Liu Cunzhi and his wife were ecstatic. Ning Xiaoshu had not only saved Liu Xiaoyun's life but had also healed the scar on her face.

In their joy, they felt even more indebted to Ning Xiaoshu.

"Ning Xiaoshu, I have a request to make!" Lin Shan suddenly announced with gravity.

"Lin Shan, there's no need for formalities. Please, just tell me what you need," Ning Xiaoshu responded eagerly.

"That won't do," Lin Shan insisted with seriousness. "I've long been captivated by the Needles of Time and would like to ask for your instruction."

As he spoke, he seemed to think his request lacked sufficient gravity. After a pause, he added, "I, Lin Zhenguo, am prepared to offer you the respect due to a master."

His statement implied that he was ready to take Ning Xiaoshu as his teacher. The declaration not only startled Ning Xiaoshu but also shocked everyone present.

Lin Shan, a venerable figure in the national medical community, was proposing to take a twenty-year-old as his teacher. Surely, this was quite an extraordinary turn of events.

"Teacher, this is..."

Chu Mingfeng was startled, feeling somewhat disheartened by his teacher's whimsical suggestion. If he were to truly acknowledge Ning Xiaoshu as his teacher, what would that make him? A grand-disciple?

"Lin Shan, you..."

The other doctors and nurses joined in, trying to dissuade him.

"No, no, Lin Shan, you flatter me too much. How could I possibly qualify to be your disciple? It would make more sense for me to be learning from you," Ning Xiaoshu said, caught between laughter and tears.

"That won't do either. My medical skills are not fit to mentor someone of your caliber," Lin Shan insisted, childishly serious about the matter.

Ning Xiaoshu, still torn between laughter and tears, responded helplessly, "Lin Shan, I've always admired a senior with such high medical ethics as yourself. To become your disciple would be overwhelming for me."

"Let's do this instead: we'll drop the idea of a formal apprenticeship. We can exchange medical knowledge, and I can teach you the Needles of Time that you're interested in. How does that sound?"

Ning Xiaoshu's proposal was met with unanimous agreement from the group.

"Exactly, teacher. I believe Brother Ning's suggestion is much more fitting. Let's set aside the idea of discipleship," Chu Mingfeng chimed in first.

"Indeed, Lin Shan. Considering your esteemed status, insisting on this is only putting Ning Xiaoshu in an awkward position."

With everyone's encouragement, Lin Shan finally agreed, albeit reluctantly. He warmly grasped Ning Xiaoshu's hand and declared with gravity, "Alright, from now on, we shall be friends beyond age!"

"Agreed!" Ning Xiaoshu replied with a smile.

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