The Grandmaster's Gambit/C17 I will Run to See You!
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C17 I will Run to See You!
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C17 I will Run to See You!

The individuals were so overwhelmed by the sudden onset of pain that they were left dumbfounded, all staring blankly at Ning Xiaoshu. Leaning back on the bed, Ning Xiaoshu addressed them, "Just wait. Once I'm out of here, I'll alleviate your pain. Otherwise, you'll be in agony for half a month, and it might just kill you."

This time, it wasn't just Yan who was affected; everyone else fell to their knees beside Ning Xiaoshu's bed. "Big brother, sir, you can't do this to us. Please, relieve our pain quickly."

Ning Xiaoshu let out a chuckle, turning his attention inward. "How could I rest easy otherwise? Now, we can both have peace of mind and sleep soundly."

The group kneeling on the floor exchanged bewildered glances. What did he mean by both sides being at ease? Could they really feel at ease in their situation? But on second thought, they had never witnessed such martial arts before. What if it was real? They couldn't afford to gamble with their lives.

In the days that followed, Ning Xiaoshu led a life of relative ease. Meals were brought to him, and he would have his fill of the cakes first. Only after Xiaoshu was satisfied would the others dare to divide the leftovers among themselves.

While Ning Xiaoshu's life was decent, those outside were growing increasingly desperate.

Upon receiving the news, Lin Shan pondered for two days before he reluctantly made a call he had hoped never to make. "Old Commander, I'm truly out of options, which is why I'm calling you. A prodigy in the medical field has been wrongfully accused. Rumor has it he's been thrown into the detention center. Consider this: a supposed murderer is taken away without a proper investigation, straight to the detention center. Does that seem fair to you? Alright, alright, I'll await your response."

After hanging up, Lin Shan's hands nervously twisted together, his face alternating between excitement and concern.

Unexpectedly, two military trucks rolled up to the entrance of Dong Hai City's First Hospital. They came to a halt with a hiss, and a platoon of fully armed soldiers disembarked.

Curious onlookers, including medical personnel and the relatives of patients, watched intently. Meanwhile, Lin Shan stood by the entrance, accompanied by several of the hospital's executives, awaiting what would unfold next.

After disembarking from the trucks, the soldiers swiftly formed an impressive defensive ring. A thunderous roar descended from the sky, prompting everyone to gaze upward. A military helicopter was making a gradual descent.

The helicopter's exterior was coated in non-reflective camouflage paint, and the downdraft caused the soldiers' uniforms to flutter. Yet, each soldier's expression was resolute, standing straight despite the gusting winds.

As the helicopter touched down, with its rotors still spinning, the hatch opened, and an elderly man in civilian attire was the first to leap out. Following him were three military officers, among them two colonels and a lieutenant colonel.

The elderly man surveyed his surroundings before striding directly towards Lin Shan.

Lin Shan, visibly moved, extended his trembling hands as he watched the old man approach with firm steps.

The two men grasped each other's hands tightly, and the Old Commander's voice boomed, "Little Lin, it seems you've aged as well."

Tears nearly spilled from Lin Shan's eyes. "Old Commander, I never imagined you would come yourself."

The Old Commander chuckled and affectionately stroked his white crew cut. "I had to see for myself who in Pashiara today would dare to be so unreasonable. Moreover, this young man is a real talent; I have a particular need for him right now."

Lin Shan gestured invitingly, "Old Commander, please, let's continue our conversation in my office. There are too many onlookers here."

The Old Commander laughed heartily once more, "Yes, let's move along. I haven't been made a spectacle of in many years."

Turning to the lieutenant colonel, he commanded, "Xiao Xu, start an investigation into Ning Xiaoshu's case and bring him here. Take the guards with you. If there's nothing amiss with Ning Xiaoshu, I want you to question their leadership thoroughly. What era do they think we're living in? Do they believe they're part of the imperial court?"

The lieutenant colonel snapped to attention and saluted, "Yes, Chief. I'll take care of it right away."

Ning Xiaoshu had been in the detention center for three days, and the guards were astonished by the unexpectedly peaceful atmosphere within. It was a given that newcomers would face harassment, but Ning Xiaoshu was an anomaly. Far from being bullied, he had somehow turned the tables, with the veterans attending to him as if he were nobility.

The atmosphere in the detention center was palpably different today. Just a minute ago, the military had taken over operations.

The warden faced the lieutenant colonel and the deputy commander from the military district, the weight of the black booklet in his hands feeling immense. It bore the signature of the Central Guard.

With a stern expression, the lieutenant colonel stated, "I need to take Ning Xiaoshu with me immediately. Do you have any questions, sir?"

A warden wouldn't dare question such authority. The booklet was as authoritative as a royal edict. It wasn't just about taking someone away; he wouldn't even know where to begin if he were to be detained himself.

Still, he knew to cover his bases. "Commander, this individual was brought in by the Wu Ning Branch. Should we notify them?"

The deputy commander gave the lieutenant colonel a nod. Impatience was evident on the lieutenant colonel's face as he commanded, "Inform the branch chief, the case officer, and their grassroots leaders to come and see me immediately, without delay."

The warden shrank at the thought. To be summoned on the run by such high-level leadership from the Central Government was beyond his small-scale bureaucratic experience.

Roughly twenty minutes later, a knock sounded at the door. "Reporting in, Wu Ning Branch Superintendent Lee Qiangfei and Ning Xu Police Station Superintendent Wang Min, along with the case officers, are here to report."

"Come in," the deputy commander called out, while the warden remained silent, not daring to utter a word.

As the office door swung open, four police officers in uniform entered. It was clear from their insignia that the third-ranked officer was indeed the superintendent of the Wu Ning Branch.

The first-level police inspector had to be the superintendent of the police station, and the two accompanying officers were surely the ones handling the case. They entered, saluted promptly, and lined up in an orderly fashion.

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