The Grandmaster's Gambit/C19 I will Beat You Until You Go Back!
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C19 I will Beat You Until You Go Back!
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C19 I will Beat You Until You Go Back!

Ning Xiaoshu glanced at Lin Shan, who gave a slight nod in return. With newfound resolve, Ning Xiaoshu strode to the window and declared, "A true man honors his debts. Lei Dongtian has done me a great service by saving me from incarceration, and I will spare no effort to repay him."

The elder chuckled and shook his head. "I hardly did anything for you, and you've committed no crime. Xiaoshu, I admire your spirit. A man should settle his debts immediately, not wait ten years. But remember, Pashiara is a nation of laws. If you act against the law, I won't support you, even if you are Lei Dongtian."

Ning Xiaoshu spun around, his eyes earnest. "Rest assured, Lei Dongtian. Just name the time and place."

The elder nodded, gesturing towards Ning Xiaoshu with a smile for all to see. "Look at him, just like I was back in the day. We elders should be decisive, not dithering like old women."

The meeting was set for a week later. As the elder left, he gave Ning Xiaoshu's arm a reassuring pat. "I won't linger today. Once you've rescued the individual in question, Lei Dongtian will personally host a celebration in your honor."

Ning Xiaoshu, having learned of Ru's concerns about the situation, called her to confirm his safety.

It was fortunate that Ning Xiaoshu was released today; otherwise, he wouldn't be able to face the challenge set for tomorrow. With the third day approaching and the threat of punishment for failure looming, a shiver ran down his spine.

The Berserker Room was managed by a genuine Huscoilesian named Jin Yongtai. Today, Jin Yongtai was preoccupied, hosting a legitimate Taekwondo black belt master from his homeland.

The master, Lee Longsheng, was a three-time Taekwondo champion in Huscoiles. But since turning fifty, he had embarked on a quest to find a worthy successor to carry on his legacy.

Lee Longsheng's search was not confined to Huscoiles; he traveled the world, visiting any place with a martial club. In choosing his disciple, he looked beyond mere talent, believing also in the importance of destiny.

Lee Longsheng's arrival was met with the utmost hospitality by Jin Yongtai, for Lee Longsheng was a true master, not to be compared with those whose skills ended at merely breaking a wooden plank.

Once the tea had been served, Jin Yongtai summoned all the students. He almost wished he could take their place and showcase his own skills before the master.

Yet, as the students performed, Lee Longsheng merely sipped his tea with downcast eyes, seemingly uninterested in the display.

Among the performers were Huscoilesian students, but the majority hailed from Pashiara. They poured their effort into their routines, but the guest of honor didn't even glance their way. The students felt slighted, especially those from Pashiara, who didn't hold the master in as high regard as their Huscoilesian counterparts.

Zhao Mofei, one of the students, executed a roundhouse kick that splintered the wooden plank held by an assistant. Instead of exiting the stage, he paused, hands on his thighs, and bowed to the head and Lee Longsheng. "Master Lee, could you offer some feedback on my technique? Were there any flaws in my execution?"

Jin Yongtai's face fell at these words. He himself wouldn't dare address Lee Longsheng so boldly, knowing the master's reputation for a fiery temper. As he was about to rebuke Zhao Mofei, Lee Longsheng set his teacup down and gestured for silence. He then looked up at Zhao Mofei and asked, "Are you pleased with your learning?"

Unintimidated, Zhao Mofei responded, "Yes, I am. But Master, you've hardly given us a glance. Isn't that a bit arrogant?"

Lee Longsheng burst into laughter. "I didn't look because your footwork is rubbish, unworthy of my attention. The power doesn't even reach your toes. What should I be watching?"

Zhao Mofei's jaw clenched visibly, his frustration clear. "Master, you may be a master, but there's no need for such insults."

Lee Longsheng simply raised his leg, and in a flash, he was standing before Zhao Mofei. "Humiliate you? What makes you think you're even in a position to be humiliated by me? Pashiara, our great nation, boasts a culture spanning five thousand years. And you address me in such a manner? Aren't you the one humiliating me? Have you no understanding of respect for one's master?"

The two were merely an arm's length apart, and unexpectedly, Lee Longsheng lashed out with a swift kick. "Let me show you what true humiliation is."

His foot struck Zhao Mofei squarely in the chest, catapulting him toward the doorway.

That powerful kick sent Zhao Mofei soaring a good five meters. He would have flown even further if not for a hand that suddenly appeared on his back. The hand retracted and pushed forward, effortlessly dissipating the force from Zhao Mofei's body. "The mighty Pashiara, a mere speck, yet it dares to shine so brightly?"

Zhao Mofei was utterly stunned and couldn't find his footing. Behind him stood a tall figure with an austere face.

Lee Longsheng and Jin Yongtai turned their attention to the newcomer. They didn't recognize the young man, but that was beside the point. What mattered was that they had no idea when he had entered.

Jin Yongtai's eyes widened in surprise. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

Ning Xiaoshu chuckled heartily. "I'm just someone curious about the nature of arrogance, eager to observe how the self-proclaimed enlightened deceive themselves and others."

To Jin Yongtai's astonishment, the normally hot-tempered Lee Longsheng remained calm. He approached Ning Xiaoshu with measured steps. "Young man, have I done something to offend you?"

Ning Xiaoshu's gaze drifted to the ceiling. He was here to issue a challenge. "There's no need for a personal offense. Anyone who crosses Pashiara will be dealt with accordingly."

Lee Longsheng regarded Ning Xiaoshu with a hint of amusement. "Punish those, no matter the distance? Are you referring to the age of the knights-errant?"

Ning Xiaoshu let out a cold, mocking laugh. "Silence them, silence their hearts."

Jin Yongtai stepped forward. "I'm not sure if you possess the skills to back up those words. Currently, I'm hosting a distinguished guest, so I must ask you to leave. Should you have any demands tomorrow, the Berserker Room will address them in full."

Ning Xiaoshu's laughter boomed. "What I'm curious about is who's more formidable—is it Master Lee Longsheng, or is it you, Head Jin Yongtai?"

Jin Yongtai's brow furrowed. "That's a foolish question. Obviously, Master Lee Longsheng is the superior one."

Without sparing Jin Yongtai a glance, Ning Xiaoshu's gaze remained fixed on Lee Longsheng. "Then I look forward to Master Lee Longsheng's instruction, after which I'll send you scurrying away in defeat."

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