The Last Blacksmith/C10 A New Life
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The Last Blacksmith/C10 A New Life
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C10 A New Life

When Qin Feng first joined the sect, he was a mere six-year-old child. Despite his mischievous nature, he earnestly reciprocated kindness shown to him by others. Xuli was the one who had brought him into the fold, and it was Su Henn, a Senior Brother from the Defense Division, who befriended him. Su Henn was known for his amiable character and was particularly attentive to Qin Feng's well-being.

At that time, Qiu Mu had not yet taken the helm of the sect; he was merely an elder of the Scattered Branch. However, under mysterious circumstances, the former sect master, Nie Cheng, met with an untimely death, rumored to have been slain by a practitioner of the demonic path. Consequently, the elders chose Qiu Mu as the new sect master, and with his ascension, the old rules were abolished.

Qiu Mu's reign brought an influx of aristocrats and members of noble families, purportedly to bolster the sect's strength. The sect's recruitment policy shifted from valuing diligent cultivation of Profound Power to prioritizing talent and potential benefits to the sect. As a result, many disciples lacking in talent or ability were discarded, and Su Henn was among those cast aside.

Before his departure, Su Henn warned Qin Feng that the sect had lost its former tranquility and had adopted a survival-of-the-fittest mentality. He cautioned that some would stop at nothing to achieve greater heights, more prestigious positions, and amass formidable Profound Power and influence. He urged Qin Feng to be exceedingly cautious.

At the time, Qin Feng did not fully grasp the significance of Su Henn's advice and, in a fit of indignation, pleaded with the sect master to reconsider Su Henn's expulsion. His impertinence earned him a harsh punishment for disrespecting his elders.

Qin Feng himself was not a disciple of remarkable talent, and his Profound Cultivation suffered for it. His master's interest in him waned, and he became a target for the taunts and torments of his peers. Nonetheless, Qin Feng was not one to be trifled with; he always returned the favor to anyone who dared to cross him.

On one occasion, Qin Feng's actions displeased an aristocratic disciple, who then orchestrated a campaign of defamation against him. Just as Qin Feng braced for expulsion, an unexpected order was issued: he was assigned the menial task of garbage collection.

Now, because of an image reflected in a mirror, he was to be condemned, and they had gone to such lengths...

Qin Feng, clutching his saber for support, shakily rose to his feet. He surveyed the disciples who had encircled him, as well as the elders and the sect master, who sat aloof on the stage, flaunting their status.

These individuals, who outwardly appeared noble, were in truth harboring deceitful intentions.

"Sect Master!" The blood that had trickled from the corner of Qin Feng's mouth had dried, yet it couldn't conceal the smile on his face. With resolute conviction, he declared, "I, Qin Feng, have never stolen the Sect Supreme Treasure. If you don't believe me, I am prepared to prove it with my death!"

With those words, Qin Feng dropped the saber and gently touched his forehead. In a flash, a blue glow emerged, revealing a blue Profound Pill, marked with cloud patterns, in the palm of his hand.

Those who practice Profound Cultivation each possess a Profound Pill, which contains all levels of Profound Power. Destruction of the Profound Pill means the shattering of one's foundation and the complete loss of cultivation.

The Profound Pill slowly transformed into blue flames, engulfing Qin Feng's entire body, burning his flesh to ashes until all that remained was smoke and dust, carried away by the wind.

"He... he actually ignited his own Profound Pill! Could it be that he was truly innocent?"

It was unclear which disciple cried out first, but the rest quickly joined in the murmuring, clearly stunned by Qin Feng's drastic act.

Even the elders on the stage exchanged bewildered glances. Qiu Mu had not anticipated Qin Feng's self-immolation, and his expression turned grim.

Lian Yu stood in shock, muttering to himself, "Such a tragedy, such a tragedy..." before turning and stiffly making his way through the crowd.

"Let it be known to all," Qiu Mu announced from the stage, his tone grave, "Qin Feng, a disciple of the Imperial Heaven Sect's Defense Division, has been found guilty of stealing the Sect Supreme Treasure, the Nirvana Bead. Overcome with guilt, he chose to immolate himself before us all! Let his fate serve as a stern warning to all disciples to govern their actions and themselves with strict discipline!"

Qiu Mu remained on the stage, his demeanor solemn, as if the spectacle before him was no more than a fleeting view, now dismissed from his sight.

Near the scene, a figure stood in silence, observing everything unfold.


Amidst the chaos, Qin Feng's body felt as though it was being scorched by flames, his soul tearing apart, throbbing with pain. Darkness enveloped his vision, and despite his efforts, he couldn't open his eyes.

Suddenly, a beam of light pierced the gloom, and Qin Feng's eyelashes quivered as his eyes opened to reveal a forest scene.

Qin Feng lifted his hand to shield his eyes from the sunlight streaming through the canopy, only to be taken aback.

His hand, which should have been marred with wounds, was unscathed—smooth flesh without a single scar. Glancing down at his body, he saw his black shirt, previously torn by swords and Spirit Treasures, was intact. Touching himself, he felt no pain; it was as if the recent ordeal had been nothing but a dream.

"Host, you're finally awake! You've been asleep for seven days," a mechanical voice abruptly announced beside Qin Feng.

"I've been asleep for seven days?" Qin Feng touched his head, his expression one of bewilderment. "So, was everything that just happened not real?"

"Host, it seems you're still groggy. The system has replaced your body for you. Haven't you noticed?" the voice said, tinged with a note of exasperation.

"Replaced my body?" Qin Feng paused, scanning his surroundings until his eyes landed on a lengthy lake nearby. He hurried over to it.

Peering into the clear waters of the lake, Qin Feng saw his reflection and realized he truly had a new body.

This new face bore a resemblance to his old one but with more refined, chiseled features, and his physique was largely unchanged—muscular and robust—just slightly taller.

"Actually, Host, there was no need for you to self-immolate. It's painful even to watch. A simple cut to the neck would have sufficed."

Qin Feng's eyes widened in astonishment. "You never mentioned I could just cut my neck! Do you have any idea how excruciating it was to burn my own core?"

"How was I to know you'd choose such a dramatic method?" the system retorted with a huff.

Qin Feng remained disoriented, taking quite some time to come to terms with the reality of his new body.

Qin Feng attempted to harness the Profound Power within him, only to discover that he couldn't summon even a trace of it. He was already aware that his Profound Pill had been destroyed and his Profound Power rendered useless, yet accepting such a reality so suddenly was beyond him.

Profound Power is derived from the Profound Pill, and without it, Profound Cultivation is impossible. But acquiring a Profound Pill is no easy feat. Qin Feng had secured his original Profound Pill after nine years of rigorous cultivation, a testament to both his dedication and a touch of fortune—70% effort and 30% luck.

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