The Hottest Soldier King/C15 Who Schemed Against Who
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The Hottest Soldier King/C15 Who Schemed Against Who
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C15 Who Schemed Against Who

Wang Xinrou stared at Hee Tian with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Go, make me a cup of tea!" Hee Tian once again exercised his authority.

The key was that Wang Xinrou was blocking him from watching TV. Cat and mouse... How funny!

This time, Wang Xinrou was very obedient and did not resist...

Needless to say, Wang Xinrou was very good at making tea. It was very obvious that she had practiced.

"If you want to talk about washing clothes, then don't talk about it!" Hee Tian drank his tea and looked at the cat and mouse leisurely.

Although it had only been a day or so, Hee Tian's status in the Wang family was already very high! Speaking of which, Hee Tian still admired his own ability!

He used martial arts to conquer Wang Xinrou.

He used the fact that Loong Ya was not around to convince Wang Xinrou.

Hee Tian's speed of merging with the Wang family could be said to be super fast.

"That's not what I want to say! I am not going to go back on what I promised!" Wang Xinrou immediately forgot about the effort she had put in to resist... It was just that the resistance had failed.

Even if she stopped learning martial arts, there was nothing she could do about it.

This was the condition that Wang Xinrou had agreed to when she asked Hee Tian to deal with Qin Loong.

Previously, Hee Tian did not say it out loud, so Wang Xinrou still felt a little bit of gratitude in her heart.

"Then why are you staring at me like that? Tell me!" Hee Tian put down the teacup and crossed his legs!

"Why did my sister give in to you? Are you telling me the truth? What did you do to her?" Wang Xinrou asked.

"That's it? Didn't I tell you before?" Hee Tian turned his head to look at Wang Xinrou and then continued to watch TV.

"You must be hiding something from me! Definitely!" Wang Xinrou was very certain of this.

She knew her sister too well!

At that time, Hee Tian had been so hard on her, but his sister had actually given in. In Wang Xinrou's eyes, this was too unbelievable.

Therefore, there must be something going on behind the scenes.

"There's really nothing to hide!" Hee Tian did not plan to tell Wang Xinrou that Loong Ya was no longer around!

He wanted to tell Wang Xinmeng that Hee Tian could control it!

But if he told Wang Xinrou, Hee Tian would not be able to control it!

This Wang Xinrou was too strange!

And she was very smart...

Hee Tian was really afraid that she would fall into his trap and get herself into trouble.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Wang Xinrou asked.

"I really didn't lie to you!" Hee Tian said decisively.

"Alright then! Stop watching TV!" Wang Xinrou immediately turned off the television.

"What are you doing? Didn't you play enough yesterday?" Hee Tian knew Wang Xinrou was the kind of person who would never let him relax!

"We agreed yesterday! Let's go buy some clothes!" Wang Xinrou wanted to carry out her plan. She wanted to get rid of the bad luck of washing clothes.

Hee Tian looked at the time and said with a smile, "Alright!"

How could Hee Tian not know what Wang Xinrou was thinking? However, Hee Tian was too lazy to expose her. When the time came, he would use other methods and see how Wang Xinrou could do nothing about it! Haha!

"But let me make it clear first! That one hundred million is not to be touched! Take me to buy clothes! So you pay the bill!" Hee Tian said without any manliness.

"Got it, got it! You look so petty!" Wang Xinrou made a face at him.

"Please allow me to make some arrangements!" Hee Tian was amused by Wang Xinrou's response. Be happy! Be happy! Once you finish buying the clothes, you won't be able to be happy anymore!

"What arrangements?" Wang Xinrou was confused.

"Chen Loong!" Hee Tian called out to Chen Loong.

Then, he pulled Chen Loong to the side and muttered a few words!

"Alright! Let's go!" Hee Tian said with a smile.

"What did you say to Chen Loong?" Wang Xinrou was very curious.

"You're just a child, don't worry about adult matters!" Hee Tian said in a very arrogant manner.

"What the hell?! Adults?! Do you dare to be any younger?!" Wang Xinrou's voice was filled with disdain.

Heaven Street!

This was the most famous shopping paradise in Amami!

This was how Heaven Street got its name.

Here were many shopping malls! There were countless shops of all sizes!

They could buy any item in the world!

Wang Xinrou was very familiar with this place! She led Hee Tian into one shop after another! There was only one goal, and that was to buy clothes!

Leisure, sports, official...

There were all kinds of things!

As for Hee Tian, he was born with a clothes rack!

Moreover, he would look the same if he changed into a new set of clothes!

But what never changed was that he was handsome! Handsome! Handsome!

This made Hee Tian very proud!

Look, look, look, this is what a man should be like. How could the word handsome be so amazing!

Wang Xinrou had also changed from buying clothes for the purpose of not washing them to watching Hee Tian wear all kinds of clothes!

After that, she swiped her card so diligently! Not to mention...

"Seventy-three sets! One set a day would take more than two months! You still want to buy more?" Walking out of a shop, Hee Tian looked at Wang Xinrou, who was getting more and more excited. Hee Tian's mood fell a little!

Hee Tian realized that even if he was a Soldier King, a Dragon Soul Member, compared to women on the street and trying on clothes, he was far too inferior.

Although you don't have to carry big and small bags, like in some novels, the shopkeepers will send them home on their own.

However, Hee Tian also felt that it was a little unbearable!

"There's one last place! This family's clothes are very good! They are very complete!" Wang Xinrou pulled Hee Tian's hand and walked away.

