The Legendary Game Player/C2 I vow to destroy you in this life!
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The Legendary Game Player/C2 I vow to destroy you in this life!
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C2 I vow to destroy you in this life!

Wang Wei sighed as he continued to farm monsters.

"Grandson, hurry up and send it to me, your grandpa. Otherwise, there won't be a place for you in this area!"

Li Feng didn't even have the time to reply before Supreme King had privately messaged him. Li Feng's brows slightly knitted, he had been looked down upon because of the predicament of his family since a young age, and he hated it the most when people looked down on him.

Even though he was poor, he was poor and had dignity!

"Are you f * cking dead? Why aren't you offering the heavy blade to your original body? Do you still want to play this game? This sovereign tells you, if you don't sell this blade to This Sovereign, you can forget about ever playing this game again, do you believe me? "

Seeing that Li Feng did not reply, Supreme King continued to send private messages, his words becoming more and more unpleasant, his attitude becoming more and more terrible.

The more Li Feng looked, the angrier he got. He never thought that there would actually be someone who would be so domineering that he would insult himself because of a game prop, and this kind of person surpassed his bottom line. The mountain village that he grew up in was extremely pure.

While he was still angry, another person started chatting with him.

"Brother, can you sell me the heavy machete?" I will give you one thousand and five hundred yuan. Furthermore, I will sincerely make friends with you. In the future, you can look for me, Yan Nantian, whenever you have any matters.

A person called Yan Nantian had always been sending Li Feng private messages, his tone very polite, and the price he offered was also very high. Li Feng sighed to himself. If he had this one thousand and five hundred dollars, he wouldn't need to ask his parents for more money in half a year. In addition to that, he would also need to go out to work and earn some money.

Remembering his mother's age, Li Feng felt a bit of guilt in his heart. Fifteen hundred dollars was nothing to these people who bought his equipment, but to him, it was an extremely large sum of money, and was extremely important to him.

Furthermore, because the person called Yan Nantian was extremely polite to him and did not look down on him like Supreme King, Li Feng had a very good impression of him.

Yan Nantian was extremely excited, he asked for Li Feng's bank account number, and without going through any sort of intermediary platform, he transferred one thousand and five hundred dollars to Li Feng's card. When he said that he had already transferred the money, Li Feng did not believe him at all.

Li Feng did not have a mobile phone, nor did he have an internet cafe, so he was unable to find out if the money was in the account. Fortunately, there was a teller machine beside the internet cafe.

"Brother, how is it? Am I sincere enough? Can you give me that heavy blade now? "

Yan Nantian sent a message, but his words were still extremely polite, causing Li Feng to feel that the message was very friendly. At the same time, Li Feng found him and traded the heavy scimitar to him.

"I'll give you the knife, but how can you be so bold as to transfer money into my card without any guarantee? Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"

Li Feng was very shocked, he sent a message to Yan Nantian and asked, he could not understand why this person trusted him so much.

"Hehe, it's only one thousand and five hundred dollars, it's not even enough for me to spend for a day. If you run, then run. If you had played it before, you would have definitely heard of my name. Go and take a look at the forums, who would dare to lie to me about Yan Nantian's money? "

That person's voice revealed extreme confidence.

"Supreme King, I, Yan Nantian, have already bought the Heavy Crooked Blade. You can forget about obtaining the title of number one blade in the martial arts world! "Hahahahaha."

The Lion's Roar appeared again. This time, it was from Yan Nantian, and it was not just one Lion's Roar that was sent.

"You sold the heavy machete to Yan Nantian? You just wait, I want to let you know the outcome of offending me, Supreme King! "

Because the Lion's Roar had always been occupied by Yan Nantian, Supreme King was unable to release it, so he could only use his private message to insult Li Feng. Li Feng could feel that the Supreme King on the other side of the web was already trembling in anger, but Li Feng was not afraid at all. Why should rich people not care about the dignity of the poor? Why should rich people look down on you!?

Li Feng was furious. He was born with a relatively indifferent temperament, and did not like to argue with others. However, today's matter had crossed his bottom line.

Supreme King, you despise me, so come at me! What Supreme King, what young master of a Wealthy Class, even if I, Li Feng, am just a poor kid, I won't resign myself to my fate. I want to let you see the backbone of us, the poor people!

Li Feng clenched his fists tightly, and watched Supreme King curse him time and time again through private messages. After a while, Yan Nantian's Lion's Roar finished sending out messages, and Supreme King sent out a wave of Lion's Roar:

"I, Supreme King, wanted to kill him for being able to run naked is also a type of beauty. I want him to get out of this game!"

Supreme King had sent a few hundred messages to the Lion's Roar, and that afternoon, the entire screen of the Jianghu showed these small words, the whole of the new server discussing about this matter. Everyone thought that the guy called Naked Feeding was also a type of beauty, and that they would probably not be able to play this game anymore.

After all, everyone knew that Supreme King had a great reputation in the Game, and he was extremely willing to spend money. It was said that during this trip into the Jianghu Online, he had forcibly recruited five game experts to help him level up 24 hours a day.

Immediately, everyone who was previously envious of Li Feng for crafting good equipment no longer envied him, but instead had a gloating attitude.

He and Yan Nantian were both sons of the Wealthy Class, so all the games that he had played previously were much better than Yan Nantian's. He did not expect that this time, Yan Nantian would snatch the opportunity to obtain the first top-grade second transition weapon.

Just as Supreme King heaved a sigh of relief and was about to get his servant to help him level up. When he went to eat, a Lion's Roar rang out, immediately causing a huge commotion.

"Supreme King, my nude running is also a form of beauty that I swear to all gamers: I swear to destroy you in this life!"

Supreme King, running naked is a kind of promise to all gamers: I vow to destroy you in this life!" "It was like a giant bomb that exploded in the game circle, not just in the martial arts world. Three minutes later, in every game's Tieba, everyone was discussing this news.

At this time, Li Feng was still sitting in front of machine 113. He had already received fifteen hundred yuan from Yan Nantian for the Lion's Roar, paid for it online, and spent ten more dollars to purchase ten Lion's Roar s for the game card. After Supreme King sent the Lion's Roar out, he sent the completed Lion's Roar out.

Fortunately, Li Feng was sitting in a secluded place, so no one could see his current appearance. Li Feng's eyes were bloodshot, but his eyes were firm, and shone with a strange light. He knew that there were some people in society who could pinch him to death as easily as crushing an ant, but that did not mean that he had to compromise. In his heart, he persisted on with what he had done right, even if it meant that he would have to pay for everything, but he did not care!

After sending out the Lion's Roar, Li Feng did not bother to look at the reaction of the Tieba, and instead, clicked on the dialogue box, allowing 'nude running is also a type of beauty' to continue fighting monsters automatically.

After he finished ordering, Li Feng realized that the dialog box was a little different. The style was extremely strange. Li Feng was stunned, he did not know why.

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