The Immortal Emperor Is In Urban/C13 Take off with You
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The Immortal Emperor Is In Urban/C13 Take off with You
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C13 Take off with You

Memories slowly flowed into Lee Mo's mind. He clenched his fists tightly, and his body trembled slightly.

In my previous life, my legs were broken by Wang Ziwen. I knew it was Wang Ziwen who did it, but I couldn't do anything about it!

I hated my incompetence in my previous life. I dragged my parents to the police station to file a complaint, but they were mercilessly mocked and chased out. They are not people we can mess with... "

" My parents treated my legs. Helplessly, they had no choice but to think of selling the ten acres of fruit garden that they relied on to make a living. However, when I hit them while they are down, the one who bought the fruit garden at a cheap price was my uncle's family, whose blood is thicker than water. I still remember that sharp and unkind face of yours. Doesn't your conscience hurt? "

"And third aunt and second uncle, my parents were forced to do nothing. Kneel down and borrow money from you. It doesn't matter if you don't lend it to me. You even cheered for our big uncle's family and forced us to sell our fruit garden at a low price. Could it be that it's only because big uncle's family is rich? In order to curry favor with them, all of you fawned over them like pugs. Hehe, the world's cold has been thoroughly described by all of you. All of you... Truly despicable."

"In my previous life, I would never forget that my parents had white hair in the span of a few days. They were over sixty years old and their limbs were inconvenient. In order to take care of me, they had to work day and night, and their faces were full of worry all day long!"

"In my previous life, I committed suicide with guilt towards my parents... It was just that for the sake of my parents, I suffered less!"

"All of this humiliation was caused by Wang Ziwen from the Wang family in Beijing!"

That's right, in this world where the strong preyed on the weak, the strong would call the wind and summon the rain, do whatever they want, the weak would struggle at death's door, allowing others to bully and trample on them.

Lee Mo clenched his fists. His nails dug deep into his flesh, and drops of blood dripped down.

In this life, as an Immortal Emperor, I will never let the tragedy repeat itself! The humiliation and ridicule I suffered in my previous life will never happen again in this life. The bullying and abuse I suffered in my previous life will be repaid a hundred times over in this life!

Father, mother!

In this life, you will be respected by your parents. I want you to be proud and proud!

His eyes were filled with tears, but he suddenly laughed. He laughed very happily. Because he had been reborn, all of this could happen again. All the humiliation he had suffered in his previous life would never happen again in this life. Mom and Dad, I'll go back immediately after I earn some money these few days.

Cao Luoshui slightly opened her red lips and revealed a shocked expression. In front of Lee Mo, he seemed somewhat childish. But the intelligence that even Guo Jia admired was clearly not stupid. He was even very smart. She could clearly see the sadness in Lee Mo's eyes. There was also the joy after the great sadness, but what she couldn't understand was... Why did Lee Mo's eyes look so ancient? It was as if he had experienced the vicissitudes of life that only a few people in the past could experience. This caused her to be extremely shocked. It was as if there was a thick layer of mysterious light on Lee Mo's body, causing her to fall into it.


Lee Mo let out a long breath and decided to suppress all these thoughts in his heart. He didn't want to think about it anymore, because it would never happen again in his life.

Mier, forgive me for not going to find you right now. My rebirth has caused the originally non-existent gathering to happen. I'm afraid that if I go and find you now, I won't be able to be with you. So, one year later... I'll still be at the place where we meet... Waiting for you.

"Master, I am here!" Cao Luoshui held Lee Mo's big hand and smiled. "But now, are you going to teach me how to ride a flying sword?"

Lee Mo laughed. "I can't even ride a flying sword now, let alone you. But you can start cultivating now. I have a lot of cultivation techniques related to the Water Spirit Root. I will give them to you after I tidy them up."

"Okay, Master. You should hurry up. I want to take off with you as soon as possible." Cao Luoshui revealed a look of anticipation, but then she seemed to have thought of something. She laughed and said, "Master, then do you think that after I cultivate, my figure and skin will become more beautiful?"

Lee Mo subconsciously looked at her. Under the moonlight, her skin was as white as snow. It was as if water was seeping out of his skin. His legs were long and slender, and his eyes were watery. Even now, it was rare to see her in Immortal Realm. No matter how beautiful she was, she wouldn't dare to imagine it!

Outside Mingde Manor, an ordinary Toyoda drove over from afar and stopped in an inconspicuous position. A man with a ferocious expression sat in the front passenger seat. It was Zhou Xiong.

"Young Master Zhou." The driver was a middle-aged man and greeted him respectfully.

"Drive, ram, ram to death. Money is not a small amount!" Zhou Yuan said fiercely. In the darkness, one could see the ferociousness on his face.

"Are they the two people in front? Didn't you say there was only one man? "the middle-aged driver asked.

"Hit them all. I'll give you a hundred thousand right now. After that, I'll add another hundred thousand." The madness in Young Zhou's eyes was even greater. Even if you destroy me, I'll make things difficult for you.


Suddenly, a low engine sound was heard. It became sharp immediately. The car sped up and ran toward Lee Mo and Cao Luoshui, who were walking slowly.

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