The Grandmaster's Gambit/C5 Together Through Thick and Thin
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C5 Together Through Thick and Thin
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C5 Together Through Thick and Thin

Ning Xiaoshu felt somewhat at a loss, but he refrained from commenting. He entered the house and poured a cup of hot water for Liu Xiaoyun before asking, "Xiaoyun, why are you sleeping out here? What if you catch a cold? Why didn't you just call me?"

Liu Xiaoyun sipped the water and, with a pout, replied, "I couldn't get through to your phone."

Ning Xiaoshu checked his phone only to discover that his domestic-brand phone had long since run out of battery, prompting an embarrassed smile from him.

"Here, take this money," Liu Xiaoyun said, as if suddenly remembering something. She pulled a wallet filled with a thick wad of bills from her backpack.

"I know you've been short on cash lately, and with my dad... having kicked you out, I'm giving you all my savings—two thousand yuan. Take it for now. If it's not enough, I'll find another way to help you," she insisted, pushing the money into Ning Xiaoshu's hands.

Ning Xiaoshu quickly grasped the situation. The girl had realized he was broke and, worried that he wouldn't be able to make ends meet if others found out, had run out of the martial club and waited outside all night just to bring him the money.

His heart swelled with emotion, and he felt a lump form in his throat.

He didn't turn down Liu Xiaoyun's kindness. Having grown up together, their bond was even deeper than that of siblings. He accepted the money quietly.

"Thank you," Ning Xiaoshu said earnestly. "I'll find a way to pay you back in the future."

"Uh, I'm planning to take a couple of days to rest and get my bearings before I start making any plans," Ning Xiaoshu added after a moment's thought.

"Oh," Liu Xiaoyun nodded, understandingly. She knew that money was tight for Ning Xiaoshu, but she also sensed the emotional turmoil he must be feeling. Having spent his entire life at the martial club, being suddenly expelled was bound to be tough on him.

Neither spoke for a while, and sensing the growing silence, Ning Xiaoshu sought a new topic.

"Xiaoyun, do you happen to know which is the biggest martial club around here?"

"The largest martial club?" Liu Xiaoyun pondered earnestly. She always took Ning Xiaoshu's questions very seriously, no matter what they were.

She quickly responded, "If we're talking about the biggest martial club locally, it would be our Premium Fitness. However, my dad has mentioned that the club's business has been on the decline in recent years."

"Besides Premium Fitness, the Berserker Room is the largest and fastest-growing club around."

"Berserker Room." Ning Xiaoshu's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the name.

He was well-acquainted with it. The Berserker Room was a Taekwondo club, headed by Jin Yongtai, a Huscoilesian.

Although it had only been established for two years, Jin Yongtai had proven himself to be quite skilled. Even Ning Xiaoshu's master, Liu Cunzhi, acknowledged that Jin Yongtai's abilities were on par with his own.

Jin Yongtai's managerial talents were impressive, and his Huscoilesian background served as a dynamic advertisement for the club. As a result, the Berserker Room had rapidly become one of the largest martial clubs in the area, attracting many students from Premium Fitness.

Moreover, Ning Xiaoshu had his suspicions that Jin Yongtai was behind the attack that had left him injured.

The city's pre-selection tournament was imminent, and the most popular contenders were him and the Berserker Room's heir. Premium Fitness and the Berserker Room had scheduled a match, but Ning Xiaoshu was ambushed the night before, leading to Wu Fei taking his place.

Ning Xiaoshu found it difficult to chalk it up to mere coincidence.

"The Berserker Room? That could be an interesting target..."

He mused silently.

"Xiaoshu, is there anything else I can do for you?" Liu Xiaoyun asked, noticing Ning Xiaoshu lost in thought.

"Not at the moment."


Liu Xiaoyun's spirits seemed to dip slightly as she stood aside, processing Ning Xiaoshu's brief response.

Ning Xiaoshu sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze resting on Liu Xiaoyun's slightly uneasy face. The sight of the startling scar made his heart ache suddenly.

It was this very scar that had marred the life of a once vibrant and adorable young woman.

"Xiaoyun, your face..."


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