The Legendary Game Player/C8 Exquisite evil sword against zhi zun
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The Legendary Game Player/C8 Exquisite evil sword against zhi zun
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C8 Exquisite evil sword against zhi zun

Hearing Yan Nantian's words, Li Feng took over the Attribute Stone. After all, if he succeeded in synthesizing this stone, Li Feng's attack power would increase to a new level and his chance of winning would be a bit higher.

Li Feng was sweating profusely. If this stone was sold online, it could at least be sold for a few thousand dollars now. If it was dropped, it would be a huge waste.

"Congratulations, you've succeeded!"

He finally succeeded, and without any hesitation, he took out the Strong Fossil. After continuously strengthening three levels, and then strengthening the fourth level, Li Feng hesitated for a moment.

If they failed to synthesize the equipment, a stone would drop. However, if the equipment failed to strengthen, the entire equipment would drop and nothing would be left. Especially after a Level 4 Strengthening, there was a high chance of failure.

"Supreme King has a second transition sword of Strengthening Level 5! Everyone, quickly come and watch Supreme King violently sprinting naked! You must be scared that you haven't even come while running naked! "

A Lion's Roar s called out, causing Li Feng's heart to tighten, every strengthening level would increase an additional 6 attack attributes, then what if Supreme King reached level 5, no matter how good his Attribute Stone was, it would be difficult to defeat it, what should he do? Should he take the risk to continue strengthening, or should he just fight like this?

It had to be said that Li Feng was a gambler. This time, he was only allowed to succeed, he was not allowed to fail, and if he failed, he could only stop playing the game of Jianghu, returning to his life as a poor guy. Of course, if he succeeded, he would no longer have his biggest enemies in the game, and from then on, the road to the game would be much smoother.

Since Supreme King dared to challenge him, he must have made sufficient preparations. If he was only at the strength of Level 3, he definitely wouldn't be able to beat him.

Rather than leaving the game after losing, it was better to give it a try!

Equipment, Strong Fossil, click! Success!

Once again, he equipped it with Strong Fossil. Li Feng took a deep breath.

As if he was completely exhausted, Li Feng collapsed onto the chair, one second transition Evil Sect sword, three stones with attack attribute 13, one stone with attack attribute 15, Strengthening Level 5. In this new game, this configuration was the absolute best, the absolute king of all existences!

"It's time, the nude running must be afraid of not coming anymore, everyone disperse!"

"Supreme King, who said I don't dare to come? Just you wait, I'm coming! "

Li Feng hurriedly jumped off the Lion's Roar and went up. His rank and attack power were hidden by the Virus Plug-in that were used by Li Feng to attack and no one knew what his attack power was.

The weird thing was, the game's rankings had also been broken since Li Feng started killing people, and it had never been fixed.

Brother, don't rush over! Wait for me!

Yan Nantian called for Li Feng to stop, made a deal, and gave a bunch of things to Li Feng.

This is?

Li Feng saw a bag of items, and his eyes became moist. Of course, he knew what these items were, they were all items that he had bought using RMB, and each of them had their own unique attributes, some to heal, some to attack, some to defend. Li Feng had specially studied them before.

Before Li Feng played this game, he had already heard from Wang Wei about the price of these medicines. He knew that they were not cheap, but of course, in a family environment like his, it was definitely not cheap.

"Eat them all! Supreme King ate a lot of medicine, do you know what a full pill is? He ate all the medicine in the Treasure Chest! Even if he did not have any equipment on him, his attack power was still very high. Moreover, his equipment was forged by a tailor team that had spent two days and two nights. It was said to cost more than 100,000 yuan. "Although I don't know the attributes, it shouldn't be an ordinary item."

Before Li Feng played this game, he had already heard from Wang Wei about the price of these medicines. He knew that they were not cheap, but of course, in a family environment like his, it was definitely not cheap.

"Eat them all! Supreme King ate a lot of medicine, do you know what a full pill is? He ate all the medicine in the Treasure Chest! Even if he did not have any equipment on him, his attack power was still very high. Moreover, his equipment was forged by a tailor team that had spent two days and two nights. It was said to cost more than 100,000 yuan. "Although I don't know the attributes, it shouldn't be an ordinary item."

Li Feng did not say anything. He knew that when the King came back, they were never on the same platform, and it could be said that the gap between them was extremely huge. In his family, even if he did his best to study, find a decent job in the future, he would still need to save up on food and clothing for ten odd years in order to pay for the house.

This was still his best result!

