The Man Broke into Lesbians/C19 To give oneself to
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The Man Broke into Lesbians/C19 To give oneself to
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C19 To give oneself to

Every day, there are family members in the prison who come to meet me. Seeing a boy wearing a brand-new police uniform walking in there, of course it would attract people's attention. There are only a few male police officers in the entire women's prison.

In particular, there were many young and beautiful girls in the crowd. They looked at me with adoration in their eyes. Am I really that handsome? How come I didn't notice it before!

The first day I went to work, I didn't follow the normal reporting procedures. At the entrance, Niu Biwei directly flashed the police ID given to me by Aunt Tang, and the guards immediately let me in.

Generally, we have to report to the prison before we can go through with the formalities, issue work permits and uniforms, and I was transferred from the judicial system by her special means, allowing me to immediately experience how awesome power can be.

Just as I was about to enter, I suddenly saw a beautiful girl looking at me pitifully. Her eyes clearly wanted to talk to me, full of longing and pleading. This girl was around 24 or 25 years old, her beautiful white face had a hint of seductive rosiness, under her sexy collarbone, her beautiful full and firm body revealed an attractive curve, as exquisite as white jade.

The graceful figure, the ample buttocks, and the white calves beneath the pink dress made my heart beat wildly. There was a sudden response from below, a rising desire to erupt.

No girl had ever looked at me with such pleading eyes, as if I were the savior! I hesitated, then walked over to the girl and asked, What's the matter?

Later I realized that at least half the family wanted to get to know the wardens and take care of the women.

The girl looked around and came up to her with difficulty. She said in a low voice, "My sister was just assigned here, and she's in the newly recruited security team. She hasn't been sent to the next team. Can you help her to form a better team?" Help her with a better job, I know, and I want ten thousand for that. In the evening I'll buy you a drink and give you the money, and then I'll thank you as much as I can.

I was stunned for a moment. I haven't even f * cking stepped into the prison when such a good thing happened! The beauty treated me to a meal first, then she could do anything she wanted. To put it bluntly, I'm going to bed, f * * k, is this for real? Yesterday, even the ugly girl looked at me with disdain, but today, the beauty took the initiative to treat me to a meal, gave me money, and even went to bed with me! F * ck, no wonder everyone wants to be an official, so that's how it is!

Seeing my confused expression but not rejecting her, the girl immediately said that her name was He Siyao and that there were surveillance cameras everywhere in the prison so it was not convenient to leave a phone at the entrance. She said that she would wait for me at the Piggy Tree Bar that night.

I really couldn't refuse. Besides, I didn't know what was going on. I just knew that He Siyao was really too good-looking. I answered her in a daze, and then, as if doing a shameful thing, walked into the prison through the twisting white steel bars.

Those who had never been to the prison would never be able to experience the bad luck, or rather, the negative energy. Even if it was a male prison, the negative energy was especially strong, let alone a female prison.

It was clearly the middle of summer, but it was so overcast and overcast that it made people feel uncomfortable. The long lamps on the high power grid and the armed police armed with guns all felt an inexplicable sense of fear and depression in their hearts. Inside, it was surrounded by walls, and day after day, it was a narrow world, with a feeling of suffocating people to death, even if I wasn't a prisoner but a teacher, I wouldn't be able to adapt to it even if I walked into it.

It was divided into two areas. The work area was close to the iron gate, which was where the female prisoners worked. The living area was where the female prisoners slept.

The workshop was similar to a factory. Each workshop was a workshop, and each workshop was closed, not allowing any random access. The clean road was empty, and one could occasionally see the silhouette of a female officer or two, as well as no sign of the female criminal.

Aunt Tang had arranged for me to be a secretary to Commissioner Huang behind the scenes. I understood, of course, why Aunt Tang had arranged for me to work with her arch-enemy. I stared at her and thought to myself that if I had the chance, I would destroy him.

I knocked on the door and entered Chief Huang's office. I immediately felt how overpowered the prison director was. The office was a suite, and the door to the lounge was open. Director Huang was lying on a big bed in the inner room, playing Landlord on his cell phone.

Seeing me come in, he glanced at me, indicating to me what should I do. Don't disturb him in his game of Landlord.

Damn it! I thought to myself, I'm going to take advantage of Auntie Tang's power to get rid of you. Then, I'll lie down on the big comfortable bed and play Landlord!

Afterwards, I would not use a male secretary to look for a beautiful female secretary. But later on, I found out that leaders of various levels in the government departments are usually not allowed to look for female secretaries, and female leaders are not allowed to look for male secretaries.

Actually, as soon as I entered the office, I was completely stupefied. I didn't know what to do.

Just as I was at a loss for words, a young man a few years older than me walked in. He was clearly the assistant to Chief Huang, his name was Zhang Jinglong.

