The Grandmaster's Gambit/C18 I will Beg You to Save Me!
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C18 I will Beg You to Save Me!
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C18 I will Beg You to Save Me!

The deputy commander of the military district, having spent a considerable amount of time in the East Sea region, was quite familiar with the locals. With a friendly smile, he addressed Chief Lee, "No need for formalities. We're here on behalf of an Old Commander to get a grasp of the situation. Allow me to introduce Lieutenant Colonel Qu Jinglei from the Central Guard's Secret Service."

Qu Jinglei looked up at Lee Qiangfei and inquired, "Chief Lee, could you please tell me what charges Ning Xiaoshu is facing? Why has he been detained in the detention center?"

Lee Qiangfei, visibly perplexed, glanced at Qu Jinglei before turning to Wang Min. He was clueless about any Ning Xiaoshu. What in the world was this about?

Wang Min, on the other hand, was well aware of the situation. Wu Gaolong had personally tasked him with this job: to concoct a charge against Ning Xiaoshu, have him detained for a few days, and let Wu Gaolong have his revenge.

It didn't really matter if they claimed Xiaoshu had committed murder. They could simply say someone had accused him, and upon his release, declare that a thorough investigation had cleared his name. Xiaoshu would even be expected to be grateful.

But who could have predicted that Xiaoshu's connections were so extensive? Suddenly, it seemed as though he had the heavens on his side, and what had seemed like a simple task had escalated into a massive problem. Who could possibly help him now?

Sweat poured down Wang Min's forehead as it became apparent to everyone in the room who was responsible for this mess.

Through gritted teeth, Lee Qiangfei demanded, "Director Wang Min, since your station handled this case, perhaps you could shed some light on the matter?"

Wang Min, too nervous to even wipe his brow, stammered, "Ning... Ning Xiaoshu is a suspect in a murder case. We detained him to facilitate the investigation."

Qu Jinglei's hand came down hard on the table, splitting it. Joining the Central Guard's Secret Service was no small feat.

"Lying, station chief? That's quite bold. I must ask, is a murder case something your small station is equipped to handle? Why wasn't the suspect turned over to the criminal police team of the city or district bureau? How many major cases does your station even handle? You detain a murder suspect for two days without any interrogation—do you think you're the criminal police team? So, tell me, in which specific murder case is Ning Xiaoshu a suspect? Where's the evidence, both testimonial and physical?"

Wang Min was drenched in sweat, unable to wipe it away as it cascaded like a waterfall.

Qu Jinglei snorted heavily. "Chief Lee, is this the standard procedure for your officers? I suggest we halt all work for this individual and await further investigation."

Lee Qiangfei, seething with anger at Wang Min, quickly agreed. "Yes, I'll take care of it immediately. Wang Min, surrender your badge and gun, and go home to await the investigation. You're not to leave your house during this time. You two, return to the station, suspend your duties, and reflect on your actions while you await further instructions. Regarding Ning Xiaoshu, I expect a thorough investigation from your deputy chief. I want a reliable update within half an hour."

Ning Xiaoshu was in no trouble; it was impossible for someone to have been killed and framed on him so quickly. Consequently, the investigation turned up no relevant cases.

The warden personally escorted Ning Xiaoshu out, noticing Qu Jinglei's deep frown and his hand lingering near his waist.

Rumors suggested that members of the Central Guard's Secret Service carried a license to kill. Provoking such a person could lead to a tragic misunderstanding. Even if Qu Jinglei were to face disciplinary action later, it wouldn't be worth the potential loss.

Upon Ning Xiaoshu's release, the warden was taken aback to see the other detainees weeping as if they were long-lost brothers reunited with Ning Xiaoshu.

It took a firm gesture from Ning Xiaoshu to settle everyone down.

Ning Xiaoshu himself was astonished by the scene in the warden's office. He knew he was safe, but the presence of these heavily armed soldiers was unexpected. He realized he didn't have the influence to warrant such a display.

Unexpectedly, a lieutenant colonel approached Ning Xiaoshu and crisply saluted. "Comrade Ning Xiaoshu, please accompany me immediately. The Old Commander and Lin Shan from the First Hospital are awaiting your arrival."

Hearing Lin Shan's name, Ning Xiaoshu's doubts vanished, and he fearlessly followed the military personnel out of the detention center. Outside, a fleet of robust, square-shaped Dongfeng Mengshi vehicles awaited, which Ning Xiaoshu admired at first sight.

Qu Jinglei approached Ning Xiaoshu and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder, grinning as he spoke, "Let's get going and hop in the car. We wouldn't want to keep the Old Commander waiting. After this is all wrapped up, you should ask him for a car—he'd probably give you one without a second thought."

What kind of chief was this, wielding such immense authority?

The motorcade made its way through a succession of green lights to the First Eastern Sea Hospital. Upon reaching Lin Shan's office, Ning Xiaoshu observed Lin Shan and an elderly man deeply engaged in conversation, with two senior colonels seated nearby. Ning Xiaoshu couldn't help but gulp—this chief certainly had an impressive stature.

Lin Shan broke into a smile upon seeing Ning Xiaoshu. "Xiaoshu, welcome back. Let me introduce you to someone. This is... you can call him Grandfather Lei."

Ning Xiaoshu regarded the elder introduced by Lin Shan. Though he appeared to be in his seventies, there was a youthful vitality in his eyes, hair, and brows.

The distinction between youth and age lies in one's vitality. With age, vitality wanes, and so does the vigor in one's blood, revealing the signs of aging. In contrast, the robust vitality of the young is why they are described as vigorous and strong.

The elder gave Ning Xiaoshu a once-over, then a more thorough examination from head to toe.

While examining Ning Xiaoshu, the elder walked over to him and exclaimed, "Young man, well done, very good!" After repeating the word 'good' three times, he suddenly gave Ning Xiaoshu a hearty slap on the shoulder.

Thanks to his mastery of the Tendon Change Classic, Ning Xiaoshu's muscles instinctively adjusted to dissipate the force of the slap. Unmoved, he simply stood there with a smile, effortlessly absorbing the impact.

The elder's eyes sparkled, and he burst into hearty laughter. "Impressive, young man! I'd like to have you in my ranks. How about it, do you want to be a soldier? If you're interested, come to me, Lei Dongtian. I'll have you start as a lieutenant, and within three years, you'll be at least a major."

Ning Xiaoshu chuckled in response, "Grandfather Lei, while I don't have immediate plans to enlist, I assure you that if Pashiara ever needs me, I won't hesitate. Those who threaten Pashiara, no matter how far, will face retribution."

The elder nodded in agreement. "Very well. Your ability to heal and save lives is a form of national defense in its own right. I, Lei Dongtian, am here to request a favor of you—I need your assistance in saving someone's life."

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