The Legendary Game Player/C15 Crazy devouring
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The Legendary Game Player/C15 Crazy devouring
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C15 Crazy devouring

Of course, Li Feng was still completely unaware of all that had happened. After he registered his sect, he immediately went to handle the snow flurried congratulatory letter, and as long as there was no one who did not know about nude running, everyone would definitely hope that it had something to do with nude running. At the very least, he could tell his friends: naked running, that's my friend.

After handling the congratulatory letter, just as Li Feng was about to open his bag and find some stones and Strong Fossil s to give himself more equipment, another Lion's Roar caught his attention.

"Strongly suspecting that Naked Runner is not the only one fighting, he has a studio! The evidence has been published in the forums. Let's go take a look! "

Li Feng was very interested in this person whose name was' Zhong Yiting 'as the name of the game. She seemed to be a woman, but for some reason, she claimed that she had her own evidence.

Entering the forum, there was an extremely eye-catching post at the top of the forum: On the proof that a single person is not running around naked (attached).

Li Feng clicked on it with interest, and discovered that the first picture inside was actually the picture of 'Shi Zun'. In the picture, Shi Zun was chasing after a Swordsman. With a flash of a skill, the Swordsman fell to the ground and died.

The naked sprint was not only one person's proof of battle — — When the naked sprinter, Shi Zun, was building his own sect, he was still relentlessly chasing after the person who had scolded him before. It was impossible for one person to play on two numbers, so the naked sprint was not a fight between one person!

The second proof of battle was that he was not just running naked, but that he was able to level up to level 35 in a short period of time. He was also able to forge such a powerful weapon and equipment in the process of leveling up (along with the map on the weapon, it had now been sold), so he was not fighting alone!

Naked running is not a man fighting evidence three...

Li Feng felt a little dizzy. This Female Players was really cute, spending so much time researching himself, just to prove that he was not playing the game by himself. He was really bored, of course he remembered this woman's name, Zhong Yiting.

Zhong Yiting's reminder made Li Feng almost forget about the nickname 'Shi Zun'. He had met him once since he left at noon and he had not been seen again when he logged on at night. Most importantly, Li Feng had never found her using his system, where did she go?

Looking at the photo of Shi Zun that was sent by Zhong Yiting, he should be killing people everywhere, and Li Feng had also heard in the afternoon that Wang Wei was running around naked to take revenge on the person who scolded him. But he had never given the order to take revenge!

Li Feng did not know, that this order was made by the system after he left the computer. Shi Zun had already killed for an afternoon and a night!

In order to find Shi Zun, Li Feng once again returned to the desktop, and opened up the Virus Plug-in s for research. This research, really allowed him to discover a new continent.

In the few simple dialog boxes, there was a simple dialog box. On it was written: Mad revenge mode process.

After Li Feng clicked on it, he discovered a scene that shocked him: Shi Zun was like a female devil, constantly shuttling back and forth in all directions, looking for the person who had once cursed at him for running naked. As long as he saw him, he would use his most powerful killing move to kill him.

Li Feng watched for a while and realised that there was a pattern to Shi Zun's massacre. It would save him a lot of time and not only would he not have to wait for that player to come out from the Beginner City to kill again, he would also decrease his image. The fame of being naked and Shi Zun's name were like thunder in his ears, and the players who had scolded him before knew that they were in the wrong, so they did not announce it loudly after they were killed.

Li Feng was extremely depressed. This Virus Plug-in was indeed good, but its weakness was too good.

Just as he was about to stop the Vengeance function, Li Feng saw Shi Zun picking up the dropped equipment and wrapping it up completely. Li Feng immediately teleported to his other account and traded the equipment in the bag to him.

"I was wondering why there was so much finished equipment in the bag. So it was all done by you!"

Li Feng was shocked and excited. Seems like he had enough money to make equipment for the twenty odd students, there was no need to worry about it. These were all the carefully crafted products made by countless of players!

Thinking about it, Li Feng laughed sinisterly.

After registering a few more 5173 accounts, Li Feng picked out a few good pieces of equipment and hung them on, leaving the rest behind. He was prepared to let Wang Wei and the others use them, but it wasn't because Li Feng was stingy, but because he couldn't show off too much right now.

In total, he had earned more than eight thousand yuan. Adding the less than ten thousand he had saved up previously, Li Feng now had eighteen thousand yuan in his hands.

