The Grandmaster's Gambit/C20 They Are so Angry That They Vomited Blood
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C20 They Are so Angry That They Vomited Blood
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C20 They Are so Angry That They Vomited Blood

Lee Longsheng glared at Ning Xiaoshu with eyes that seemed to blaze with fury. After a long stare, he burst into laughter. "Good, good, a formidable youth indeed. Here's the deal: I'll deliver ten kicks. If you can replicate those ten kicks just like me, you'll be the victor."

Despite his rage, Lee Longsheng was no longer a young man. His years of experience had taught him when to rein in his anger. This was Pashiara, a powerful nation. In the event of an incident during an unofficial martial arts duel, Pashiara wouldn't care about his status as a Taekwondo master; the law would surely take its course.

Thus, Lee Longsheng opted for a middle ground, especially since he couldn't quite figure out this young challenger.

Ning Xiaoshu was indifferent; he was here to issue a challenge, after all. Winning or losing was irrelevant; the act of challenging was all that mattered to him.

With his left hand behind his back and his right hand extended forward, Ning Xiaoshu gestured for Lee Longsheng to proceed.

Lee Longsheng seized the opportunity before Ning Xiaoshu could withdraw his hand, launching a front kick followed by a flurry of moves: a side kick, a hook kick, a downward slash, a double flying kick, and a spinning kick.

The students watched, mesmerized by the display, each of them silently wishing they could execute kicks with such speed and force.

Yet Ning Xiaoshu remained motionless, simply withdrawing his hand with an air of nonchalance. Observing the elder, who was well into his fifties, moving with the agility of someone in their twenties, Ning Xiaoshu couldn't help but feel astounded.

Lee Longsheng dusted off his clothes after completing the ten kicks, intending to return to his seat. But to his surprise, a foot suddenly appeared before him. Had he not halted in time, he would have collided with it. It was Ning Xiaoshu's foot, as if to say, "You think you can walk away after kicking me? It's not that simple."

A front kick met his face, followed swiftly by a side kick aimed at his temple. Before the kick could land, Ning Xiaoshu unleashed a spinning kick.

Ning Xiaoshu practiced the Tendon Change Classic, renowned for its ability to mimic the energy pathways of any martial art. Regardless of the style, all martial arts ultimately cultivate the same vital breath. The differences lie in the pathways of that breath. Inhaling too soon or too late could mean the difference between sustaining strength through a move or not.

Thanks to the Tendon Change Classic, Ning Xiaoshu's kicks flowed with ease. They were not just effortless; they were also executed with precision. His feet targeted Lee Longsheng's vital points relentlessly, and Lee Longsheng, attempting to mimic Ning Xiaoshu, tried to stand his ground immovably.

However, after Ning Xiaoshu unleashed three rapid kicks, the gusts they generated made it impossible for Lee Longsheng to remain still. The force of the wind and the pull of the qi movement tossed Lee Longsheng's body about as if it were a small boat caught in a tempest. The more he tried to steady himself, the less stable he became.

To the onlookers, it appeared as though Lee Longsheng was being thrown off balance by Ning Xiaoshu's kicks. Strangely enough, the kicks never actually made contact with the master, yet he reacted as if they had struck him.

The ordeal lasted until Ning Xiaoshu's final kick halted just before Lee Longsheng, who then managed to regain his composure. With eyes as sharp as daggers, he fixed his gaze on Ning Xiaoshu and demanded, "You... Who exactly are you?"

Ning Xiaoshu, hands clasped behind his back, simply replied, "A Pashiarain."

Before Lee Longsheng could respond, he suddenly felt a cold sensation in his nose, prompting gasps of surprise from the other students. Wiping his nose, he discovered two trails of blood. Lee Longsheng realized that Ning Xiaoshu's kicks hadn't actually landed, yet the blood was a result of the penetrating force of his opponent's energy.

But how old was this adversary? Twenty? Certainly no more than twenty-five. How had he trained to achieve such a level of mastery at such a young age? Lee Longsheng himself, now over fifty, had only just begun to grasp the concept of force.

As this realization dawned on him, Lee Longsheng felt a surge of turmoil within his chest. An unbearable heat rose in his abdomen, and a hot sensation filled his mouth. He couldn't spit it out; it was blood. Tasting the metallic tang, he resolutely swallowed it down and said with respect, "Young man, Lee Longsheng is impressed..."

But before he could finish, the urge to vomit overwhelmed him, and he expelled a mouthful of fresh blood.

Ning Xiaoshu gave a sly grin and remarked, "Good, vomiting blood shows you've got spirit. Go home and dedicate yourself to your training. Pashiara is vast, with countless individuals far stronger than myself. Spend another twenty years in diligent practice before you return to Pashiara."

Lee Longsheng let out a deep sigh and coughed up another mouthful of blood. His strength finally gave out, and he collapsed to the ground.

Jin Yongtai and several disciples rushed to his side to help him. Meanwhile, Ning Xiaoshu had already turned and was walking toward the door. Jin Yongtai called out from behind, "May I ask the master to leave his name?"

Without turning back, Ning Xiaoshu let out a soft chuckle, "My surname is Ning, Ning Xiaoshu."

In Ning Xiaoshu's mind, Zero's voice rang out, "Host Ning Xiaoshu has completed the dojo challenge. The penalty for the early withdrawal of the reward is now canceled. The Tendon Change Classic has been elevated to the second level, and you have been awarded an additional movement technique, Slide over the Water."

Wow, Slide over the Water! This was the technique Duan Yu mastered in the Heavenly Dragon Eight Trigrams. Even when he was not yet fully proficient, the Southshore Crocodile God was no match for him. Later, Duan Yu used this technique to navigate through armies as if he were walking in an empty field.

Ning Xiaoshu felt like he had struck gold. He was itching to test out the prowess of this new technique right away. But that was out of the question; he was in the middle of a bustling city. If he were to demonstrate Slide over the Water now, he'd surely make headlines the following day.

Suppressing his excitement, Ning Xiaoshu quickly hailed a taxi and headed home.

At the same time, in a nearby residential complex, on the third floor of a building, apartment 302 was Wang Min's home. Inside, a middle-aged man was berating Wang Min furiously, "What are you talking about? A poor kid with no connections? Have you ever heard of the Central Guard? A Lieutenant Colonel! You call that no background? Do you have any idea how hard I worked to become the head of the station, only to be stripped of my position because of this? How are you going to make it up to me?"

Wu Gaolong was being scolded like he was less than nothing, yet he couldn't muster a single word in defense. But he was baffled; he had looked into Ning Xiaoshu's background, which couldn't possibly be that influential.

Moreover, Wang Min was currently suspended and at home, with his fate hanging in the balance. The question now was whether he could retain his position within the public security system. If he were to be expelled from the police force, Wu Gaolong would truly be at a loss for how to compensate him.

Upon arriving home, Ning Xiaoshu eagerly closed the door and immediately executed the Slide Over the Water technique. As he took a step forward, a tightness gripped his chest. It felt as though the step had drained all the strength from his body. Startled, Ning Xiaoshu realized his foot had already touched down. Suddenly, his vision blurred, and a wall materialized before his eyes.

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