The Last Blacksmith/C8 Trouble Came Knocking
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The Last Blacksmith/C8 Trouble Came Knocking
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C8 Trouble Came Knocking

After acquiring the Jiuli Treasure Tool, Qin Feng couldn't stop fiddling with the Secret Bag as he strolled down the main street, a persistent smile playing on his lips, his heart abuzz with excitement that had him humming a tune under his breath.

Fu Ye had given Qin Feng a total of 780,004 Black Gold Stones, a sum substantial enough for Qin Feng to establish his own modest sect.

"Stop right there!"

Lost in thought, Qin Feng was jolted back to reality by a commanding voice. Without looking back, he knew it was Si Beiyan who had called out to him, apparently seeking to cause him trouble.

"Hmph! If I hadn't followed the trail of inquiries through the streets, I'd have no idea who was bold enough to mock me!"

Si Beiyan's disciples quickly encircled Qin Feng, their menacing presence aimed at thwarting any attempt at escape, their faces twisted into intimidating scowls as if they were ready to tear Qin Feng apart.

Si Beiyan himself, a hefty man tipping the scales at several hundred kilograms, was naturally strong. With a firm grip, he seized Qin Feng's collar and hoisted him into the air.

"I'm going to see who you really are! How dare you interfere in my affairs!" Si Beiyan barked, holding onto Qin Feng's collar with one hand while reaching out with the other to remove Qin Feng's bamboo hat.

Suddenly, a sinister blue light pierced through the black veil, striking directly into Si Beiyan's eyes and plunging deep into his psyche.

Si Beiyan's gaze grew vacant, his eyes devoid of any expression. His grip on Qin Feng's collar slackened, and he gently set Qin Feng back on the ground.

"Let him go…" Si Beiyan uttered mechanically, as if in a trance.

The disciples around them were stunned by Si Beiyan's sudden change of heart.

What had gotten into their young master today? He was known for his merciless bullying, and moments ago he had been so domineering. How had he turned so timid after merely lifting Qin Feng?

Seeing the disciples disperse, Qin Feng made his exit. He touched his eyes, which were gradually regaining their natural color, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a close call, but Si Beiyan hadn't discovered his secret. The Nether Fire Pupil had proven to be incredibly effective.


The weather today had taken a turn for the worse. The sky had been clear and the sun shining brightly when Qin Feng entered the black market, but upon his exit, a violent downpour had engulfed all of Li City. By the time he neared his sect, Qin Feng was soaked to the bone.

The fine raindrops pattered against Qin Feng's clothes, sending shivers of cold through him.

He gazed at the now-deserted training ground, realizing that the fierce storm must have prompted the Sect Master to send everyone to rest.

Yet, Qin Feng couldn't shake the feeling of an oppressive silence in the air, making it hard for him to catch his breath.

"Qin Feng! Are you aware of your transgressions?!"

An elder, clad in a Taoist robe, made his way onto the high platform. Despite the wrinkles that crisscrossed his face and his snow-white hair, he radiated the aura of an immortal, his presence commanding respect.

Upon seeing the elder, Qin Feng was startled and immediately knelt, addressing him reverently, "Master."

Before he could gather his thoughts, he found himself encircled by disciples, each gripping a spiritual sword. Among them were members of the Defense Division and the Qian Division.

Several more elders ascended the platform, including Sect Master Qiu Mu, Qian Division Master Yang Xiu, and various other senior elders.

Qin Feng was puzzled as to why all the elders and the Sect Master had gathered, summoning numerous disciples. Were they here to confront him?

Or, perhaps, had they discovered the system and the Furnace he had acquired by chance?

"May I inquire, Master, Sect Master, of what crimes I am accused?" Qin Feng asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

"Firstly," Qiu Mu began, his voice grave and aged, "when Nie Yuv of the Defense Division encountered a powerful spirit in the God Abandoning Land, you, as his senior brother, failed to come to his aid, resulting in his grave injuries. Secondly, your theft of an Ancient Level Devil Artifact, a Broken Treasure, has brought dishonor to our sect. Thirdly, the theft of the Nirvana Bead, a treasure of our sect, is an unforgivable offense! Now, tell me, are you guilty or not?!" Qiu Mu's displeasure was palpable, his face contorting with anger.

Hearing Qiu Mu's accusations, Qin Feng was utterly astounded, his breaths coming in short, rapid gasps. He was unsure whether his shock stemmed from being falsely accused or from the sheer abruptness of the revelations.

Qin Feng gazed at Xuli, the man who had taken him in during the toughest days of his youth. Xuli's eyes were frosty as he looked at Qin Feng, as if encased in a thick layer of ice.

He wanted to explain.

"No! I didn't do it! Master... Sect Master, I'll own up to the first two accusations, but I never stole the Nirvana Bead!" Qin Feng declared, standing tall and unyielding as if he could never be brought down.

"Hmph! Lies! Qin Feng, if you're innocent, then how does the scene reflected in the mirror show you stealing the Nirvana Bead? The Mirror doesn't lie!" Yang Xiu stated, his expression stone-cold.

"Shut up!" Qin Feng retorted, seething with anger. His bamboo hat had somehow tumbled to the ground, and his eyes were bloodshot. "You're going to convict me over the reflection in some broken mirror? By what right?"

"Is that any way to speak to your elders?" Yang Xiu glared at Qin Feng, raising his voice in rebuke.

"Master... Do you not believe in me either?" Qin Feng's heart sank as he watched Xuli slowly turn away.

"Qin Feng, if you have any sense of regret, return the Nirvana Bead to us. We might then consider sparing your life."

Qin Feng hung his head, staring at the scratches on his hands from the friction, lost in thought.

When had the Imperial Heaven Sect begun to change?

In his early days at the sect, friendly senior brothers would show him around, and the elders were approachable and kind, making it feel like one big family.

But as time passed, he noticed the transformation. The warm senior brothers had left, and the sect, growing in power, had attracted nobles and royal scions to study Profound Power. They often bullied the less powerful. The elders and the sect leader became increasingly opportunistic, always fearful of offending the wrong people and precipitating the sect's decline.

The sect had turned into a commercial hub, imparting Profound Techniques but failing to teach the principles of being a decent person. Qin Feng grew apathetic, neglecting his studies of the Profound Techniques and avoiding the company of those insincere individuals, eventually becoming nothing more than a boy scavenging for scraps.

It was utterly absurd.

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