The Hottest Soldier King/C18 Someday It will Change
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The Hottest Soldier King/C18 Someday It will Change
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C18 Someday It will Change

Hee Tian was about 1.78 meters tall!

But now, Hee Tian's height did not change at all!

The change was his face!

Next, the mirror revealed another'new' handsome man! He looked more youthful than the real Hee Tian! Full of vigor!

Even the position of his eyes had changed.

He had become more capable of discharging electricity!

If one were to take a closer look, it would be good enough if one could see half of Hee Tian's original appearance!

He believed that under such circumstances, no one would think that this person was still Hee Tian!

"That's great!" Hee Tian smiled slightly! Then, he memorized all of it! He would follow this image in the future!

This seemingly unbelievable ability was a must-have skill for Dragon Soul Member!

However, in order for such a change to occur, one needed a powerful force and a strong control over their own muscles!

All of this was not a problem for Hee Tian.

Hee Tian actually had another appearance!

That was when he was on a mission!

Originally, Hee Tian only intended to use his original appearance to enjoy his life and fulfill his duty as a Dragon Soul Soldier King with the appearance of a dragon soul!

But now, without a doubt, Hee Tian was about to start another life!

Hee Tian chose a set of clothes and put them on!

After he was satisfied with himself, he walked out of the room!

"Who are you?" Wang Xinrou was shocked when she saw a completely unfamiliar handsome man coming down from the stairs.

It was the same for Wang Xinrou!

Only Elder Hu had a smile on his face. It was as if he had expected such a situation to occur!

"Little girl, how can you not recognize your master after such a short time?" Hee Tian spoke!

"Mr. Hee Tian? This... How is this possible? How did you become like this?" Wang Xinrou stared at Hee Tian in shock. She could not believe that this was Hee Tian!

"Little girl, don't ask around so casually! Haven't you read martial arts novels? Disguise technique... Do you know!" Hee Tian gave Wang Xinrou an explanation. Actually, Hee Tian had a way to control his muscles and change his body. It was not something that could be compared to a disguise technique.

"There is nothing wrong with your figure and appearance! It was too perfect! This clothes, this charm... Hee Tian! Change into another set!" Wang Xinmeng was also very shocked that Hee Tian could change his appearance. But most of all, what Wang Xinmeng saw was a man in men's clothing...

Then, Wang Xinmeng did not forget to take a picture of Hee Tian's entire appearance on her phone!

Next, Hee Tian really put on a fashion exhibition!

Wang Xinmeng kept taking pictures with a smile on her face.

Now they knew each other inside the company!

As long as the company could open up the men's clothing market, the entire company's assets would increase by more than 50% in a very short period of time!

If they could develop further!

Mengrou's total assets would exceed five billion! This was not an impossible dream!

To Wang Xinmeng, who wanted to create a business empire, this was too important.

"Change into other clothes!" Wang Xinmeng was very satisfied with the effect of Hee Tian's clothes! In her heart, she wanted to change her clothes, so she made a request!

If it was possible, the company would not only open up an urban casual clothing market for men's clothing! Other markets could also be tried!

What? The endorsement could only be done by celebrities? Because celebrities had fans?

That would be wrong!

No matter how many fans a celebrity has, they would not be more than the audience of the fashion industry!

A spokesperson who was recognized and was able to express the characteristics and charm of clothing was truly a good spokesperson! It did not necessarily have to be a celebrity!

As for the issue of celebrities... Wang Xinmeng believed that perhaps Hee Tian would become famous because of the endorsement!

After Hee Tian changed into other styles of clothing, Wang Xinmeng was still very satisfied!

Finally, the mini fashion show ended!

Everyone sat down!

"Hee Tian, I hope you can endorse our Mengrou in men's clothing!" Wang Xinmeng formally invited Hee Tian and said, "Don't worry, your endorsement fee is top-notch! Thirty million a year!"

Thirty million a year!

This was the market price for superstars!

The reason why Wang Xinmeng made such a decision was not because of her relationship with Hee Tian, nor was it because of the excessive burning of money!

This was completely due to her confidence in Hee Tian after endorsing him!

She believed that the value of the future would far exceed the price of 30 million a year!

"Forget it! This can be considered as helping! He really is talking about money!" Hee Tian waved his hand and said with a smile: "I can't let this girl Xin Rou look down on me! As her brother and master! I can't let it fall into the eyes of money!"

"Money is nothing to Mr. Hee Tian! I admire your integrity!" Wang Xinrou gave him a thumbs up!

"No! In the business world, everything was the same! Three thousand years in a year! Temporarily sign a one-year contract! If it works, I promise to give you 5% of the company's shares as a free endorsement for your entire life! But I won't allow you to endorse any other brand!" Wang Xinmeng said seriously.

"5%! Wow! Sis, you're so generous! However, you're also very smart! Let me calculate, your current company is worth three billion. Five percent is one hundred and fifty million! That means five years of endorsement fees! But now, you want to sign a contract with Mr. Hee Tian for the rest of your life! You really know how to scheme!" Wang Xinrou looked at her sister with'admiration' in her eyes!

"However, Mr. Hee Tian, if my sister's company continues to develop! Her assets will not be three billion, but five billion. If it is ten billion, then it will be even more! In the long run, it's still a good deal! And with shares, you're a shareholder of the company! You have the right to make decisions! " Wang Xinrou seemed to be very proactive and started to calculate for Hee Tian.