How could they last two months? According to Wang Xinrou's plan, they had to wear one set a day for at least three months!

As for how much money she had to pay?

Wang Xinrou really did not care!

Not to mention the fact that Wang Xinrou was very rich, just the one hundred million yuan in her hands was enough to give Wang Xinrou a lot of confidence. Hee Tian did not allow her to spend the money? Tsk... Wang Xinrou is holding the money now, okay?

Speaking of which, what Wang Xinrou was swiping was Hee Tian's money!

Hehe... This could be considered a small revenge!

"Let me tell you the truth! Even if you buy more clothes, you still have to wash them!" Hee Tian told him his plan in advance!

Wang Xinrou, on the other hand, blinked her eyes in surprise!

"Mr. Hee Tian, do you know how much that brown casual suit we just came out of?" Wang Xinrou took Hee Tian's arm.

"I'm not looking at the price! You pay the bill, what price am I looking at!" Hee Tian did not care that he seemed to be living off a woman.

Damn, even if you live off a gigolo, you have to have capital, okay? Not everyone can live off a gigolo!

"This set costs 66,000 yuan! It must be specially dry-cleaned so that the clothes will not be damaged! Do you want me to wash the clothes until they are damaged? You're such a waste, don't you know how to be thrifty?" Wang Xinrou bared her fangs! This was her real goal!

Expensive! Fine!

These clothes could not be washed in a simple manner!

They had to be dry cleaned with special equipment!

This way, Wang Xinrou would be able to get out of her bad luck!

"I was wondering why you chose the expensive ones! I didn't know you had such an idea! Come, let's continue buying!" Hee Tian smiled. Wang Xinrou's plan was not out of Hee Tian's control!

"You still have something to rely on? Hehe, I'm afraid you've accepted your fate. You want me to spend more money? However... this money is yours!" Wang Xinrou's heart was filled with joy. After scheming against Hee Tian for a while, Wang Xinrou felt so good about herself!


The hostess was very beautiful! Just by standing there, one could tell that this shop did not have a lot of wealth. Please do not enter.

The clothes inside were indeed not bad!

There were all kinds of brands!

Wang Xinrou's spirits were still very high!

Aside from the fact that she believed herself to be scheming against Hee Tian, Wang Xinrou was really fascinated by the feeling of Hee Tian changing into all kinds of different clothes!

For example, if you put on a suit, you would see the shadow of an elite on Hee Tian, and that aura would be even more overwhelming!

For example, when she put on a sports suit, Wang Xinrou would be able to see Hee Tian's martial arts master-like figure.

And when she put on the sportswear, she would look like a prince who had fallen into the mortal world.


In short, every style of clothing made Wang Xinrou feel that Hee Tian was different!

Hundred transformations!

In Wang Xinrou's eyes, this was a hundred transformations!

Furthermore, even if they were the same style of clothing! Different colors and different styles would be different when worn by Hee Tian! This really... made Wang Xinrou gasp in amazement!

She was also more curious about Hee Tian!

She swore that she would definitely understand Hee Tian!

Let's see who this person is!

What? Is it dangerous for a woman to be curious about a man?

Wang Xinrou could not help but scoff at this.

What danger... Hee Tian was so handsome and his skills were so good. If there were any other danger, Miss Wang Xinrou would not mind flirting with this handsome man!

"How about this? Blue... I want to see if wearing it will make me feel like the sky is right beside me!" Wang Xinrou excitedly picked up a set of blue casual clothes. She kept gesturing at Hee Tian.

"Forget it! How many sets are there?!" Hee Tian had never tried on clothes like this before!

This was the first time he had ever tried on clothes like this!

However, he had tried it on too many times. It was hard to maintain this novelty for long.

"The last set!" Wang Xinrou pulled Hee Tian's arm. As for how others saw it, tsk, according to Second Miss Wang, what others think is none of my business! Handsome and beautiful, don't be too envious!

"The last set!" Hee Tian agreed. Most importantly, Hee Tian thought that these clothes were pretty good! The workmanship was not bad. The blue clothes were also Hee Tian's and the style was also very pleasing to Hee Tian.

Some of the people around them were already paying attention to the combination of Hee Tian and Wang Xinrou!

Especially to Hee Tian...

Just now, Wang Xinrou had asked He Tian to try on a few sets of clothes!

He Tian's ever-changing temperament had also surprised them!

Now that Hee Tian had changed into another set of clothes, they were also very concerned!

Wang Xinrou was very proud of herself. It was as if the more attention she attracted, the more excited Second Miss Wang became!

Little girls were usually like this! This meant that Second Miss Wang had not grown up yet!

Of course, Second Miss Wang would not admit this!

Hee Tian put on his clothes and came out!

He was dressed in blue and was decorated with white!

When he was propped up by Hee Tian's clothes, it really felt like the sky was blue.

"Brother Hee Tian, I'm so jealous of you!" Wang Xinrou said with a smile as she stepped forward and took Hee Tian's arm.

"Little girl, let me tell you, don't fall in love with me! Even if you fall in love with me, you still have to line up!" Hee Tian was so full of himself!

"Oh my god! Don't be so narcissistic, okay?" Wang Xinrou was speechless at Hee Tian.

"I'll pay for this handsome man's clothes!"

Suddenly, a female voice sounded.

Hee Tian and Wang Xinrou turned their heads and saw a woman of the highest quality.

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