The Grandmaster's Gambit/C9 Premium Reward
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The Grandmaster's Gambit/C9 Premium Reward
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C9 Premium Reward

"You're nothing but scum, and your death would be no loss!"

Ning Xiaoshu's voice was icy and devoid of any emotion as he overpowered Wu Fei, pinning him to the ground.

Punch after punch landed until Wu Fei's face was swollen beyond recognition.

The thugs nearby hesitated, torn between intervening and their fear of Ning Xiaoshu. By the time they made up their minds, Wu Fei was already a bloody, unrecognizable mess.

Suddenly, the wail of police sirens pierced the air. The neighbors, too afraid to intervene directly, had called the authorities.

"Let's get out of here, the cops are coming!"

Chen Qian, with her keen observation, noticed the neighbors' call and quickly dragged Wu Fei away in a frantic escape.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, please wake up. Just hold on a little longer." Ning Xiaoshu cradled Liu Xiaoyun in his arms, her pallor leaving him momentarily overwhelmed.

Just then, Ru returned, hearing the commotion and rushing to assist.

"What are you waiting for? We need to get her to the hospital now," Ru commanded with composed urgency. "Come on, use my car!"


Back at Wu Fei's home.

Wu Fei paced the living room, his mind racing with anxiety. The fear of being implicated in a death was unbearable—his life would be over.

In desperation, he called his father.

"Dad, I'm in big trouble. You have to help me..."

Panic-stricken, Wu Fei's voice quivered with tears. Normally brash and overbearing, he was unprepared for a crisis of this magnitude. His first instinct was to reach out to his father.

"Calm down and tell me what happened," came the response.

Wu Gaolong felt a chill in his heart. Just from his son's tone, he knew that Wu Fei had gotten himself into serious trouble.

"Dad, I've killed someone. You have to save me..."

Wu Fei recounted the entire incident without embellishment, his father's voice growing heavier with each word.

"You dared to lay a hand on Liu Cunzhi's daughter?" Wu Gaolong was taken aback by his son's reckless actions.

"I, I really don't know. I was aiming for that jerk Ning Xiaoshu, but Xiaoyun just ran over and got in the way," Wu Fei said, his voice trembling as he sensed the stern tone in Wu Gaolong's eyes.

On the other end of the call, Wu Gaolong took a deep breath and said firmly, "Alright, I understand. Don't panic. Stay at home and don't do anything else. I'll take care of the rest."

After hanging up, Wu Fei felt a wave of relief wash over him with his father's promise secured. He tossed his phone onto the table and slumped onto the sofa, feeling utterly drained.


Hoville's premier A-grade hospital was the best in the city.

Liu Cunzhi hurried over. When he received the call about his daughter's accident, Liu Xiaoyun's mother nearly passed out from shock.

"What in the world happened? This, this, this..." Liu Xiaoyun's mother was frantic, staring at the still-lit emergency room, her nerves frayed. "It's been hours; why haven't they come out yet?"

"Auntie, please try to stay calm. Let's just wait a little longer," Ning Xiaoshu said, his voice tinged with guilt as he tried to offer some comfort.

His attempt, however, only seemed to upset Ning Huidie further.

"Not be anxious? How can I not be anxious? That's my daughter in there!" Ning Huidie shot him a reproachful look and exclaimed, "If it weren't for you, Xiaoyun wouldn't be in this mess. You're to blame for this!"

"Without you, Xiaoyun wouldn't be in this condition. You've caused all of this!" Ning Huidie's words struck Ning Xiaoshu like a dagger to the heart.

He was at a loss for words, overwhelmed by guilt. If Liu Xiaoyun hadn't tried to save him, none of this would have happened.

"I'm so sorry, I..."

Ning Xiaoshu hung his head in shame, feeling a profound sense of debt to Liu Xiaoyun. He bowed deeply to Liu Cunzhi and his wife.

"Sorry? What good is a mere apology?" Ning Huidie, still furious, retorted, "Can saying sorry ensure Xiaoyun's safety? If something happens to my daughter, how will you ever take responsibility?"

Although her words were not polite, they were indeed factual.

Her statement served as a reminder to Ning Xiaoshu that perhaps he could do something to assist Liu Xiaoyun. "Zero, I know you can do anything. Is there a way to save Xiaoyun?" With this thought, Ning Xiaoshu quickly reached out to the System Elf.

"Yes, if the host completes the newbie task, the Lost Scrolls of Healing will be awarded as a reward," the System Elf responded promptly.

"The Lost Scrolls of Healing? Are you referring to Hu Qingniu's medical tome from the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre?" Ning Xiaoshu was both excited and anxious. "But time is of the essence. By the time I complete the task, it might be too late. Isn't there another way?"

"There is, but prepaying the newbie task reward will trigger a hidden penalty," the System Elf said with a moment's hesitation.

"What kind of penalty?" Ning Xiaoshu was running out of patience. He was ready to pay any price to save Liu Xiaoyun.

"The task time will be shortened. The host must complete the newbie task within three days. Failure to do so will result in the task being deemed a failure, and the punishment will be execution!"

"Execution is the system's method of punishing the host, striking with heavenly lightning, obliterating the soul, ensuring there's no chance for reincarnation!"

"That severe?"

Ning Xiaoshu was startled by the severity of the consequences, but thinking of Liu Xiaoyun in the operating room, he steeled himself. "Fine, if death is what it takes, then I'm all in!"

"Ding! The host has opted to prepay for the Lost Scrolls of Healing reward. Do you accept?"


Without any hesitation, Ning Xiaoshu made his choice. He was prepared to face whatever came his way, even if it meant dying. What was there to fear?

A flash of light appeared before him, and in his mind materialized a golden card—the introduction to the Lost Scrolls of Healing.

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