The Last Blacksmith/C20 Completely Severed
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The Last Blacksmith/C20 Completely Severed
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C20 Completely Severed

Qin Feng glanced down at the sheepskin map in his hands and continued to walk forward, step by step.

"Can you slow down a bit? You're walking way too fast!" came a series of complaints from behind him.

Eventually, Qin Feng's patience wore thin.

"Look, you're acting as if you're some kind of princess. Besides, I never asked you to come along. It was your choice to follow and endure all this," he retorted.

Shee Yun shot him a glare with her striking eyes and raised her voice, "Am I not even allowed to speak now?"

Qin Feng was at a loss for words, and even Little Flowing Blade beside him let out a low growl.

"Hey! Look! We're here," Shee Yun exclaimed excitedly, pointing ahead to a tall city wall with two large characters inscribed on it: Essence City. It was a waypoint on the road to the Imperial Capital.

From a distance, the city buzzed with a bustling market and acrobatic performances, the streets teeming with life and seemingly at peace.

Unable to contain her excitement, Shee Yun dashed towards the city.

At the city gate, a group of Profound Armor Soldiers were inspecting the belongings of those entering and exiting, apparently in search of something.

"What is this about? Don't touch me!"

Qin Feng arrived just in time to see Shee Yun in a dispute with the soldiers.

"What's the problem here?"

"They're trying to search me for something called a Nirvana Bead. What even is that? I've never heard of it, let alone carry it on me," Shee Yun complained, her lips pursed in dissatisfaction with the Profound Armor Soldiers.

The soldiers conducting the search looked displeased.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng smiled and discreetly handed each of the two soldiers a Black Gold Stone, whispering, "My sister is a bit of a country girl and doesn't quite grasp the etiquette. Please, excuse her."

Seeing Qin Feng's gesture, the soldiers' expressions softened. One of them said, "You've got some sense, kid. We'll let it slide this time. Go on, get out of here."

Qin Feng glanced at Shee Yun, then down at Little Flowing Blade, and with a nod of his chin, signaled for her to take Flowing Blade and go ahead while he followed close behind.

Initially, Shee Yun didn't grasp what Qin Feng meant. It took her some time to piece things together. With a few nods, she scooped up the Little Flowing Blade, regardless of its struggles, and made her way into the city.

Now Qin Feng could inquire without worry.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I've heard that the Nirvana Bead is the Imperial Heaven Sect's most treasured artifact. Wasn't the thief said to have been executed? Why then..." Qin Feng probed carefully.

"It's precisely because the thief was executed that the Nirvana Bead's location remains unknown. However, there have been recent sightings of another thief with the bead in Essence City. That's why we're here, to determine who has the Nirvana Bead," one of them explained.

"I see... that makes sense."

Upon meeting Shee Yun, Qin Feng's face was dark with anger, as if he'd been deeply agitated.

"What's gotten into you? Did you swallow gunpowder? You're fuming! Careful, or you'll burn yourself up," Shee Yun couldn't help but tease Qin Feng.

"Don't irritate me; I'm already frustrated!" Qin Feng snapped back.

"Why take it out on me?" Shee Yun's voice softened as she spoke, realizing that Qin Feng might genuinely be in a foul mood, and her teasing could only make things worse.

Choosing silence, Shee Yun sat quietly to the side, occasionally stealing glances at Qin Feng and observing the shifts in his mood.

Qin Feng couldn't understand why, but upon hearing the Profound Armor Soldier mention the sighting of another thief with the Nirvana Bead in Essence City, a fire ignited within him.

If there was indeed another thief, why hadn't the truth been uncovered? Why was his own innocence not affirmed? Had the sect concluded this affair in silence? He feared that even if the thief was apprehended and the truth revealed, the sect would keep it hidden to protect its reputation, along with that of the sect master Qiu Mu and the other elders. They would never admit that Qin Feng had been falsely accused.

Qin Feng had held onto a sliver of hope for the sect, but now, he found the whole situation utterly repulsive. From this moment forward, Qin Feng resolved to sever all ties with the Imperial Heaven Sect.

Qin Feng's mood seemed to fluctuate between dark clouds and sunshine, startling Shee Yun enough to make her step aside. In doing so, she overheard quite a bit of news.

"Hey, did you hear? The Artifact Forging Master Competition, which only happens once every ten years in Essence City, is starting today."

"What? That's a rare event! I've got to go see the excitement. Where's it taking place?"

"It's at the Celestial Guiding Pavilion. Rumor has it that this year's champion's prize is extraordinary..."

The buzz among the passersby was all about the Artifact Forging Master Competition at the Celestial Guiding Pavilion.

The competition in Essence City was open to all Artifact Forging Masters, whether they had formal qualifications or not. Anyone could register to participate.

Typically, the Censor would pose the challenges, and the Artifact Forging Masters would respond with their creations. The one who forged the artifact with the purest spirit and highest grade would emerge as the victor. The contest was divided into three stages, and if an Artifact Forging Master perfectly completed all phases, they would be declared the ultimate winner and receive a significant reward. Such a prize was often greatly beneficial to those practicing Profound Cultivation. As a result, aristocratic Profound Masters would usually seek to employ the champion Artifact Forging Master to win the prize that could substantially enhance their Profound Cultivation.

Upon hearing this, Shee Yun's long-suppressed curiosity was ignited. She glanced at Qin Feng, who was still lost in thought, and swiftly hooked his arm, pulling him back to the moment.

"What's this all about?" Qin Feng was jolted from his reverie.

"I noticed you seemed to be in the grips of some nightmare, possibly tangled up in worries. So, being the good-hearted person I am, I've decided to take you somewhere nice," Shee Yun said with a beaming smile, looking utterly adorable in the sunlight.

"Heh, suit yourself," Qin Feng replied, genuinely disinterested in doing much of anything. Yet, the young lady seemed intent on stirring up some excitement. Well, as long as it didn't interfere with him, he thought, let her have her fun.

With that, Qin Feng continued to walk forward, lost in thought and not looking back.

Shee Yun was about to follow when she felt a sudden tug on her skirt. Looking down, she discovered Little Flowing Blade had latched onto the fabric, preventing her from catching up. Clearly, Little Flowing Blade was not fond of Shee Yun, showing a distinct aversion to her.

"Hey there, Little Flowing Blade, can you let go of your sister, please?" Shee Yun said as she crouched down and gently stroked the furry head of Little Flowing Blade.

Little Flowing Blade quickly dodged, putting on a show of fierceness, but to an onlooker, it seemed more like a Spirit Beast playfully seeking attention from its owner.

Noticing Qin Feng moving further away, Shee Yun scooped up Little Flowing Blade in her arms and hurried after him.

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