The Legendary Game Player/C3 Open 10 additional accounts!
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The Legendary Game Player/C3 Open 10 additional accounts!
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C3 Open 10 additional accounts!

Beside the hang up button, there was an extra button: 'Open more games'.

'Open more games'? Li Feng was shocked, a majority of the people in this internet cafe were playing this game. Li Feng had already determined that his own machine was different from other machines, the others were manually controlling the characters to fight monsters, and he wouldn't be able to leave even after a while. However, his own people could automatically fight monsters as long as they choose to hang up mode.

Now that the "Open more Games" button had appeared on this external device, could it be that there was another number on this machine?

Thinking about it, Li Feng became more and more excited. If he could activate a few more low levelled machines to farm monsters, wouldn't he be the one person in the game who would have the most chance of getting good equipment? After all, no matter how diligent the others were, it was impossible for them to continuously hang up 24 hours a day, while he himself had several accounts that could do 24 hours a day!

After clicking the "Open more games" button, ten dialogs and a line of small yellow words jumped out:

"Frenzy's first level is full of energy. Step into the second level and add 10 more account cards."

Ten! That was ten!

Li Feng's hands trembled slightly. Seeing that all ten dialog boxes needed a game account number and a password, he hurriedly started to register. After registering all ten accounts, he entered the ten passwords and accounts with trembling hands.

10 accounts that lasted 24 hours! That was ten! Adding on his previous account, it meant that he could run 11 accounts on this machine 24 hours a day. He could automatically kill monsters, hand in quests, buy and sell weapons, and he could change his weapon 24 hours a day without stopping.

This studio was much stronger than any other studio. After all, it required manpower to farm monsters by hand, and even if several people took turns killing monsters, they would still be exhausted. How could they be as indefatigable and indefatigable as these 24 hours? With these 11 accounts, in the future, he would be able to find special weapon, equipment, and stones. He would no longer have to worry about money!

Three sword numbers, five blade numbers, two Doctor'S Number s, Li Feng divided the ten accounts appropriately. Looking at the eleven people running back and forth on the screen, Li Feng's heart was filled with emotions, this Heavenly King Virus was really powerful, he never thought that after being bullied by the boss, he would have no choice but to take this opportunity.

Li Feng took out all of the Strong Fossil s that he had swiped out from his inventory and levelled up all the new weapons. This external weapon was good enough, but it couldn't strengthen and synthesize its own equipment, so if he could get the right weapon, he could just replace them with new ones. But he couldn't use the stones and Strong Fossil in his bag, this required Li Feng to synthesize and strengthen them manually, so he didn't need to synthesize stones during the low-leveled period, and only needed to strengthen them a bit.

After finishing all of his work, Li Feng locked the Computer Screen and went in front of the internet cafe's owner.

"Boss, how much does No.113 Night Packet cost?"

The bald boss looked at Li Feng and then looked at No. 113 computer. He was in disbelief, but his expression was quickly replaced by joy.

"Little brother, you really have good eyes. This No. 113 computer is the most useful computer out of all the computers. If you want to cover the night, how about I give you a 20% discount? Eight dollars, eight dollars! "

No one dared to go over to that computer to play games, afraid that their account would be hacked, and he even said that it was the most useful computer. If Li Feng didn't know the powerful function of that virus, he definitely wouldn't have spent money on such a computer.

"That computer has a virus!" I took the risk of stealing an account to play with. Three yuan! "

Li Feng opened his mouth wide, and immediately returned three pieces.

After a war of words with the bald boss, the deal was settled at five yuan.

The reason he had classes at night, was not because he wanted to come here at night to surf the Internet, but because he was afraid that if someone logged on this computer, they would discover his secret.

The secret of the Heavenly King's virus.

Chapter 5: The Madman with the Third Attack Power in the Area

After returning back to the school to casually eat some food, Li Feng went to the classroom to attend lessons. Because his mind was preoccupied with games, Li Feng's walking was a bit absent-minded, and he did not notice the person running in front of him.

"Ah!" You don't have eyes! "Why did you hit me!"

A clear voice said. Li Feng looked carefully and saw that it was a girl wearing a white t-shirt and denim shorts. Her fair and clean face looked extremely clean and charming. However, her face was now filled with dissatisfaction, and she seemed to be angry with Li Feng.

"Sorry, I didn't notice."

Li Feng knew that he was somewhat absent-minded, and did not care about the girl's attitude. He sincerely apologized.


The girl seemed to have something urgent, seeing Li Feng apologize, she did not say anything else and left in a hurry. Li Feng was not in the mood to argue with her, thus, he tossed the matter to the back of his mind.

There were no classes on the second morning, so Li Feng went to the Internet Cafe in the morning. He turned on his computer and as expected, the ten accounts he created yesterday were all already level fifteen, and because he had levelled up all of the smaller accounts and levelled them up to level one, all of them were in a party to farm monsters.

On the other hand, 'nude running is also a type of beauty', without any suspense, broke through level 20 and reached level 21. At the location of the Blood Wolf, there were only a few people fighting in teams around it.

"The leveling speed has slowed down. How can I level faster?" Li Feng muttered to himself. He realized that the Blood Wolf had bitten him hard, and he would need to fight for half a day to kill a Blood Wolf.

"Oh, it should be a problem of equipment. I was too careless. It seems like I need to synthesize a Attribute Stone for my equipment. I also need to strengthen it a little."

After inspecting the parcels, Li Feng was pleasantly surprised to find out that the income for the night was pretty good. There were 73 Strong Fossil s, one with Attack Power + 10, five with 9, seven with 5, and eight with 4.

In the last bag, Li Feng also discovered a heavy golden moon sword shining with a unique light of his.

"He actually produced the Golden Moon Sword!" "My luck is too good!"

Even if Li Feng had eleven of them continuously farming monsters at the same time every twenty-four hours, he would still feel very lucky to be able to get this weapon out. After all, amongst all the first transition swordsmen, this was the highest quality weapon, and adding on the fact that they were familiar with the attack stones that they created, they would definitely have an extraordinary attack power.

He wanted to add Attribute Stone to the Goldmoon Sword, and then strengthen the sword. A weapon could be embedded with four synthetic stones, and after the inlay was successful, each time the Level One Goldmoon Sword was strengthened, it would increase the attack by 6 points.

This was what Wang Wei had told Li Feng. Although Wang Wei's current level was not as high as his, he was an old gamer and had an astonishing amount of understanding and understanding towards every game, thus, Li Feng had a deeper understanding of the Jianghu game, allowing him, the game idiot, to not panic when facing the game.

Li Feng thought. He first heard from Wang Wei that the first synthesis slot had the highest success rate. If it was successful, then it would have an increase of 10%.

After putting away the equipment and the Attribute Stones, Li Feng became excited. He saw many people using Lion's Roar s to increase their Attack Power by 10 and the price was raised to 300 RMB. He was betting with 300 RMB himself, if he did not succeed in synthesizing the stone, then the stone would disappear, which was the same as 300 RMB.

didn't even dare to think about it before, but he was clear in his heart that he had to increase the attacking power of 'Naked Running is also a type of beauty'. If it were to level up, then his speed in killing monsters would increase significantly in the future. At that time, forget about three hundred dollars, he would even have higher tier weapons and attribute stones.

Closing his eyes, Li Feng tapped on the word 'synthesis'.

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