If not for the fact that he had coincidentally obtained this Virus Plug-in from the future, the young master named King would not even bother to look at him. Even looking at him would cause him to feel that his status had dropped!

This was the difference in background. This was the difference in status.

In the past few days, Li Feng had experienced the coldness of human emotions, especially when Supreme King sent his Lion's Roar to encircle him that day, so many people came quickly. For the sake of the 10,000 RMB that Supreme King had given away, they disregarded the dignity of others, ignored their own face, and even forgot about their own souls.

Li Feng knew that he would definitely not let him go. This kind of young master was always fine, if someone made them feel bad, they would definitely be in trouble.

As for Li Feng, if he did not want to be a unlucky ghost, he had done enough!

Now he knew that in order to get rid of him, this King had actually spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to craft equipment for him, and had even let a professional team level for him. Hehe, his studio must be very beautiful, and his computer's performance must be very good.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the Internet Cafe anymore. Wang Wei finally couldn't hold it in and went back to sleep. Other than a few kids playing CS, no one else in the Internet Cafe knew who he was. If anyone who knew him was here, they would definitely be shocked to discover that the current Li Feng seemed to have become a completely different person.

Li Feng had never stayed overnight, and now that he had stayed up and murdered people, he seemed extremely fierce. Many of his beard grew on him without care, and even though Li Feng's condition was poor, he still paid attention to his clean and tidy clothes. He had never been so messy before.

Most importantly, Li Feng's blood-red eyes were emitting a fierce light!

"Thank you. No matter how much money he spent or how many people helped him, I will definitely win against him."

Li Feng's hands trembled as he typed those words. He didn't know how much confidence he had in winning, he only knew that he had to win!

"Bro, I believe you, you have to win! "If you win, add me as penguin. If you lose, there's no need."

After Yan Nantian finished replying, he left. The sun was left in the west, and running naked was also a type of beauty that stood alone in front of the smile on the blade and sword.

"Nude SB, do you still dare to come? After calling out to him, he no longer said anything. Lord Ruler could not wait in the south gate and went to the battling platform to wait for you. If you want to come quickly, then quickly delete your account and get out of the martial arts world! "

The three Lion's Roar s played continuously on the screen. Li Feng recognized the person who released the Lion's Roar, he was the doctor who gave him the last fatal blow. He had been killed by Li Feng until he was level 0, then levelled up once again, but he had only levelled up to level 13.

If he had not seen the King's Sovereign's equipment, he would not have dared to insult Li Feng like this. However, now that he had seen the King's Sovereign equipment with his observation skills, he became excited.

There were a lot of people walking towards the fighting stage with the King's Sovereign from the south gate, there were even more people walking around than when they surrounded and annihilated Li Feng.

It was said that it was the most expensive cloak sold within the Hundred Treasures Pavilion. When he wore it, he felt that it was extremely good, and at this moment, there were seven to eight bikini clad Female Players around him. They were insulting Li Feng while flaunting the King's Sovereign King.

"Heh, isn't that the SB? I'll always remember his B's. He can't even afford a cloak, and he still chose to have white hair. He's got a head full of white hair!"

"Hahahaha …"

The doctor who had been pushed to level 0 by Li Feng, was the first to notice Li Feng. His words caused many to laugh, and immediately, many others echoed his words and started to pick on Li Feng.

"Do you dare to accept the challenge? "Pauper!" The king spoke with green runes and his tone was extremely arrogant.

The dragon had a reverse scale, and this was the last sentence Li Feng would hear.

"Paragon King, I, Naked Rush, have said that I will destroy you in my life!"

Li Feng replied with a Lion's Roar. He had always kept a low profile, but ever since he met the King's Sovereign, Li Feng had gradually stopped keeping a low profile.

Because if he kept a low profile, he would allow others to insult him!

Instantly, all the people within and outside the Beginner City were stunned. The person who was cursing just now also stopped, time seemed to have stopped, no one made another sound, no one moved, it continued for nearly a minute.

Everyone thought back to the day when there were so many people surrounding the nude running and insulting it. That day, the nude running also said the same thing.

"King of Devils, I swear to destroy you in this life!"

At that time, no one believed it, but a miracle happened. Not only did the nude running kill the King's Sovereign, it also eliminated all those who surrounded the nude running. Everyone!

This was not all, he had even killed all the people that participated in the encirclement. No one could escape, that was simply not a person, he was a devil!

After looking at the Ruler Armament and its level, most of the shadows on the naked Escape Demon were removed. However, the high pressure shadows were replaced by the memories of running naked.

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