The Grandmaster's Gambit/C4 Liu Xiaoyun
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C4 Liu Xiaoyun
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C4 Liu Xiaoyun

The System Elf's response left Ning Xiaoshu momentarily disheartened. Despite enduring such brutal pain, he hadn't achieved the ultimate physique. Yet, he didn't wallow in disappointment for long. Considering his previously ruined meridians, which rendered him incapable of even normal daily exertion, acquiring a Level S physique in such a short time was more than satisfying.

Moreover, from another angle, the level beyond S was Divine. Did this not imply that he now possessed the most formidable bodily talent on the planet?

"Ding! The newbie task 'Shocking Debut' is now available. The host is required to complete a dojo challenge within a month, gaining notoriety in the process."

Ning Xiaoshu scrutinized the task details. To gain notoriety, he had to succeed in the challenge before an audience of at least fifty witnesses.

"Would you like to learn the Tendon Change Classic card immediately?"

"Learn it now!"

With a swift command, Ning Xiaoshu felt a surge of electricity coursing through his body, causing a tingling sensation. It was like a soothing warmth that revitalized him completely, swiftly restoring his vigor and bringing him to peak condition.

"Learning complete. Congratulations to the host for mastering the first level of the Tendon Change Classic's mental cultivation method. Your current strength rating is F."

Ning Xiaoshu nodded in approval. The strength rating system ranged from A to G, with G being the lowest, representing the average person, and S the highest.

The gap in strength between each level was vast. So, while he was only one level above the average person at F, he was now a formidable opponent, surpassing both seasoned fighters and elite special forces soldiers.

The transformation by the system and the practice of the Tendon Change Classic's first level were not just ordinary improvements but a leap in the essence of life itself!

In that moment, Ning Xiaoshu could feel an overwhelming power coursing through him, as if a primordial beast within was ready to burst free from its confines at any second.

He peeled back his clothes and was astounded to discover that all the scars from practicing Taekwondo had vanished! His skin was as white as porcelain, making him look almost maidenly. Yet, Ning Xiaoshu was aware that beneath those modestly raised muscles lay tremendous explosive power.

"I never imagined the Tendon Change Classic would have such an amazing effect!" Ning Xiaoshu was thrilled. He made a point to check his reflection and noticed he had become significantly more attractive.

With the Tendon Change Classic now under his belt, his mind was flooded with pertinent information. This mental cultivation method primarily focused on physical development and came with a manual for a fist technique.

"Twelve Ways of Dharma Fist Technique?"

Ning Xiaoshu murmured, then assumed the stance from the manual and threw a gentle punch.


"Holy crap, that's powerful?"

His seemingly effortless punch had blasted a deep crater into the wall. Ning Xiaoshu, previously a 7th dan black belt in Taekwondo and considered an expert by most, was used to breaking boards, not walls. This newfound power left him in awe.

He now felt that he could subdue a tiger into a docile kitten if it stood before him!

"Hahaha, this truly is an unparalleled martial art, far surpassing Taekwondo!" Ning Xiaoshu was ecstatic, and it took a while for him to regain his composure.

As dawn broke, the sky was tinged with the pale light of morning. Surprisingly, he felt no fatigue despite having been up all night.


"Ru? Up at this hour?"

Ning Xiaoshu had just returned to his rental when he spotted Ru at the doorstep, seemingly ready to head out.

Ru was Ning Xiaoshu's landlord, a few years his senior with impeccably cared-for skin and a strikingly shapely figure, highlighted by her eye-catching, long, fair legs.

Ning Xiaoshu had always thought that even television actresses couldn't hold a candle to Ru's beauty.

"Look at you, Xiaoshu..." Ru greeted him with an insinuating smile.

"What's up?" Ning Xiaoshu inquired, puzzled.

Instead of replying, Ru gave him a flirtatious grin and playfully gestured with her eyes, as if to suggest there was something of interest behind her.

Ning Xiaoshu was baffled. He looked in the direction Ru had indicated and noticed a girl asleep by the door—it was Liu Xiaoyun.

"Xiaoyun, why are you sleeping here?"

Ning Xiaoshu felt a mix of tenderness and concern. He realized that Liu Xiaoyun must have waited for him all night and had fallen asleep at the door.

"You, you're back?"

Liu Xiaoyun adorably rubbed her bleary eyes. Upon seeing Ning Xiaoshu, her face lit up with joy.

"Come inside quickly, or you'll catch a cold."

Ning Xiaoshu hurried her inside, then turned to apologize to the landlord. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Ru."

"Hehehe, Xiaoshu, she's such a wonderful girl; don't disappoint her. If you do, Ru won't let you off the hook."

With a playful wink, Ru sashayed away.

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