The Grandmaster's Gambit/C2 Master System
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C2 Master System
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C2 Master System

Liu Xiaoyun was livid, pointing at Chen Qian, too furious to get the words out. The prominent scar on her face made her expression even more fierce.

"Everybody, be quiet!"

In that moment, Ning Xiaoshu let out a roar and shot Chen Qian a cold, disappointed look.

"If you stand straight, you need not fear a crooked shadow. No matter how you try to smear my name, my conscience is clear!"

With that, he strode through the crowd, forcefully pushing past the people blocking his path. His eyes landed on the club head, conveying a final plea for understanding.

"Head, you know I would never do such a thing!"

Head Liu Cunzhi, a middle-aged man in his fifties with a receding hairline, avoided Ning Xiaoshu's gaze and remained silent.

"Dad! You have to speak up for Xiaoshu. He couldn't possibly have done this!" Xiaoyun implored, looking desperately at her father.

Her words turned all eyes to Liu Cunzhi. As the head of Premium Fitness, his word carried unmatched weight.

"Enough, let's all say less," he said, glancing at the crowd before letting out a silent sigh, signaling he was ready to take a stand.

He paused, then added, "Arguing over who's the thief is pointless now. It's a minor loss, one that Premium Fitness can absorb."

He then turned to Ning Xiaoshu, his voice tinged with regret, "Xiaoshu, the club has seen its share of troubles lately... and with the city's pre-selection competition around the corner, you're aware of the stakes. I hope you understand. Since the consensus is that it's best for you not to stay, then..."

Liu Cunzhi had weathered many storms in his life; he could see the truth clearly—Ning Xiaoshu had been set up.

Yet, his considerations were far more complex than those of the young trainees. Premium Fitness had been struggling, and securing a spot in this year's taekwondo pre-selection was hard-won.

Ning Xiaoshu, once a promising talent, had been left with ruined meridians after an unfortunate incident. Now, Wu Fei was the club's sole contender in the upcoming competition.

This situation was critical to the future of Premium Fitness, and there could be no room for error at this juncture.

Moreover, without the financial backing from the Wu Fei family over the past few years, Premium Fitness would have likely struggled to withstand the onslaught from Berserker Room.

If Ning Xiaoshu hadn't been incapacitated, he could have made a strong case to keep him, but it appeared that there was no longer any need.

"Dad! How can you talk like that?"

Liu Xiaoyun was so angry she stamped her foot.

"Okay, I get it..."

Tears welled up in Ning Xiaoshu's eyes, his lips quivered, and his shoulders shook uncontrollably as he was filled with disappointment, looking utterly dejected.

He was an orphan who had grown up in the martial club, witnessing the rise of a modest martial arts dojo. To him, Liu Cunzhi was both a mentor and a father figure.

Yet today, the man he regarded as his own father, the head of the dojo, had chosen to send him away to avoid public outrage.

In light of this, staying any longer seemed pointless.

"Director, thank you for nurturing me all these years," Ning Xiaoshu said quietly, wiping away a tear and managing a smile. "And Xiaoyun, you need to believe in yourself more. Even with that scar, you are still the most beautiful."

He gave a deep bow to the dojo head and left the martial club without a backward glance.


Liu Xiaoyun ran after him, but the heavy rain quickly obscured Ning Xiaoshu's figure.


Ning Xiaoshu wandered aimlessly, completely soaked by the rain, oblivious to the astonished stares of passersby and disregarding the traffic signals.

"Damn it, are you trying to get yourself killed?"

A car threw up a wall of water and screeched to a halt, the driver swearing out the window.

But Ning Xiaoshu seemed not to hear, continuing on his way like a zombie.

"Ha, I'm such a fool. I'm clearly destined to be an extra, yet I keep dreaming of being the hero. I deserve this misfortune..."

Ning Xiaoshu wiped away the rain that blurred his vision and said with a hint of self-mockery, "Then I might as well be the protagonist!"

Out of nowhere, a disembodied voice echoed in his mind, giving Ning Xiaoshu quite the scare. "Who's there? Who's speaking?"

"The Master System is now activated."

"Host Ning Xiaoshu, welcome to your first encounter with the Master System. I am your assistant, the System Elf. You may call me Zero."

The voice was sweet and melodious, resonating in Ning Xiaoshu's head like an echo.

"Who are you, really? Cut out the spooky act and show yourself. I'm Ning Xiaoshu, and I don't scare easily!"

He looked around cautiously.

Suddenly, his head buzzed, and he blacked out. When he came to, his mind was flooded with a wealth of information.

Once he had sorted through the data, the implications left him utterly astounded.

"Hahaha, I've hit the jackpot!"

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