The Last Blacksmith/C19 Hero Saving Beauty
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The Last Blacksmith/C19 Hero Saving Beauty
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C19 Hero Saving Beauty

Qin Feng was at a loss when it came to dealing with women, especially someone as stubborn and troublesome as Shee Yun.

"Yo, what's going on here? Oh, it's you, the troublemaker, stirring things up again."

Turning towards the source of the voice, he saw a group of more than ten individuals in ragged clothes, their bodies adorned with tattoos. The one leading them, covered in tattoos from head to toe, was undoubtedly the local ruffian leader.

Fear flickered in Shee Yun's eyes upon seeing them; she seemed genuinely afraid of these men.

The local ruffian leader glanced at Qin Feng and, with a dismissive sneer, strode directly toward Shee Yun.

Backing up until she was cornered with nowhere left to go, Shee Yun watched as the local ruffian leader's gaze turned menacing. He yanked her disheveled hair and sneered, "You must have swiped something valuable from this kid. Hand it over, let's have a look."

"I'm not showing you anything! You'll just steal it again!" Shee Yun cried out in pain, yet she bit her lip and tried to bear it.

"Oh, is that so?" The local ruffian leader cocked his head, spotted the Secret Bag hidden behind her, and laughed as he snatched it from her grasp, "Too bad, I've seen it now..."

With a swift kick, Qin Feng sent the local ruffian leader tumbling to the ground, leaving a vivid red footprint on his face.

The local ruffian leader, taken aback by Qin Feng's sudden move, turned to his dumbfounded underlings and barked, "What are you waiting for? Grab this kid! I'm going to kill him!"

At the leader's furious command, the ruffians finally sprang into action, charging at Qin Feng with clubs in hand.

Qin Feng quickly assessed that they were just ordinary people, lacking any Profound Pill or Profound Power, and he easily dispatched them. One by one, he knocked them down with punches and kicks. Before long, the local ruffians were sprawled on the ground, groaning in pain, while those who sensed defeat scampered off first.

The local ruffian leader was the only one left, cornered as Qin Feng steadily approached him. Despite being backed into a corner, his defiant demeanor remained unbroken. He spat out angrily, "You little punk, do you have any idea who my big brother is? You dare treat me like this today, I swear my big brother will have your hide!"

"Have my hide?" Qin Feng's gaze grew cold as he delivered a resounding slap to the local ruffian leader's face. Observing the fear creeping into the man's eyes, Qin Feng crouched down, his expression shadowed by dark thoughts.

"A dog's life, indeed! To survive adversity, one must live like a dog, always hiding. But mark my words, one day he'll grow strong, turn the tables, and take a vicious bite right out of your neck," Qin Feng mused, his voice heavy with implication.

"Please, I'm begging you, spare me! I'll give you all the Black Gold Stone you want!" pleaded the local ruffian leader, clinging to Qin Feng's legs and bowing his head in frantic kowtows, trembling with fear.

"Next time, remember this: as a man, you should never lay hands on a woman. That's a surefire way to lose my respect," Qin Feng admonished.

The message hit home. The local ruffian leader turned to Shee Yun, who stood there in shock, and kowtowed profusely, apologizing over and over, admitting he was wrong to have laid a finger on her.


At Qin Feng's dismissive command, the local ruffian leader scurried out, his departure as comical as it was hasty, especially when he stumbled over the temple threshold.

Qin Feng retrieved the Secret Bag from the pile of hay, dusted it off, and secured it inside his belt. After ensuring it wouldn't fall, he prepared to leave. But then, as if struck by a sudden thought, he pulled a handful of Black Gold Stones from the Secret Bag and handed them to Shee Yun.

"Why are you helping me? And... giving me Black Gold Stone? It was me who stole your Secret Bag..." Shee Yun asked tentatively.

"It's simple. I can't stand to see women being bullied. I gave you the Black Gold Stone so you wouldn't feel the need to steal again," Qin Feng explained, pausing briefly before adding, "Try to stay out of trouble from now on. You're a beautiful girl, and it's a shame to be scorned for such actions."

After finishing his words, Qin Feng left the dilapidated temple.

Shee Yun watched his retreating figure, a rush of emotions passing through her eyes as she gazed at the Black Gold Stone in her hand. A blush crept onto her cheeks, and her lips quirked into a smile. It seemed she had made up her mind about something, and with a determined stomp of her foot, she set off after him.

"Wait! Wait for me!"

Qin Feng turned to see Shee Yun running toward him, calling out from behind.

He furrowed his brow, puzzled. What was this all about? Hadn't he already given her some Black Gold Stones?

"Where are you headed?" inquired Shee Yun.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Can I come with you? I think you're a decent person, so I'd like you to be my little sidekick," Shee Yun said, her previous obstinacy seemingly evaporated in the moment.

Qin Feng was taken aback.

Shee Yun had shared that her family once lived on Meng Tan Mountain, but after being targeted by enemies, she was left orphaned. An old beggar took her in, and she had since learned to survive among the beggars.

Qin Feng felt a pang of sympathy for her after hearing her story, and he chose to forgive her past actions. The harshness of her life had forced her into thievery, something she never truly wanted.


A pretty young girl in a yellow dress with tight sleeves and pear blossom embroidery made a striking pair with the dashing young man she followed. They appeared well-matched, drawing the attention of many onlookers.

Qin Feng couldn't understand why Shee Yun had so suddenly decided to follow him, and why he couldn't seem to dissuade her. Left with no other option, he allowed her to trail behind him. He couldn't very well let the girl continue wearing rags, so he used some Black Gold Stones to buy her a new dress.

Indeed, clothes make the person, as the saying goes. The girl was truly beautiful, and in her new attire, she resembled a wealthy young lady awaiting marriage.

Qin Feng cast a glance at Shee Yun and then refocused his thoughts. He silently reminded himself that his affections were reserved for Lian Yan, and he would not allow his heart to waver for anyone else.

Qin Feng first stopped by the steamed bun stand to pick up Little Flowing Blade.

Upon seeing Little Flowing Blade, Shee Yun's eyes sparkled with delight. She moved to embrace it, but the creature bared its tiny, newly sprouted fangs and growled, scurrying behind Qin Feng. Clearly, it harbored some animosity towards Shee Yun, which explained its behavior.

Realizing he couldn't shake Shee Yun off, Qin Feng exhaled resignedly and allowed her to follow her whim. Shee Yun stayed close behind Qin Feng, with Little Flowing Blade tagging along. Together, the trio made their way toward the Imperial Capital.

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