The Grandmaster's Gambit/C6 The Wonderful Effects of Theendon Change Classic!
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C6 The Wonderful Effects of Theendon Change Classic!
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C6 The Wonderful Effects of Theendon Change Classic!

As Ning Xiaoshu began to speak, Liu Xiaoyun instinctively lowered her head, letting her dark hair fall around her face in an attempt to hide the scar.

Ning Xiaoshu sighed internally, carrying a burden of guilt for the scar on Liu Xiaoyun's face. If only he had been braver back then, perhaps she wouldn't have that scar.

They were just children at the time; he was seven and Liu Xiaoyun was six. The headmaster was away, and they were playing in the yard when an unwelcome visitor arrived. The man, scarred and menacing, was the headmaster's nemesis, intent on challenging him. Discovering the headmaster's absence, he decided to kidnap his daughter as leverage.

Seven-year-old Ning Xiaoshu clung to the man's leg, drawing the attention of the neighbors and saving Liu Xiaoyun from a worse fate. But not before the man left a deep scar on the young girl's pretty face.

"Hmm?" Ning Xiaoshu suddenly had a thought.

Of course! The Tendon Change Classic!

If the Tendon Change Classic could heal his own old injuries, could it also heal the scar on Liu Xiaoyun's face?

"Xiaoyun, your face..." Ning Xiaoshu began, but she quickly touched the scar and looked down, feeling self-conscious.

"Perhaps I can heal it," Ning Xiaoshu said earnestly.

"Really?" Liu Xiaoyun asked, surprised. What girl wouldn't cherish her appearance? She had been mocked for the scar since childhood and harbored deep resentment towards it. She would do anything to be rid of it.

"We can try," Ning Xiaoshu resolved. He was determined to try anything to help Xiaoyun.

Since the Tendon Change Classic had worked on his own face, it might just work for Liu Xiaoyun as well.

"However, it's a bit complicated," Ning Xiaoshu admitted after some hesitation. "I've learned a massage technique that could be effective, but you'll need to remove your clothes for it to work."

Upon hearing his words, Liu Xiaoyun's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, extending down her neck, and she became visibly shy.

"Don't worry, I... I definitely won't..."

Ning Xiaoshu, concerned she might misunderstand, quickly tried to clarify, but before he could finish, he noticed Liu Xiaoyun nodding, her face still radiating with embarrassment.

"Let's go to the room."

She spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper, her face awash with a rosy glow.

In the room, Liu Xiaoyun turned her back to Ning Xiaoshu and began to slowly remove her clothing, revealing a large expanse of her snow-white, smooth skin.

Ning Xiaoshu's breathing quickened at the sight. With a weighty tone, he said, "Please, sit down."

Liu Xiaoyun turned around slowly, clad only in a bra—a cute pink one that scarcely concealed her stunning figure, revealing a glimpse of her creamy, snow-white skin.

Ning Xiaoshu was taken aback. He had never encountered such a situation in his life and was visibly flustered by his immediate reaction.

"What are you staring at? Let's get started..." Liu Xiaoyun urged him with a blush and a coy complaint.

"Oh, right, of course!"

Ning Xiaoshu gulped and nodded eagerly. Faced with her snow-white skin, he was momentarily unsure of how to proceed and found himself holding his breath.

He took a deep breath to steady himself, casting aside the jumble of thoughts in his head, and began the massage.

Though it was termed a massage, it was actually the transmission of the Tendon Change Classic's vital spirit through his fingertips into Liu Xiaoyun's body, a process meant to rejuvenate her muscles and marrow. The concept was so fantastical that Ning Xiaoshu could only resort to the simple explanation of a massage.

Thankfully, Liu Xiaoyun's trust in him was nearly absolute.

As Ning Xiaoshu focused, his hands worked the massage while the vital spirit flowed into Liu Xiaoyun's body like a soothing stream, opening her pores and bringing a sense of ease throughout her body.

"Mmm..." Liu Xiaoyun couldn't help but let out soft, involuntary moans of relaxation, the tingling sensation threatening to overwhelm Ning Xiaoshu's composure.

But, he managed to maintain his calm and keep his cool.

As time gently slipped away, Liu Xiaoyun could feel the old bruises and injuries within her body seemingly vanish, leaving her with a sense of relief that lulled her into sleep.

By now, the Tendon Change Classic had concluded its work. Ning Xiaoshu gazed at Liu Xiaoyun's pristine and beautiful face, now devoid of any scars, and couldn't suppress a satisfied smile.

Freed from her scars, Liu Xiaoyun was undeniably stunning. With her fair, smooth, oval face, long eyelashes, and tempting red lips, she could easily score top marks in Ning Xiaoshu's eyes.

In the midst of her deep slumber, Liu Xiaoyun smacked her lips and turned over, inadvertently draping her long legs over Ning Xiaoshu, her short skirt revealing an enticing glimpse beneath.

"This girl..." Ning Xiaoshu chuckled wryly, shaking his head in resignation. He was just about to tuck her in when a knock at the door interrupted him.

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