The Grandmaster's Gambit/C7 Jealousy
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C7 Jealousy
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C7 Jealousy

"Ning Xiaoshu, come out here right now! I know you're hiding in there!"

Ning Xiaoshu's brow furrowed at the shouting from outside. He walked over and opened the door, only to find Wu Fei and several others blocking the entrance.

"What do you want? Why are you here at the crack of dawn?!"

Upon seeing Wu Fei, Ning Xiaoshu's expression soured, his voice icy. That's when he noticed Chen Qian standing next to Wu Fei.

It all clicked for him; this woman had revealed his whereabouts to Wu Fei!

Chen Qian was once the love of his life, even more cherished than Liu Xiaoyun, his childhood friend.

They had shared unforgettable moments in this very rental house.

And now, she had the audacity to show up with Wu Fei!

A surge of rage welled up inside Ning Xiaoshu. He felt utterly betrayed.

He gave Chen Qian a frosty look.

Feeling his icy stare, Chen Qian instinctively flinched.

"Damn it, why should I be scared?"

"Chen Qian, Ning Xiaoshu is nothing but a has-been. What's wrong with what you're doing?"

Chen Qian reassured herself with these thoughts.

"Hmph, why am I here? I'm here to settle accounts with you!" Wu Fei scoffed. "Did you really think you could get away with stealing money from the martial club?"

"Guys, go in and search!"

Wu Fei didn't wait for a response. With a gesture, his cronies were ready to storm the place.

"Stop right there!"

Ning Xiaoshu's command cut through the air as he glared at Wu Fei. "Wu Fei, I'd think twice if I were you. You don't want to make this worse for yourself."

"Make things worse? What can a cripple like you possibly do to me? Don't make me laugh!" Wu Fei sneered, clearly underestimating him.

Then, he spotted a pair of women's shoes outside Ning Xiaoshu's room, and his face darkened. "Are these Xiaoyun's shoes? Is Xiaoyun in there?"

A thought struck him, and he barged into the bedroom, only to find Liu Xiaoyun disheveled and half-covered by a blanket.

"You, you scoundrel, how could you do such a thing to Xiaoyun?!" Wu Fei was shocked to his core, his face seething with rage.

Chen Qian, hearing the commotion, came in and was equally stunned by the scene before her. Her eyes were filled with a complex mix of emotions as she looked at Ning Xiaoshu.

"Hmph, I, Ning Xiaoshu, owe you no explanations," Ning Xiaoshu retorted with a cold snort, his expression icy.

"You monster! To think you could do something like this to Xiaoyun!"

Wu Fei, livid, grabbed Ning Xiaoshu's collar and spat out, "You're seriously asking for trouble!"

His eyes burned with venom and malice.

Despite his previous flirtations with Chen Qian, Wu Fei's true intentions were to marry Liu Xiaoyun. She might not have been the prettiest, but she was the daughter of the headmaster.

Marrying Liu Xiaoyun meant inheriting the Premium Fitness!

Now, Ning Xiaoshu had dashed all his plans to pieces! His fury was uncontrollable.

"To think you're such a brute, attacking Xiaoyun like that! The headmaster will never forgive you when he hears of this!" Wu Fei raged.

"I'm warning you, you can say what you want about me, but I will never allow you to tarnish Xiaoyun's honor!" Ning Xiaoshu declared, his face hardening.

He had long since lost any affection for Premium Fitness. Wu Fei could spread whatever lies he wanted; they wouldn't affect him.

But Xiaoyun was a different story. She still had her father to think of.

"Ning Xiaoshu, you've truly let me down. To commit such an act and not even have the courage to own up to it!" Chen Qian's eyes bore into Ning Xiaoshu, filled with resentment.

"Look at you, Ning Xiaoshu, preying on the vulnerable. Who knows what drugs you might have used on Xiaoyun? I won't let this go!" Wu Fei, overcome with emotion, advanced to seize Ning Xiaoshu by the collar again.

"Looking for trouble?" Ning Xiaoshu sidestepped, avoiding Wu Fei's grasp, his face now stone-cold. "Wu Fei, if you can't appreciate what's good for you, then don't blame me for not holding back!"

"Don't be courteous? I was about to show you what discourtesy really is!" Wu Fei raged, his hand raised to deliver a slap to Ning Xiaoshu, but Xiaoshu intercepted the blow mid-swing.

"You dare to raise a hand against me!"

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