Zhang Jinglong was tall and thin, with a sinister look in his eyes. He gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes before telling me what to do. Every morning, he would go to the office and bring out two female prisoners to clean up.

Life depends on perception. When I look at Director Huang who is lying in an inner room playing Landlord and think about bringing up two female prisoners, I immediately think of Duo Fei.

There was no need for Zhang Jinglong to teach me. I knew that I should mention two young and beautiful female convicts. If I mentioned two women who worked well, I would probably be able to make Chief Huang weak.

I knew that Zhang Jinglong was one of Chief Huang's trusted aides, so I had to be careful around him. Zhang Jinglong only told me who he was relying on and didn't accompany him.

I did as Zhang Jinglong said, and went straight to the living area to talk about female prisoners. Looking around the office, there were probably dozens of prison guards, and they were all girls. There were a few that were young and pretty, but it was really quite interesting to see so many women in uniform together.

As soon as I walked in, those female prison guards were immediately stunned. After a while, they started chattering and started whispering to each other. All of them looked at me, making me feel uneasy.

I blushed as I saw a valiant male prison guard walk out from the inner room. He was a little short, only 1.68 meters tall, and he was so handsome that my eyes lit up. After all, they were of the same sex.

The surrounding female prison guards suddenly burst into laughter, making the handsome guy laugh so hard that his eyes became wide open. He shouted at me, "I'm talking about your sister, who are you calling brother?!"

F * ck, so she's a fake brat. Although her voice is a bit rough, she can tell that she's a woman. Coupled with her actions and expressions, she's definitely a fake brat.

The fake brat's name is Huang Qiushuang, I don't know what he's up to but he treated Huang Qiushuang as a handsome guy with just a glance, but if you look at him carefully, you would see that he was really a valiant and valiant female police officer with shoulder-length hair. His almond-short hair made him have an almond-shaped eyes, a straight nose, full lips, and he wore a faint pink lipstick.

After Huang Qiusheng finished shouting, he carefully sized me up and seemed to be uncertain of what was going on. His eyes widened in surprise as he said, "You, are you really a man?!"

My skin is a little white, and I look quite handsome, but I should not be able to recognize that I am a man!

Huang Qiusheng said uncertainly that I was indeed a bit like a girl. I felt that she was teasing me, so she blushed and said, "Yes, I'm a man."

Huang Qiushuang slammed the table and shouted, "Damn! It's really a man! Look, he's blushing!"

All of the female prison guards burst out laughing. They had lived so long, yet they had never been toyed with like this by a woman before. Today, they were actually toyed with by a fake brat.

When Huang Qiusheng saw that I was so embarrassed that I looked like a shy virgin, she gave me a way out and said, "Sis, I'll take you to get someone."

I quickly called out to Big Sis, and under the gazes and laughter of the female prison guards, I followed behind Huang Qiusheng's ass drum towards the prison.

Looking at Huang Qiu Shuang twisting her perfectly round ass drum, I thought to myself, "If I were to see the ass drum first, I wouldn't have mistaken her gender. Huang Qiu Shuang's breasts are indeed a little flat, and her body is still flat, so the ass can tell that she's a girl."

I thought to myself that her flesh was white and tender and smooth, and the feeling of her hands must be pretty good. My nose smelled all the fragrance of her hair, and I didn't know why, but I felt a little weird about Huang Qiusheng. Huang Qiusheng was too much like a fake brat, so I felt that my thoughts were similar to those of a real man, but in this regard, I was not the least bit gay.

Hearing her colleagues call her Captain Huang, she should be a proper student, around the same age as me, but it's not easy to become captain. What's even weirder is that she's as arrogant as a little peacock.

It suddenly occurred to me that the Prison Warden's surname was Huang and Huang Qiusheng was also surnamed Huang, they couldn't be the daughter of the Prison Warden, right?!

Then, as Huang Qiusheng was talking to the female prison guard, someone asked her father, "Holy sh * t, is Huang Qiusheng really really the daughter of Director Huang?"

Besides the warden, the Deputy Warden and the Commissioner of Prisons had a lot of authority in the prison. Besides, Commissioner Huang had a strong backing and was very domineering in the prison. Everyone knew that he was the Warden's successor, which was why Huang Qiusheng was so arrogant!

Walking into the corridor of the cell, I finally saw a woman in a white stripe with blue stripes. It was my first time coming into contact with a prisoner at such a close distance. As a female prisoner, I really didn't know how far I would go if I were outside and saw someone coming out of a prison.

There was a female criminal wearing a yellow armband standing guard at the entrance of the prison. When I saw Huang Qiushuang, I immediately greeted her with a well-trained upright posture. I suddenly thought of He Siyao, whom I had met at the entrance of the prison and told me to arrange a good job for her sister.

If he could get Aunt Tang's approval, not only would he be able to get into bed with He Siyao, he would also get ten thousand yuan. F * ck, so there really is such a great thing in the world!

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