The Grandmaster's Gambit/C14 I will be Arrested!
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C14 I will be Arrested!
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C14 I will be Arrested!

"That's more like it, Ning Xiaoshu..." Chu Mingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he wouldn't inexplicably become someone's disciple.

But before he could finish, Lin Shan cut him off.

"Don't be disrespectful. How can you address me like that? You should call me Master from now on!" Lin Shan said sternly.


Chu Mingfeng's eyes bulged in disbelief as he stared at Lin Shan.

Realizing his teacher was not joking, and knowing his teacher's firm nature, Chu Mingfeng quickly adjusted his mindset, albeit reluctantly.

"Alright, if Master it is, then Master it is."

"Hmph, that's better!" Lin Shan nodded, pleased, and with great enthusiasm, he added, "Ning, now that we have the time, I must seek your guidance."

"Lin Shan, you flatter me. It's an honor to discuss medical skills with a senior like you."

Abruptly, before Ning Xiaoshu could finish his thought, everything went black, and he lost consciousness.

"Ning Xiaoshu, what happened to you?"

"Come on, wake up!"

Everyone grew anxious as Ning Xiaoshu suddenly collapsed. Lin Shan quickly commanded, "Quick, take him to the ward!"

Half an hour later, Lin Shan emerged from the ward to a crowd of concerned faces. He reassured them with a smile, "Alright, no need to worry. Ning Xiaoshu just fainted from excessive blood loss. He'll recover after a few days' rest."

It turned out that Ning Xiaoshu had fainted due to overexertion and excessive blood loss after using the Needles of Time.

A few days of proper rest should see him fully recovered.

However, during the examination, Lin Shan made an unexpected discovery: Ning Xiaoshu's blood production rate was significantly faster than that of an ordinary person, which piqued his curiosity.

For instance, where an average person might produce one blood cell per second, Ning Xiaoshu could produce more than ten in the same timeframe—ten times the normal rate.

Lin Shan had encountered individuals with unique physiques before, but nothing as remarkable as Ning Xiaoshu's.

Having served as the director of the People's Hospital for thirty years and devoted many years to studying traditional Chinese medicine, Lin Shan was well-acquainted with extraordinary individuals and understood that Pashiara's mountains harbored dragons and its fields hid Qilins.

Lin Shan gazed intently at Ning Xiaoshu.

"This kid is something special..."


As night fell, Ning Xiaoshu finally came to. Opening his eyes, he was touched to see Ru sitting at his bedside, peeling an apple.

"You're awake?" Ru asked with a smile, setting the apple aside as she noticed his eyes open.

"Ru, what brings you here?" Ning Xiaoshu asked, nodding. "I'm fine, really. You didn't have to come check on me."

"Just thought I'd drop off some food for you," Ru replied, lifting the thermos in her hand with a smile.

"Thank you," Ning Xiaoshu said gratefully. He glanced around and then quickly added, "By the way, Ru, how's Xiaoyun doing?"

At his question, Ru chuckled and playfully flicked his forehead. "You and your little girlfriend, always on your mind."

"Don't worry, she's alright. If the doctor hadn't insisted she stay in bed, she'd probably be here by now."

"That's a relief, that's a relief."

Knowing Liu Xiaoyun was safe, Ning Xiaoshu finally relaxed, the heavy burden in his heart lifting.

"Tsk tsk, young love. Can't stand to be apart, can they?" Ru teased, seeing the look on his face.

Embarrassed, Ning Xiaoshu blushed and awkwardly scratched his head.

"Xiaoshu, I heard you woke up?" At that moment, Chu Mingfeng, clad in his white coat, entered. He was on duty that night and had been specifically instructed by their teacher to look after Ning Xiaoshu.

Upon entering the ward and spotting Ru, Chu Mingfeng was taken aback. "You, aren't you from the Chen family..."

He was startled to see Chen Qingru. The daughter of the Chen family was not someone to be taken lightly, and here Ning Xiaoshu was, acquainted with such a person.

But before he could finish, Chen Qingru subtly signaled him with a glance, urging him to keep quiet.

Chu Mingfeng instantly tensed, catching her silent message. He nodded and then smiled, "Xiaoshu, you're awake. Are you feeling alright?"

Ning Xiaoshu shook his head and smiled, "I'm fine, thank you."

"No need for thanks. You're my Master now. If something were to happen to you, our teacher would have my hide," Chu Mingfeng said with a light-hearted chuckle.

After his laugh, Ning Xiaoshu stood up to stretch and proceeded to perform a series of punches in the open space in front of his hospital bed. He was brimming with vitality, hardly resembling a patient.

"You really should rest more," Chu Mingfeng remarked, impressed by Ning's swift recovery, yet still concerned.

"I'm truly okay. I don't have any issues whatsoever," Ning Xiaoshu assured him. He wasn't overstating; upon waking, he felt not the slightest bit of fatigue. In fact, he felt significantly refreshed.

Having mastered the nameless medical techniques of Hu Qingniu, Ning Xiaoshu not only gained profound medical knowledge but also an enhanced understanding of the human body, deepening his grasp of the Tendon Change Classic.

Martial arts and medicine are intrinsically linked. Ning Xiaoshu sensed that with further contemplation, he might even unravel the second layer of the Tendon Change Classic's mental cultivation method.

However, this would demand considerable time and effort. It might be more expedient to complete his newbie task sooner rather than later.

The ward door was knocked upon once more.

"Excuse me, is Ning Xiaoshu in here?"

Two stern-faced police officers entered, pistols holstered at their waists.

"That's me. How can I help you?" Ning Xiaoshu asked, puzzled but not overly concerned.

"Arrest him!"

To Ning's surprise, the officers' demeanor turned grave the moment they confirmed his identity. Without further ado, they slapped handcuffs on his wrists.

"Wait, wait, wait, officers, what's going on here? Why are you arresting him?" Chu Mingfeng exclaimed, startled, as he tried to intervene.

"We suspect Ning Xiaoshu of intentional homicide and need to take him in for questioning," one officer explained, presenting a badge. "Here's our arrest warrant."

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