The Grandmaster's Gambit/C15 You Have Killed Someone!
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C15 You Have Killed Someone!
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C15 You Have Killed Someone!

The two officers were deep in conversation when one of them produced a pair of handcuffs. This was no joke or drill; they meant business. Chu Mingfeng quickly stepped forward to shield Ning Xiaoshu. "Officer, there's got to be some mistake. Look at him; does he look like a murderer to you?"

The older policeman cleared his throat and replied, "First off, murderers don't have the word 'murderer' written across their faces. Until there's a conviction, you can't just look at someone and tell they're a killer. Moreover, I never said he was a murderer. He's merely a suspect at this point. We're arresting him to conduct a thorough investigation."

Ru stepped forward, positioning herself in front of Ning Xiaoshu. "Officer, I implore you to conduct a proper investigation before making an arrest."

The officers exchanged a glance before addressing Ru. "Do you really think we arrest people on a whim? Without a proper investigation, how could we possibly secure an arrest warrant?"

Ning Xiaoshu gently pushed both Ru and Chu Mingfeng aside. The police had arrived, and he knew he had to comply. Their attempts to intervene would be futile.

However, if Chu Mingfeng and Ru were to escalate their actions, it would be considered violently resisting the law, which was the last thing Ning Xiaoshu wanted. So, it was inevitable that he would go with the officers today.

"I'm Ning Xiaoshu, and I'll come with you," he declared, turning to glance at Chu Mingfeng and Ru. "Don't worry about me. I'm innocent, and the truth will prevail."

One officer handcuffed Ning Xiaoshu, and together they began to escort him outside. Chu Mingfeng's face flushed with anger, while Ru's expression turned icy.

As the police led Ning Xiaoshu to the door, Ru followed, issuing a stern warning. "Regardless of which precinct you're from, I expect you to adhere strictly to protocol and not to mistreat Xiaoshu. Should I discover any misconduct on your part, be warned that I will hold you accountable."

The officers remained unfazed by her words. They had heard similar threats before and had no intention of stepping out of line. The police force had stringent standards, and they were not about to engage in any form of abuse. They knew better than to violate regulations or use force unlawfully. After all, if a suspect resorted to violence, that was on them, not the officers.

Ning Xiaoshu was taken into custody by the police, prompting both Chu Mingfeng and Ru to simultaneously reach for their phones.

Ru was slightly quicker on the draw. By the time Chu Mingfeng had his phone out, Ru was already on a call. "Hello, Dongliu? I need your help with something."

The man on the other end, Jiang Dongliu, was known as the preeminent young master of the East Sea. His parents were high-ranking officials in the province, and he himself owned two companies. It was common knowledge that Jiang Dongliu had a soft spot for women and was currently pursuing Chen Qingru with great interest.

Jiang Dongliu's voice was tender, "Qingru, when did you start being so formal with me? Just tell me what you need."

Chen Qingru's brow furrowed. "One of my tenants, Ning Xiaoshu, has been arrested by the police. They're accusing him of murder. But we all know he's innocent; he's been wrongfully accused. I need you to find a way to get Xiaoshu released."

Jiang Dongliu laughed heartily upon hearing her request. "Qingru, you're giving me too much credit. If the police are convinced he's a murderer, it won't be easy to secure his release. Is it really worth it for just a tenant?"

Chen Qingru bit her lip, determination in her voice. "It is worth it. He's my brother."

Jiang Dongliu gave a thoughtful hum. "Alright, Qingru, but you'll have to give me some time to look into it."

After ending the call, Jiang Dongliu angrily threw his phone onto the bed. His handsome face contorted with frustration. "Damn, women! A brother, huh? Or is he just her kept man?"

Having witnessed Chen Qingru conclude her call, Chu Mingfeng dialed his own contact. "Lin Shan? Ning Xiaoshu... Mr. Ning has been arrested by the police on murder charges."

Lin Shan was so shocked he nearly dropped his phone. "Damn it, how could Ning Xiaoshu be a murderer? He's a healer, a life-saver. Who's spreading such irresponsible rumors?"

Instead of being taken to the police station for questioning, Ning Xiaoshu was sent directly to the First Eastern Sea Detention Center. The police informed him that he was being held on temporary criminal detention.

Actually, this situation didn't quite follow protocol. Without an interrogation, he was simply detained. Ning Xiaoshu wasn't even a fugitive on the run.

Upon his arrival at the detention center, Ning Xiaoshu was placed in a room with nine other individuals. With him included, the room was at full capacity.

The glares from the nine inmates bore a hint of malice, leaving Ning Xiaoshu with an unsettling feeling. The situation seemed far from straightforward; it appeared to be orchestrated.

As expected, once the police had departed, the nine men slowly closed in. "New guy, ever been locked up before? Know the ropes around here?" a diminutive man inquired of Ning Xiaoshu.

"I'm sorry, this is my first time. I'm not familiar with any rules," Ning Xiaoshu replied, shaking his head.

The short man flashed a toothy smile. "Well then, since you're clueless about the rules, let us enlighten you. This here is Yan, the boss of our cell. You're the newbie, so start by giving Yan a proper foot massage."

The nine inmates watched Ning Xiaoshu with a taunting gaze. They had all endured this initiation when they first arrived.

People can be peculiar at times. When they're the ones being bullied, they stew in resentment. Yet, when the tables turn and they have the chance to bully someone else, they forget their own mistreatment and instead, relish the opportunity to take out their frustrations on the newcomer.

Ning Xiaoshu looked up at the nine men and shook his head again. "Sorry, I don't do foot massages."

The short man's eyebrows twitched in annoyance. "You're really asking for it, huh? If word gets around about you, you'll be a punching bag no matter where you are," he snapped.

He then aimed a kick at Ning Xiaoshu's midsection and groin—a move that was anything but a fair fight, intended to cause serious harm.

Ning Xiaoshu didn't even try to evade. He simply hopped lightly in place, trapping the short man's foot between his legs. With a quick twist of his right leg, the short man's face contorted with pain.

Although Ning Xiaoshu had subdued the short man, the room still held eight other free men. Yan, the cell boss, remained still, but the other seven were quickly closing in.

A stocky fellow blurted out a curse: "Your mother is a—," but before he could finish, Ning Xiaoshu had already intercepted his raised fist.

Ning Xiaoshu didn't show any courtesy. He seized the guy's wrist, yanked it downward, then thrust it upward, and with a snap, the burly man howled as his arm went limp.

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