"How much money and how many shares? It's too early to say now! I don't care about that! I only have one request! I only work as a spokesperson and will not cooperate with other promotional activities. For example, a cocktail party or something like that!" Hee Tian said.

"No problem! In terms of marketing, this is called maintaining mystery!" Wang Xinmeng said straightforwardly.

"Then there's no problem!" Hee Tian gave up control of his muscles and returned to his original appearance!

"I think it's better that way!" Wang Xinrou looked at the familiar Hee Tian and sighed with emotion.

"Then come with me to the company tomorrow!" Wang Xinrou could not wait any longer!

"There's no need to be in such a hurry! You go and make the arrangements first! I'm not going to run away! Tomorrow is my first time going to school! I don't want to miss it!" Hee Tian waved his hand!

The first thing Lv Shi had to do after obtaining his freedom was to go to school!

Coincidentally, it was Saturday and Sunday!

Tomorrow would be Monday! Hee Tian did not want to miss the opportunity to experience the taste of the students.

"Alright!" Wang Xinmeng nodded. Indeed, to choose a spokesperson and the only spokesperson in Wang Xinmeng's heart required a lot of preparation in all aspects!

There was nothing much to say about the company's internal affairs, but Wang Xinmeng's words were absolute! Whatever she said, she would do it, but all kinds of preparations really needed time!

"I'm so happy today! Ms. Qiu, bring me a bottle of wine!" Wang Xinmeng wanted to celebrate!

Ms. Qiu and the other two maids were a little stunned when they saw what happened just now!

Actually, this was also one of Hee Tian's goals...

It was to prevent them from having any improper thoughts because of any external factors!

When the wine arrived, Wang Xinmeng personally poured a cup for Hee Tian!

"Hee Tian, may we have a happy cooperation!" Wang Xinmeng said with a smile.

"Happy cooperation!" Hee Tian smiled and gently drank the lipstick...

Wang Xinrou spoke a lot and appeared to be very excited. So did Wang Xinrou!

In the end, she had to watch Hee Tian give Wang Xinmeng a massage!

She even wanted to give it a try!

In the end, he was directly massaged by Hee Tian and fell asleep...

Hee Tianpan sat on the bed in his room.

The Qi force in his body was constantly circulating!

Three Dragons Stage!

Three Qi paths formed three small cycles!

The current realm of Hee Tian's three dragons!

If it was placed outside, to use a more common language, it would be called Internal Energy Level Three!

On the other side of the seemingly bright society!

There was actually another world!

A world of internal strength! Some of them were also known as the world of ancient martial arts!

There were all kinds of names!

From the current classification, there were five levels!

Hee Tian cultivated the Nine-Dragon Returning Heart Technique, the realm of one dragon, which was the first level of inner strength!

The Second Dragon Realm was the Second Level of Internal Energy!

The Third Dragon Stage was the Internal Energy Level Three!

Reaching the Internal Energy Level Three was already considered an expert!

Hee Tian was not sure if he had a chance with the nine dragons! Did this mean that he could reach the Internal Energy Level Nine?!

But there didn't seem to be such a record!

The dragon head had told Hee Tian that he was at the peak of the Internal Energy Level Five...

In this world, it was not that Internal Energy Level Six did not exist! It was just that it was very difficult for someone to reach it!

Every level of Internal Energy was divided into the lower, middle, and upper levels!

In the Xia Country! There were many Internal Energy Cultivators!

And there were three major organizations in the country!

The Dragon Group, the National Security Bureau, and the Military Intelligence.

The people recruited by these three organizations were all the best, and they were all special agents! They were also special staff!

As for the dragon scales of the Dragon Group, the special task force of the National Security Bureau, and the Wolf Fang Team of the Military Intelligence Organization! These were all special personnel who specialized in absorbing inner strength!

And the dragon soul... was the most outstanding one among the three organizations!

Of course, Hee Tian was very special!

Although Hee Tian had just joined the Dragon Soul, when Hee Tian was still a child, when he chose and cultivated the Nine-Dragon Returning, Hee Tian was already a member of the Dragon Soul!

The Nine-Dragon Returning Heart Technique was destined to make Hee Tian different!

He had completed nine cycles!

Hee Tian was in high spirits!

Although it did not increase his Qi, it still made slow progress!

He looked at the time and saw that it was already late at night!

Hee Tian quietly walked out of the room and greeted Chen Loong and the others. Hee Tian then left the villa!

The status of the dragon soul was very noble!

Hee Tian had already used a special method to contact the two major organizations of the Tianhai National Security Bureau and the Military Intelligence Bureau!

The order was issued by the person who ambushed Wang Xinrou yesterday!

When Hee Tian held a clothing exhibition at night! The message had already been sent!

However, the two major organizations, the National Security Bureau and the Military Intelligence Bureau, did not know that Hee Tian was here. They only knew that they had received such an order to send it to the other party!

Tianhai Huitong Hotel!

Hee Tian looked at the skyscraper that was more than 60 stories tall!

His face was filled with a cold smile!

Hee Tian was very clear about the popularity of the skyscraper.

However, the other party was really bold! He actually dared to stay in such a high-end hotel, so openly...

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