The Last Blacksmith/C6 Heavendefying Devil Artifact
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The Last Blacksmith/C6 Heavendefying Devil Artifact
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C6 Heavendefying Devil Artifact

"Why? Do you have a problem with people who pick up trash?" Qin Feng arched an eyebrow.

The ones gossiping about Qin Feng were the new disciples of the Imperial Heaven Sect, just like Nie Yuv, Qin Feng's junior brothers. Back when they were at the sect, they wouldn't dare to speak about Qin Feng in such a way. But now that Qin Feng had completely lost his status as an official disciple of the Defense Division and had been reduced to a mere trash collector, they felt emboldened to ridicule him.

"What's the matter? Aren't you a garbage collector? Everyone in the sect knows that my Second Senior Brother from the Defense Division has been demoted from an official disciple to a trash handler," a disciple sneered, prompting laughter from the others.

"What's the issue? You producers of trash, did I say something wrong? Isn't it me who recovers your Spirit Artifact Magic Treasures every time you break them? I clean up after you, and you have the nerve to find the cleaner dirty?"

"You!" The leading disciple's face contorted with rage, his hand gripping the sword hilt as if he was about to draw it at any moment.

Qin Feng flashed a brilliant smile, stepped forward, and clapped the disciple on the shoulder, whispering in his ear, "It's better to stay in line. Don't go lifting tiles off the roof for no reason. If the roof collapses one day, and you fall and shatter to pieces, it won't be worth it, right?"

With that, Qin Feng strode away.

Qin Feng's current residence was a small, desolate courtyard near the Defense Division. It was a barren and lonely place, but for Qin Feng, it was a haven of tranquility.

In the dead of night, he summoned the small Furnace and took out the low-grade Spirit Artifact Magic Treasures he had acquired from the Artifact Realm, along with the Ancient Level Broken Treasure, from his Secret Bag.

The Ancient Level Broken Treasure glowed faintly, signaling it was time for a Gathering Spirit. Qin Feng placed the Broken Treasure into the Furnace, followed by the various low-grade Spirit Artifact Magic Treasures.

Previously, Qin Feng had used remnants of Broken Treasures and Artifact Spirits to forge new items. Now, with this Ancient Level Broken Treasure and a collection of complete, albeit low-grade, items at his disposal, he should be able to meld them into something that reaches the Ancient Level.

As Qin Feng murmured incantations and gestured with his hands, he activated the Furnace. The Spirit Fire at the base of the furnace crackled to life, fusing the Spirit Treasure within.

Beads of sweat dotted Qin Feng's forehead, a testament to the considerable amount of Profound Power he had expended.

It was only after acquiring the Furnace that Qin Feng had fully grasped its operation. Forging remnants of an Ancient Level Spirit Treasure consumed a significant amount of his Profound Power, whereas lower-level materials required much less.

Time passed unmeasured until a thunderous boom erupted from the Furnace, shaking the ground beneath him.

The Furnace then fell silent.

Qin Feng was momentarily taken aback. Had the process failed?

With that thought, he peered into the Furnace and was greeted by a pure purple glow that captivated his gaze.

There, enveloped in a swirling purple aura, lay a longsword.

The sword, four feet in length, radiated a chilling brilliance. The purple light seemed to consciously weave into the hilt, while the dark purple blade was adorned with a black bead, exuding an undeniable coolness.


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heaven Defying Level Devil Artifact, the Glazed Night Sword."

Devil Artifact?

Initially, the term 'Heaven Defying Level' had caused him to sigh, but the revelation of a Devil Artifact brought an unexpected surge of excitement.

The distinction between a Devil Artifact, a Divine Artifact, and a Spirit Artifact lay in their essence. A Divine Artifact represented the pinnacle of pure essence, imbued with a Holy Spirit, while a Devil Artifact was the apex of pure malevolent essence, possessed by a cunning spirit. A Spirit Artifact's power was determined by its attribute—the stronger the owner, the more potent the artifact. Thus, one could refine both Devil and Divine Artifacts.

Clearly, Qin Feng had come into possession of the former.

Grasping the hilt, Qin Feng felt a chill seep into his palm, coursing through to his spiritual consciousness. Gradually, a purple flame pattern emerged on his wrist, settling into the center of his palm.

It appeared that this Devil Artifact had chosen its master. Despite its sinister aura, Qin Feng knew that with careful handling, there would be no risk of the artifact spiraling out of control.

Members of the sect deeply despised the use of Devil Artifacts. Should anyone discover that Qin Feng was cultivating with such an artifact, it would undoubtedly spell trouble for him. As a result, Qin Feng resolved to reveal this Heaven Defying Level Devil Artifact only as a last resort.

After stowing the Furnace, Qin Feng contentedly dusted off his hands. Noticing the predawn light outside his window, he decided it was the perfect moment to rest.


Qin Feng approached Lian Yu and Martial Uncle Lian to borrow a token that would allow him to come and go from the sect freely. He explained his intention to purchase Spirit Treasures from the black market at the mountain's base. Despite Lian Yu's teasing about his lack of funds, he ultimately lent Qin Feng the necessary token.

The Imperial Heaven Sect was perched atop Azure Cloud Mountain, with Li City nestled at its base. A concealed black market thrived there, dealing in Spirit Artifact Magic Treasures, cultivation techniques, Secret Scriptures, and even vendors hawking Spirit Beast eggs. Sects like the Imperial Heaven Sect often acquired a variety of texts and items in bulk for their disciples' training.

Transactions in this marketplace were conducted with a novel currency, the Black Gold Stone, a black crystalline chunk.

This was precisely what Qin Feng was short on. He now planned to sell some of the Spirit Treasure Magic Artifacts he had crafted and stored in his Secret Bag at the black market. The goal was to gather enough Black Gold Stones to sustain his living and cultivation expenses.

He retrieved a set of black garments and a black veiled hat from his wardrobe, shedding his rough linen attire for the new outfit before departing.

Given the possibility of encountering former peers from the Defense Division at the black market, Qin Feng needed to disguise himself to avoid any potential confrontations.

Qin Feng was grateful for the sail he had forged. Though it was a simple low-tier magic tool, it had spared him considerable effort, whisking him directly to the entrance of the Li City black market.

The black market was a haven for masters of profound Profound Power, where incidents of treasure theft and murder were not uncommon. However, Qin Feng harbored no concerns for his safety, as his modest Profound Power was easily discernible to those with greater skill. Such experts typically disdained to covet the low-level Spirit Treasures from the Secret Bags of those less powerful than themselves.

"Come one, come all! Feast your eyes on the freshly harvested Mount Yàn Fruit! It can significantly boost your Profound Power and purify your spirit root—a treasure of the finest quality!"

Upon entering the black market, Qin Feng was immediately engulfed in a cacophony of vendors hawking their wares from every corner. He glanced around, approaching stalls whenever an item caught his eye, only to find that even half a Black Gold Stone was beyond his means.

"Scram! I laid eyes on it first! Who do you think you are, trying to compete with me for this item?"

A sharp and spiteful male voice rang out from a nearby stall, drawing a crowd of onlookers. Qin Feng focused on the source of the commotion and recognized Si Beiyan, a fellow disciple from the same batch within the Imperial Heaven Sect.

Si Beiyan and Qin Feng were of the same cohort, but they couldn't stand each other. Si Beiyan, flaunting his prestigious family background and superior cultivation talents, had bullied countless peers, making others hesitant to cross him. Qin Feng, however, was one of the few who dared to occasionally exchange words with him, earning himself a long list of grievances in the process.

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