Regardless of whether it was before or now, this money was huge amounts of money to Li Feng. Li Feng had already made up his mind that he would send five thousand yuan to his mother the next day, saying that he had won a scholarship and his life would be easier for her. Originally, Li Feng had wanted to send more, but he was afraid that his mother would worry about him and he didn't know where his money came from.

Li Feng didn't have the courage to tell his that he earned from playing games.

After sending five thousand yuan to his mother, there was still thirteen thousand yuan left. Li Feng wanted to decorate this internet cafe, since the environment here was simply too terrible. There was only one reason why Li Feng came here to surf the internet, it was very cheap, but regardless of the taste or the facilities here, it was too horrible to look at, especially the toilet.

Li Feng still wanted to decorate a room for himself, it would be too eye-catching if he kept the computer here. Although the computer had been installed and levelled up to Level 2, with a human face recognition system, if some silly kid accidentally broke the computer, he would be in deep trouble.

Li Feng was used to the glory that being exposed to the outside world brought him, so he found that he could not leave it, and needed to store it safely as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, Li Feng then went back to the website 5173, and immediately decided to sell his equipment. After everyone levelled up, they would lose a lot of stones and weapons, and these equipment wouldn't be worth much anymore.

The biggest bandit in history, Li Feng thought shamelessly.

I'm busy, I sent a private message. It was sent by the Poison Doctor among the eight disciples that I had previously accepted. "Boss, can we take him in? "Many people were envious to see the Headwind Sect sign above our heads. They wanted to join our sect, but we were surrounded by players, and now that we're stuck, we can't leave!"

Li Feng was startled, he had no experience opening the gate, and did not know how popular the first sect would be, so he did not anticipate this point. Li Feng hesitated for a moment, before replying the Poison Doctor, "I will not accept for now, let's start recruiting at 12 o'clock tomorrow."

It was not that he did not want to recruit anyone, but he needed to think carefully about what kind of person he wanted. Even though it was just a game, but this game was already equivalent to all of Li Feng's life and death, and he could not afford to be careless.

After restoring the Poison Doctor, Li Feng continued to pack up his finished product equipment. He was now more than a hundred low levelled equipment, and when Shi Zun's warehouse was not large enough, he would automatically trade the dropped equipment to other low levelled equipment. Although these low levelled equipment would also automatically be stored in the warehouse according to the quality of the equipment, it would still take Li Feng a long time to open up all of them.

Sigh, this Virus Plug-in is great, but now there are more than 100 of them, and that will be enough for me to worry about. When the Virus Plug-in reaches level three, or even four, there will be thousands of accounts at level four, then I won't need to do anything everyday.

Thinking about it, Li Feng opened the Virus Plug-in s and discovered that the progress was only 14%. It seemed that the third level of the Virus Plug-in was not easy to level up, and he had not levelled up his Nude Runner ever since he sold the equipment earlier.

After rummaging through the parcels for a while, Li Feng only found a rock that had an Attack Power of 13, three rocks that had an Attack Power of 10, two golden moon swords, and three heavy curved blades.

Looks like the game's drop rate is really high, Li Feng thought, he really missed his own Blood River Sword, now that he thought about it, the attack power of the Blood River Sword was truly not bad, he himself was really bold, to actually use that extremely precious Attack Power + 15 Stone to make the last fusion stone, the last fusion rate was the lowest.

Fortunately, he managed to successfully synthesize it when he was sleeping on the brick bed with his strong firepower.

At the same time, at the location of the Fire Bandits in the game's Three Evil Pass, a Evil Sect Swordsman killed a Level 40 Fire Bandits with a few moves, then dashed towards another Fire Bandits.

"This Naked Rush is really interesting. He actually used a rock with 15 Attack Power to synthesize his fourth rock. He actually succeeded. Hehe, it really is blessed by the heavens." For a hundred thousand dollars to buy such a set of equipment, coupled with a pair of Mysterious Sky earrings, this nude streaking luck sure is good. "

Li Feng did not know that, ever since he created the Blood River Sword, the Game Company was already shocked. The higher ups were furious, the game had only been started for a few days, and the players could already create such a powerful weapon. If this continued, the playability of the game would be reduced, which meant that the Game Company would suffer a huge loss.

So now the drop rate in the game had dropped by quite a bit. Li Feng had obtained a stone with 13 Attack Power, which was already very lucky.

After searching for another long time, Li Feng finally found a second transition Evil Sect weapon called the Blood Devil Sword. He didn't know if it was from a low-levelled account or someone who had snatched it from him.

Relying on his memories, Li Feng could tell that the Blood Demon Sword was weaker than the Blood River Sword.

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