The Grandmaster's Gambit/C8 You Are Courting Death
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C8 You Are Courting Death
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C8 You Are Courting Death

Even the most patient person has their limits, and Ning Xiaoshu was no exception.

"Damn you, you imbecile! What gives you the right to stand before me? You're nothing but worthless trash!"

His words thoroughly enraged Ning Xiaoshu. No sooner had they left his mouth than a fiery red handprint marked his face.

"You dare to hit me?" Wu Fei raged. "I'll damn well kill you!" He swung his fist to strike, but Ning Xiaoshu agilely dodged, catching Wu Fei off guard.

"Get him! Beat this idiot to a pulp!"

Wu Fei was wary. He had always been outmatched by Ning Xiaoshu, and even now, with Ning Xiaoshu supposedly crippled, he remained cautious.

His entourage, a group of hired muscle, saw their boss being humiliated and swarmed to his defense, striking with brutal force.

"You're asking for it!"

Ning Xiaoshu's gaze turned icy. Since acquiring the system, his presence had transformed entirely.

To him, these hired goons moved as if they were elderly women, slow and cumbersome!

With a resounding thud, he kicked a burly man charging at him, sending him flying out the door like a projectile.

Another assailant attempting a sneak attack from behind was effortlessly thrown to the ground, his spine snapping in several places.

"Has, has your strength returned?"

Wu Fei was both shocked and scared, retreating instinctively. Wasn't this kid supposed to be a cripple? How was he still so formidable?

With this in mind, Wu Fei's expression hardened. He signaled a thug with a venomous glance: "Finish him!"

The thug nodded, pulling out a gleaming knife and advancing menacingly toward Ning Xiaoshu.


Chen Qian, startled by the scene, let out a piercing scream.

"Don't come any closer, or I swear I'll kill you!"

The knife-wielding thug threatened viciously.

But Ning Xiaoshu was unfazed, continuing to close in.

"Stop, all of you! Stop fighting!"

Just then, Liu Xiaoyun came to.

As she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of both sides clashing, knives drawn. She hurriedly intervened to halt the violence.

"Wu Fei, what are you trying to do? Stop it right now!" Liu Xiaoyun hurriedly intervened, pulling both parties apart.

Realizing that Liu Xiaoyun was awake, Ning Xiaoshu managed to regain some composure and halted his actions.

"I'll kill you!" Wu Fei, seeing Ning Xiaoshu back down, hardened his heart and snatched the knife from the thug's grasp, aiming it straight for Ning Xiaoshu's abdomen.

"Watch out!"

Liu Xiaoyun, witnessing the impending attack, was startled and instinctively yanked Ning Xiaoshu to safety, inadvertently positioning herself in the direct path of the blade.

By the time Wu Fei realized what was happening, it was too late to retract his move. He could only watch in horror as the knife plunged into Liu Xiaoyun's stomach.


Ning Xiaoshu froze in shock at the sight of the knife penetrating her.

"I, I didn't mean to..." Wu Fei, terrified, had not intended to harm Liu Xiaoyun. In a state of shock and fear, he yanked the knife out, splattering his face with blood.

He stood there, dumbfounded, as he watched the blood gush uncontrollably from the wound, completely overwhelmed by the situation.

Blood pooled on the floor.

"Let's go!"

Chen Qian was the first to snap out of it, grabbing the still-dazed Wu Fei and making a break for it.

The other thugs, realizing the gravity of the situation, also decided to flee.

"Everyone, freeze!"

Ning Xiaoshu rose to his feet, his gaze icy and devoid of any warmth, seething with rage like never before.

In that moment, his eyes were terrifying, resembling those of a heartless predator, seemingly glowing green in the darkness.

"You, don't be a fool!"

Wu Fei, gripped by fear and desperate to escape, saw Ning Xiaoshu blocking his way. His eyes took on a wild, crazed look as he gripped the bloodied knife, a flash of malice in his gaze.

However, before he could act, Ning Xiaoshu closed the distance in a flash, landing a punch squarely on Wu Fei's head, leaving him with a black eye in an instant.

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