The Last Blacksmith/C12 Beast Realm Division
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The Last Blacksmith/C12 Beast Realm Division
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C12 Beast Realm Division

Although the Spiritual Qi in the Beast Realm Division of the God Abandoning Land is the most abundant and pure, it's also fraught with extreme danger. Should I encounter a high-level Devil Beast, without any Profound Power, I'd be as good as dead with just a single slap.

But isn't life itself a series of perilous challenges, waiting to be explored and overcome, step by step?

Qin Feng reached for the stone and activated the Magic Array, transporting himself inside.

He was greeted by an endless jungle. Dead trees were scattered nearby, with a thicket of shrubs in the distance. The occasional low growls of Devil Beasts echoed from within the shrubs.

Qin Feng glanced back at where the Teleportation Magic Array had been, but it had vanished without a trace, leaving no sign behind. A sense of foreboding washed over him.

"Is this the Beast Realm Division?" Qin Feng surveyed his surroundings with caution, his palm glowing purple as he summoned the Glazed Night Sword, gripping it firmly.

"Host, be very careful. You're in the inner circle of the Beast Realm Division, where the most and the highest-level Devil Beasts reside," the system warned. "The records indicate that beyond this territory of Devil Beasts, there lies a Spirit Pool, the source of the purest Spiritual Qi."

With each cautious step, Qin Feng tightened his grip on the sword's hilt, advancing slowly along the path.

His pupils dilated in an instant as he spotted a formidable brown bear in the grass, less than a hundred meters away.

He stealthily moved to the side, taking cover behind the bushes, doing his utmost to avoid alerting the bear. Being discovered would mean certain death or severe injury.

At last, using the dense shrubbery for cover, Qin Feng managed to evade the bear.

"Rampaging Brown Bear, Level Four Demonic Power."

The system's words made Qin Feng inhale sharply.

Devil Beasts are ranked by their Demonic Power, from levels one to nine. Beyond level nine, they ascend to Sky Demons, the Sovereign class. Levels one to three are considered low-level, four to six are mid-level, and seven to nine are high-level. A Level Four Rampaging Brown Bear is among the upper echelon of mid-level Devil Beasts, capable of killing a person with a Spirit Rank Level Two Profound Pill with a single blow.

Fortunately, Qin Feng hadn't provoked the creature; the thought of what could have happened was chilling.

"Host! Get down now!" The system's voice suddenly boomed in his mind.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng threw himself to the ground, feeling a cold gust sweep over him as a dark shadow skimmed just above his head, bringing with it a chilling breeze.

After narrowly avoiding the attack, he pushed himself up from the ground, only to be startled by the massive beast before him.

A white python, roughly two meters in length, flicked its bright red tongue as it fixed its dark green eyes firmly on him.

Without warning, it lunged at Qin Feng with its mouth wide open. He deftly dodged to the side.

"Bone Swallowing Python, with a Level Five Demonic Power! This creature devours humans whole, leaving no bones behind. Its venom can liquefy bones into a thick sludge—truly horrifying," he thought.

Qin Feng parried the relentless attacks of the Bone Swallowing Python with his Glazed Night Sword. Despite his efforts, the python was swift, and its assaults came in relentless waves, pushing Qin Feng back step by step.

Resorting to his incantations, Qin Feng summoned the Nether Fire Pupil to exert control over the python. The beast's onslaught slowed, but the technique demanded mastery of Profound Power. Devoid of any such power, Qin Feng's grip on the python waned, and a powerful strike from its tail sent him flying.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Qin Feng quickly rose to his feet, spat out the blood that had welled up in his throat, grabbed the Glazed Night Sword, and dashed deeper into the forest.

The Bone Swallowing Python persisted in its pursuit, seemingly unwilling to let go of its prey.

Strangely, as Qin Feng ventured further, he encountered no more Devil Beasts—only the silence of the forest, the crunch of dry leaves underfoot, and the persistent rustling of the pursuing Bone Swallowing Python.

Then, a sudden sharp pain shot through his right ankle. Turning back, he saw the python's razor-sharp teeth had punctured his footwear and sunk into his flesh, drawing forth a stream of blackened blood.

Qin Feng deflected the Bone Swallowing Python's strike with his sword, but the pain caused him to lose his grip and drop the hilt. The python lunged at him again, and Qin Feng blocked with his arm, only to have the creature sink its teeth deep into his flesh.


As he was on the brink of being devoured, black blood began to drip from Qin Feng's forearm—a sure sign of the snake's venom.

The blood fell onto the black bead of the Glazed Night Sword, which began to spin rapidly. The sword's dark purple blade seemed to grow even purer, with purple Nether Fire flickering along its edge.

Unsure of what was happening but with no time to ponder, Qin Feng, driven by survival, grasped the Glazed Night Sword with his other hand and struck the python's vital spot with all his might.


Where before the python's hide had resisted like iron, now it parted like mud beneath the sword's blade. The python was cleaved in two, its green blood oozing out as it convulsed a few times before lying still.

Exhaling deeply, Qin Feng collapsed to the ground, the pain in his hands and ankles searing into his very marrow, nearly unbearable.

Suddenly, the gash on his forearm began to heal at an astonishing rate, visible to the eye. Yet, the venom remained, marked by a black bruise on the newly healed skin.

Drawing on his sect training, Qin Feng expertly sliced into the python's belly and fished around until he found a peach pit-sized object—a white Devil Core, smeared with green blood.

The Devil Core could be used to craft Spirit Treasures or incorporated into medicines. It was the key to neutralizing the Bone Swallowing Python's venom.

Typically, a white Devil Core was a centennial treasure, a potent supplement for one's body, offering immense benefits to one's future Profound Cultivation.

Qin Feng levitated the Devil Core before him and sat down cross-legged, slowly drawing the core's essence into his body...

In the time it took half an incense stick to burn, Qin Feng had fully absorbed the Devil Core. His Spirit Field was now brimming with energy. Glancing at his forearm, he noted with relief that the black mark had vanished entirely.

"Host, the Spirit Pool is nearby," the system announced, pulling Qin Feng out of his reverie.

Qin Feng was a sight to behold, his body smeared with blood and his hair tie lost to the branches at some point, leaving his hair wild and unkempt, much like a madman.

"Host, a heartbeat from an unidentified species has been detected in the vicinity. Please proceed with caution."

Just as Qin Feng's anxiety had begun to subside, the system's warning sent his nerves on edge once more.

If he encountered another Devil Beast like the Bone Swallowing Python, Qin Feng feared he might meet his end in this place.

Furthermore, after resting here for half the day, not a single Devil Beast had emerged. These creatures were known for their bloodlust and should have been drawn by the scent of blood. Yet, why had he not spotted even one? Could it be possible that a beast, far more formidable than the average Devil Beast, was lurking here?

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